

Alright, time to go to the new section. No time to waste, the faster I learn things, the faster I'll be able to go closer to my final goal. Just as I walked into the hallway, I saw Wong carrying Jin to the medic wing. He glanced at me. "What?"

"I thought these weird rings suppressed my powers?" I asked showing the ancient rings in my fingers. "How did I just punch the guy until he passed out?" I mean, I smashed his face pretty badly back there, and man, it felt good to see his arrogant expression turned to pain. Serves him right. Every once in a while, I should humble people like him a little bit, that way, their ego can become less inflated, so to speak.

"That's what I thought. I'll have a talk with Master Yao. Maybe she knows what's wrong. But I'm pretty sure it's your immunity ability. Anyway, gotta take this poor sod to the healers now," And he walked away with Jin on his back. I mean, why the fuck is he walking when he can just open a portal and go there faster? Haaa... God knows what he's thinking.

Anyway, I made my way to the library. Time to read like a nerd once again. I might find something useful that can increase my survivability. I mean, I do know martial arts and street fights, but I have yet to grasp their skills fully. These guys, these higher-level students, and the guards and their moves are just beyond me.

The next two weeks, I fought four or five more people, and each time, they ended up hospitalized or, in a worse condition than before. Each one of those idiots got a bit more confidence and attacked me straight out. And just like that, my ego began to rise once again. I can feel it. I'm overestimating my opponents every time. But can you blame me? They are attacking me for their pride or superiority and such, but they end up losing horribly and are unable to get over their losses.

The Ancient One checked on those rings and according to her, the rings are working just fine. They were really suppressing my spidey power, but my immunity power remains active all the time. So, Wong was right. My power is interfering with the protection spell.

That's good to know. I'm kinda magic proof too. I wonder what else I'm immune to. I've a plan to do something stupid with Wanda to test out my immunity power, but that'll have to wait for a bit.

Apart from sparring, I read more or less all the books in the second section of the library. I self-learned some interesting spells and man they are kinda powerful. Just like this spell to summon a barrage of flaming meteors over a small radius. I can summon three meteors with my power and they are small, but the damage is good enough to take down mid-level villains. Then, Wong taught me the spell to change my clothes. It's fun. You see, I can transform any outfit of mine into other outfits just by concentrating hard and doing a simple hand gesture.

Then, the spell to summon magic chains. Wong says it comes in handy in almost every situation. I can use it for attack, and defense, and even restrain my opponent with it. Then, there's this barrier spell which comes in handy to reflect any kind of attack. And there was this one interesting spell that created enormous shock waves in the air.

I wanted to learn even more, but... 'Don't be impatient,' said Wong.

Well, I'll grind these new spells and the couple of prank spells that I've learned on my own and master them. If you are wondering what are prank spells, well... they are, how do I say, they have various effects like making the butt hairy like a freaking squirrel's tail, making one feel that they are on fire without any real damage, changing someone's smell, and stuff. They considered such silly spells as useless as dirt and never even bothered to learn them. But man, they have no idea just how dangerous these prank spells are if used correctly. I mean, just imagine what would happen if you made your enemy smelly or turned him into a hairy bear or made their toes and nails hurt like hell, or even made their food taste like raw shit. Or changing their clothes inside out in public. The possibilities are limitless.

However, I've noticed one thing. There's been a rumor going on in Kamar Taj about my fast progression rate. I mean, yeah, I did kinda blast through all the tests with ease and I've surpassed most of the trainees when it comes to spell casting. Heck, I can even use my Astral Projection without anyone's guidance. So, it's kinda understandable. But from the whispers that I've heard, they are saying that the Ancient One is prepping me for the next Sorcerer Supreme and that I'm some kind of humanoid alien that she rescued from another dimension and whatnot.

Haaa... Now, in the third week, no one wants to spar with me.

"So, what are you doing, Mr. Humanoid Alien?" Wanda poked fun as she saw me yawning in the garden after taking a break from solo training. She held a bottle of soda before me.

"Ha... Ha... Very funny," I took it without looking at her, took a long slurp, and burped loudly. "Why, thank you very much, and just for the record, I'm really an alien and I'm gonna..." I pressed the bottle's mouth with my thumb and created pressure within the bottle by stirring the soda with magic, "...attack you first." I pointed the bottle at her face, removed my finger from the mouth of the bottle, and sprayed the soda in her face.

"Hey!" Wanda squealed.

"Payback! You think I don't know who started that Humanoid Alien rumor? Just because I ate your fried chicken you did this to me? Now, take my soda attack," I said smilingly as I shot another round of soda and splashed her clothes, followed by the second batch.

"Wh... Wh... How dare you?! I was saving that bucket for a late-night snack and you ate it all. Sixteen pieces... There were sixteen pieces in that bucket... Six. Teen. You ate everything you, pig! Pig! Pig! Pig! Pig!" she pointed her finger at me and summoned two hand-shaped Astral Phantasms made of chaos magic and aimed them at me and shot two deadly beam attacks straight at my ass, but I opened a portal and sent her beams into the sky.

[Booom!] [Bang!] The two destructive magic blasts shot up to the sky and exploded harmlessly over the clouds.

"Hey! That was deadly. Are you trying to kill me? Besides, there was no name written on that chicken bucket. And you expect me to know where these nice juicy fried chickens came from?" I made the hand signs and summoned magic chains then threw them at Wanda with great speed and force but then they reached a barrier made out of crimson magic and disintegrated.

"Settle down, the two of you! You're disturbing the serenity of nature!" yelled Wong with a high authority from his usual reading chair and sipped his green tea.

"You set us both against each other like a rat, didn't you?" accused Wanda furiously at the Wong. "I read your mind. You paid Peter with six different flavors of Mt Dew, for six pieces of chicken. You think I wouldn't figure it out?! Apologize. Right. NOW!" she summoned a full-on flame saber and prepared to attack the ever-living shit out of me and Wong, her rage blinded her reason. "No better, go and buy me a new jumbo bucket. Or..." She quickly calmed down, "I'll just tell Master Yao, that you sneaked outside when you were on the guard duty that night. I'm sure she won't say anything to you, Mister Wong." She gave him a wicked grin.

[Zing!] [Zing!] It took merely ten seconds.

Wong opened a portal, went to a restaurant, and brought a jumbo bucket for Wanda.

"What were you saying?" Wong asked coolly with a blank face.

"What? Did I say something?" Wanda took the bucket and cooly walked out of the garden after giving me a small 'Good job' smile. I returned her smile awkwardly.

Haaa... It's fun to let loose and act like kids every once in a while...



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Next, Ch: 113: Magic & Chi

Ch: 114: New threats rising

Ch: 115: Repaying Sue

Ch: 116: Peter's girls

Ch: 117: The truth- No more lies


Next chapter