

[3rd person POV]

[Fifteen minutes of interrogation...]

After a very gruesome scene with Spiderman cutting off some body parts, every time Goblin answered with lies or no answers at all, Norman's consciousness appeared again. The damage was severe, but thanks to the regenerative capabilities of the Goblin, his wounds closed slowly. The pain of Spiderman's venom that he pushed into Goblin's body was too much for even the insane lunatic to endure.

"Haah..." Norman coughed out black thick blood.

'Damn! I knew that he kept captives for experiments, but to think there was someone who suffered even worse than the others... Extracting mutant factor, blood, and bone marrow while alive without anesthesia. How sadistic and crazy is this man?' Frank turned around to leave, "Do what you think is best," he muttered and left the scene.

Spiderman turned his attention to Norman who was lying in a pool of blood and flesh. He was missing his arms, legs, and ears. The rest of the body was covered with fresh scarred injuries that had not fully healed.

"Ah! Looks like Mr. Osborn is back again. So, I'll ask you this time. What have you done with his body?"

"No... More... please..." Norman pleaded. "Leave me alone."

"Oh, no more tears, Mr. Osborn," Spiderman smiled as he cracked two of Norman's right ribs with his bare hand.

"Gaaaa!!" His screams echoed. "I've dissolved his remaining parts... Cough! Cough!" He coughed up blood as the burning sensation on his body tormented him again along with the new pain.

"And what did you do with that liquid?" Spiderman asked Norman about the remnants of the dissolution process.

"Dispose... along with the rest of the other experiments' waste products," He grunted, "I used the marrow and blood to make the serum, luckily they were able to extract a part of his mutation. but failed to extract the mutation he awakened just a second before his death."

'What? I awakened a new mutation before my death?! Wait! My reincarnation... Could it be that it's the effect of my mutation? Damn it! I need to find out more about what I can do. But no matter what I tried or how hard I tried, I didn't even figure out my other spidey abilities... Haaa... Need to train even more...'

"Well, time's up, Mr. Osborn. Hope that was the last truth."

"It was... No...! No... don't kill... Please..." Norman begged again with teary eyes. "My son. I've to cure my son. I can't die..."

"Oh, you are worried about your son? What about Alex and the others whom you killed for your own gain? They were someone's son, daughter, brother, father, mother, or guardian! And yet you just treated their lives like disposable trash," Spiderman jammed his stinger into Norman's stomach and pushed in more toxin. "Your son's life is life and theirs isn't? Fuck off!"

"AHH!! Please..." Norman pleaded one last time as he looked Spiderman in the eye, "Have mercy."

"Mercy...? Hahahahaha!" Spiderman began to laugh loudly like a madman, "Ahh... Norman, that sounds familiar. Have mercy, please let me go, if I survive I'll kill you, how long are you guys going to inject toxins in my body? Where's my dad? Did he sell me to you, lunatics? So, you are going to use nuclear waste and radiation on me this time? Tell me, Norman, do those words ring a bell?"

Norman's eyes widened as memories of that day came rushing into his mind. Alex's agony and final breath flashed in his brain, "No, I was desperate. Please don't... NO! Please let me live... I beg of you. If I live, I'll change and repent..." His voice drifted away as Spiderman pulled up his mask a bit to reveal his mouth. He gave Norman a familiar grin and showed him the middle finger. "No... No... YOU! HOW? WAIT! THE SECOND MUTATION!"

[Slash!] [Splat!] Spiderman sliced off Norman's head like an ordinary piece of bread with his stingers.

The severed head rolled on the ground as Spiderman stomped it under his feet crushing it like a watermelon, splattering the fresh blood, brains, and bits of shattered bones everywhere.

"Oopsie... Didn't mean to splatter his brain everywhere. Oh, well, another scum down..."

[Beep!] [Beep!] "Huh?!" Spiderman's senses tingled as a beeping sound came from Norman's body. This tingle was nothing like he ever felt, it was...

[Booom!] The entire warehouse exploded into flames...


Frank jumped onto the ground unable to withstand the shockwave generated by the explosion as the whole warehouse burst open, sending out flaming debris everywhere. The searing flames from the blast rushed past him burning his clothes, but luckily he only sustained a few mild burns.

He lay there on the scorched ground for a few minutes...

Pinggggg! Frank grabbed his ears and shook his head to regain his orientation. "Shit!" He cursed. His ears were ringing. Two stones have penetrated his right arm and thighs causing small burns and a gash of blood. It hurt, but his eyes were on the burning warehouse where Spiderman was torturing Green Goblin.

'That kid... No!' He pushed past his pain and dialed 911. He staggered forward while talking, "Y...Yes. Send... An ambulance to... this location... Someone's trapped... under the burning warehouse! Also... Fire-fighting unit." After calling 911, he tried to call Spiderman. He hoped that somehow, through some luck, Spiderman trapped under the burning warehouse may still be alive or he might have escaped before the blast.

But his phone was unreachable...

Spiderman was someone he respected and would gladly give his life to protect him. He was the first and only person who understood Frank and his pain. He was the only one Frank shared his past with, his crimes, his sorrows, and the guilt that he felt while carrying a cross he didn't ask for on his back. Spiderman was the only person he thought of as a friend. He was just a teenager and yet...

'I should have stopped him. If I hadn't left...' Frank staggered on his car's hood trying to support his own weight. He looked at his bloodied hands, "I'm sorry, boy." He mumbled to himself as he watched the flaming building. His hand squeezed the wooden cross hanging around his neck. He knew that no one could have survived a blast like that...

He could do nothing else. Spiderman died, and he's the sole culprit to have let him walk down the same path he once walked.

However, at this point, there's nothing he can do and he can't let the cops capture him again. So, pushing his wounded body, Frank pulled himself into the driver's seat and started the car. As he was about to drive out, a torn piece of Spiderman's suit landed on the car's front glass.

"Humff!" He grunted as he got out of the car and took the piece. He placed it on the ground and placed a stone over it. Then went back to his car and drove past the emergency vehicles driving towards the disaster zone...

As a drop of sweat formed on his forehead and rolled past his lips, leaving a salty trail behind. Frank glanced over his side mirror looking at the reflection of his face for a second and bit the edge of his lips so hard that blood began flowing. He hit the pedal and drove like a lunatic across the road.

[Back at the site]

[Peter's first person POV]

I slowly opened my eyes feeling extremely lightheaded...

Everything around me was on fire, and the surroundings were extremely hot, burning with extreme heat, similar to the taste of a sunburn. Sunburn? What the fuck am I even talking about? I was too fucking careless.

Hahaha... Damn, it hurts to laugh, let alone breathe. Guess this is it then?

Fuck it! If you think I'll die like this under some burning shit again, then I'm sorry to burst your bubble. I'll crawl out of this fucking shit if I have to like a fucking bug. I just drank the serum... My regeneration will kick in... Just need to... Humfff!! My fingers dug into the scorching ground as I pulled myself...

Slowly, very slowly, I kept crawling...

Don't know where I'm going, but... "Keep crawling, Parker... You are fucking immortal... Yeah, almost immortal..." A deep tired grin spread on my face with each step I take, or in this case... crawls...

One more step and... I got to crawl again, and again, and again...

Damn! Crawling sucks. My back burns just as bad as when I was flying in midair like a burning moth... The stench of my burning flesh...

My eyes fell on my arms. It was pitch black. I can't see the bones, but there was something weird about it. Something scaly! Well, who cares at this point? Need to get out of here...

Water! I can see a water canal. Good.

I don't know if I can use my web at this point, but here it goes. I aimed my right arm at the tree before me. I just need to somehow swing down... My arms burned as if it's melting, my shoulder joint popped and twisted and my broken rib grinds against the muscles that it ripped apart. My index finger trembled as a line of web shot out of my wrist and attached itself to the bark of the tree. "HUMFF!!" Grunting and pulling my entire body, I closed in on the tree and detached myself from the ground...

I let the web line go as I fell into the canal, hitting the surface of the water with a splash. Then everything turned black...


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Next, Ch: 106: Exo-Skeleton Armor [End of Vol-2]

[Vol-3] Ch: 107: Uncertain Future- Savior or Destroyer

Ch: 108: Astral Plane

Ch: 109: Peter & Wanda


AN: Don't forget Norman also took a dosage of serum, maybe more. And he also had access to Conor's experiments. So, is he dead? Who knows? This vol was to help Peter see his way of arrogant nature and overconfident behavior. Do you even remember the last time he trained?

Next chapter