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We didn't talk much as we made our way toward the nearby restaurant near the beach. Once we reached the place, she pulled me toward a table for two located near the glass window overlooking the sea view outside.

Michelle removed her shoes and rested her feet on the empty seat across mine before picking up the menu card placed on top of the table.

"What's up with these prices?" She asked while raising her brows skeptically as she read the items listed on the menu.

I took a peek at the menu card in her hand, "Well, hope the food tastes as good as its price. Order away anything you want. No holding back or else I might get angry. Yeah?" I joked light-heartedly, making Michelle chuckle amusingly.

She nodded in agreement, "Okay! Sure!"

Soon a waitress arrived at our table and took our orders. Michelle ordered a lobster platter. You know those giant lobster dishes served on TV shows? Yeah, that one! Meanwhile, I ordered a big king crab, the biggest one on the menu to be exact! While waiting for our orders to arrive Michelle and I talked about random stuff.

"So, what's your future plan? Any specific field you wanna pursue?" I asked curiously. Michelle shrugged nonchalantly, "You wanna continue college or do something different? Like, start your own business or something?" I pressed further.

"Well... To be honest, I want to get some certificates and get a stable job with a sufficient paycheck. Maybe a nine-to-five office desk job," Michelle answered truthfully while fiddling with the napkin on the table.

"Nine to five office desk job? Seriously? Is that what you truly want?" I asked incredulously while raising my brows questioningly.

Michelle nodded hesitantly, "Hey, as long as the pay is good, anything goes... Not anything like that anything goes kind of anything, but you get what I meant."

"Yeah... But don't you wanna follow your passion? Or at least try something new for once?" I asked curiously while tilting my head sideways.

"Yeah, but as you know, beggars can't choose. Right? Money matters dude! Besides, I want to have financial stability before doing something else," She explained earnestly while twirling a strand of hair using her index finger.

I leaned forward while resting my elbows on the table, "What if I offer you a job? No need to drop out. Just a part-time job after college and the pay is good." I proposed with a hopeful expression.

Michelle's eyes widened comically as she listened attentively to my proposition, "Wait! What?" She asked unbelievably.

I took a deep breath before continuing, "Well, I need some help with my work. And as things stand right now, I need a couple of hands on the deck. So, what do you say? Interested?"

"Are you serious right now? Peter Parker, please don't fool me! I swear to god! If this is one of your silly pranks, I won't hesitate to smack you hard across your stupid face!" Michelle threatened me angrily while pointing her index finger threateningly at me.

"Nope, no prank here whatsoever. I am being hundred percent serious about this. Michelle Jones, I am offering you a job opportunity. And yes, it comes with a good salary. So, what do you think?" I assured her earnestly while leaning backward.

"Job description and pay," She demanded bluntly while crossing her arms across her chest.

"Job description, assisting me in running my research and recording things accordingly. Starting payment, 5k per month. Bonus, depends on performance. Benefits, free food, drinks, and transportation fee," I explained seriously with a neutral expression on my face.

Michelle gaped at me unbelievably before stuttering, "Fiv- Five thousand dollars per month? Free food, drinks, transportation fee? For a part-time job?" She asked incredulously with wide eyes.

"Yeah, pretty much sums everything up. So, interested?" I confirmed confidently.

Michelle remained silent for a whole minute before speaking up, "Peter Parker, are you perhaps running some illegal experiments or something that line? Because no one offers such high payments for a part-time job."

I chuckled and shook my head, "No illegal experiments whatsoever. Don't worry! It's legit stuff. You'll see for yourself once you join me. I'm also planning on roping in Ned, and Gwen too. So, what do you say? Wanna join me too?" I extended my hand across the table and offered her a handshake, "Deal?"

Michelle stared at my hand for a brief moment before accepting it firmly, "Deal!"

Our conversation paused momentarily when our orders arrived at the table. Lobster and crab dishes were placed on the table along with our drinks, obviously non-alcoholic. Michelle wasted no time and immediately started eating her lobster dish eagerly while I focused on devouring my crab dish.

We ate our meal in silence while stealing glances at each other occasionally.

"Here," I offered her claw meat from my plate. Michelle accepted it happily and put it inside her mouth, chewing it slowly with a satisfied look on her face.

"Damn, it's good," She exclaimed delightfully while licking her lips seductively. Michelle fed me a piece of lobster meat too. It tasted sweet yet tender enough to chew. Overall, delicious! I gotta say!

Once we finished our meals we decided to take another walk along the shoreline for a bit.

Michelle held my hand firmly while we strolled lazily near the shore with waves crashing against our feet. There were fewer people around compared to the morning. So, we had the entire beach basically to ourselves.

"So, how was our second date, Miss Jones?" I asked curiously while glancing sideways at her beautiful face.

"It's awesome! Never thought we would have so much fun together," Michelle admitted happily with a bright smile gracing her lips.

I chuckled and nodded in agreement, "Yeah, totally agree! Who would've thought right?" Michelle bumped her shoulder against mine playfully before giggling cutely.

"By the way, Parker! Thanks for today! I really enjoyed it. Honestly, I never imagined that I would ever enjoy going on a beach date plus Scuba diving," She confessed gratefully while gazing deeply into my eyes lovingly.

I squeezed her hand gently before replying sincerely, "No problem! Glad you loved it." Michelle stopped abruptly and hugged me tightly all of a sudden.

Her scent invaded my nostrils instantly as I wrapped my arms around her waist protectively. She feels so soft and small against my embrace. Michelle nuzzled her face against my chest and inhaled deeply before exhaling shakily, "Peter, thank you for bringing me here! Thank you for everything! But, don't let it get to your head. I'm not that easy! Okay? Got it, Parker?" She mumbled softly against my shirt.

"Of course! Wouldn't dare to imagine otherwise," I laughed heartily while tightening my hold on her waist.

As we made our way to the parking lot, Michelle suddenly halted her steps. Her eyes were on a middle-aged man, who was smoking in his car, looking at us. 

"Someone familiar?" I asked worriedly while following her gaze towards the unknown man inside the car. Michelle shook her head slightly before dragging me towards my car.



After dropping her safely back home, I was about to drive back home, but for some reason, that man's face flashed in my mind. I can't remember it clearly, but I'm certain, I saw that guy twice on the beach today. Is he a stalker or a creep? Hmm... Should probably keep an eye out for him just in case something happens.

I quickly went home and changed into my spidey suit, then did a round around Michelle's house, just to make sure everything was fine. Fortunately, there were no weirdos lurking around the area. Phew! That's a relief! Guess, it's just my imagination playing tricks on me! But that doesn't change the fact that Michelle's behavior changed as soon as she saw him. She didn't even talk much in the car. Something weird is going on...

I stayed there for a few more hours before returning home. Maybe I'll ask her over a video call. Yeah! Sounds good! I changed back into normal clothes before heading upstairs. May and MJ went to see a movie today and Gwen was busy with her studies. As for Ned, that guy is a sight for sore eyes! I'll call him tomorrow. 

I took out my phone and dialed Michelle's number as I lay on my back. But she didn't answer my call. Instead, I received a text message saying 'Sorry! Can't talk right now! Sleeping early tonight! Goodnight Peter!'

Huh? She's sleeping already? Humm... I don't know why, but I feel kinda uneasy. After today's date, I doubt that she'd just sleep without talking to me for a while first. I put on my shirt and jeans and went out. I took the bike and drove straight towards her place. I parked my bike before her house and saw that car parked there inside her house's gate. 

Let's find out, what's going on...

I pressed the doorbell. It's only 7 PM, so I doubt she's sleeping. I'm gonna find out what's up with her.

I waited for a few minutes, but no one opened the door. I rang again. Same result. Then suddenly, the door opened and a middle-aged woman peeked out. She looked surprised seeing me standing outside.

"Uhh... Hi! Michelle's mom, right?" I asked hesitantly.

The lady nodded before asking curiously, "Yes! Do you know Michelle? Are you one of her classmates?"

"Yeah! I'm Peter. Is Michelle awake? Can I meet her for a while?" I requested politely while scratching the back of my neck nervously.

Michelle's mother frowned before shaking her head apologetically, "No! Sh-She's sleeping right now. Sorry! You should go home." She was about to close the door, but I put my foot between the gap.

"Is everything alright? Please! I need to talk with her for a while." I insisted desperately. Her expression... She looks scared... She's hiding something.

Michelle's mother whispered, "Please. Go. Not now." My eyes went toward her right arm which was visible through the gap. There are bruise marks on it!

I pushed the door open forcefully and entered inside without permission. Michelle's mother gasped loudly before yelling, "No! Please leave! Now!"

"Who the fuck is screaming again?" An angry voice of a man came from inside. 

I walked in and saw Michelle as she was about to go upstairs. 

Bruses on her arms and face!!!




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⭐Read 18 advance Chapters⭐ + [HP: Necromancer's Legacy: 14 Chapters]

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Next, Ch: 100: Mark of Kaine

Ch: 101: Complicated situation

Ch: 102: An offer you can't refuse

Ch: 103: Goblin's hideout


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