

Target: 794/1500 ps [Dang! Not even a 1000 ps😔]

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Spiderman opened the vent and began to move forward. He could see outside through the metal grills on the wall as he continued to crawl forward. The corridors were long and winding and, cameras were everywhere, along with the automated turrets. The guards were all armed and were guarding the place unaware of the intruder crawling through the vent in their midst. Eventually, he reached the main security room and glanced down.

'Now, that's some cutting-edge technology!' The moment Spiderman glanced down from the ventilation shaft into the security control room below, his jaw dropped. There was a lot to take in and the place was jam-packed with advanced equipment and the room was freaking huge. There were more than a dozen workers dressed in military uniforms sitting in front of various computer screens, typing information while talking through the microphone. There were more than a dozen monitoring screens all displaying live feeds of the different security cameras around the base. Besides that, he could see a large metal door at the back, heavily guarded by four men with automatic machine guns. 'Server room!'

The good part was that other than those four men, none of the twenty-four people in the room seemed to have any weapons. Plus, there were no turrets or cameras within that room.

'Guess, they are just surveillance types who look after the monitors. They are no threat.' He carefully opened the other end of the vent and crawled out, sticking to the ceiling. He slowly moved toward the guarded door. His target was the armed men guarding the 'Server Room'. After reaching over them, he aimed his fingers down at the two guards. Two solid needles shot out of his fingers, piercing through the guards' heads, killing them instantly, followed by two web shots, wrapping up the guards and pulling them up in the ceiling. Spiderman webbed them to the ceiling.

'Ok, guards down,' Spiderman checked their pockets and found a key and a couple of packs of chewing gum. 'Bingo!' He took the key and left the gums in their pockets. Then he slowly webbed down and peeked through the small glass on the door. It was filled with servers, cables, and other devices. Some sort of control system. 'Nice. I'll deal with it later. First thing first...' He webbed up once again and shifted his focus toward the twenty-four surveillance personnel in the room.

'Ok, time to die.'

Spiderman took a deep breath and calmed his mind. He has to take them down without making a big fuss or else the main door will open and the guards outside will rush in, plus, he can't allow them to start the alarm. Once that happens it would be harder for him to complete his goal. He looked up at the two dead guards.

'Ah! Rifles with silencers,' An evil grin formed on his face under that mask. He took the rifles and walked to the middle of the room, obviously on the ceiling, and began to take aim at the targets.

With precise shots, Spiderman started taking the guards down before they could even get up. Not a sound came out of the rifles as the room was filled with pops and thuds of bodies dropping onto the floor and one by one the workers dropped to their deaths as quietly as possible. It took less than ten seconds for the last man to hit the ground. All hit, zero miss.

'Time to get to work,' He quickly dropped down and rushed toward the nearest computer and began to search through the computer files. 'Not here...' He moved on to the next one. After searching through four systems, he finally found the main system. 'Here we go... wait, what the hell is this?' He frowned and read through it.

Weapon manifests, illegal drug transports, kidnapping, mafia lists, a couple of unnamed labs, lists of recruits, info on the strippers and the workers above, illegal trading between rival gangs, lists of targets under surveillance, a list of corrupt officials, and so on... Spiderman scrolled through the files but stopped as a familiar name appeared.


Instantly he clicked on the file.

"Fucking hell! Human trafficking and experiments!" He opened the search option and entered Sarah's name, "Bingo! Fuckers sold her to Oscorp. Shit! Hope she's still alive."

He pulled a USB drive out of his belt and plugged it into the computer. While copying the files, he looked through the security footage. None of them seems to be aware of him for now. He shifted the camera to Kingpin's room. The bald fuck was sitting in his office, smoking a cigar while talking over his phone. Spiderman checked the guards and routes to Kingpin's room. There were at least fifty heavy-armed guards with the most advanced weaponry. To make the situation worse, there were two freaking robots with long guns inside his room.

'All done,' He pulled out the USB. 'Time to check out the server room.'

Spiderman rushed toward the server room. He opened the door with the key and went inside. Then quickly dashed through the room, looking for the backup storage. Once found, he pulled out the SSDs, 'Dang! So sleek and small!' He placed them inside his belt's pouch. Then he walked out of the room and went back to the main computer.

'Well, time to give them a big surprise,' He took control of the automated turrets, cameras, and the whole base's security system. 'Time to die!'

Spiderman grinned madly and activated the turrets. He watched as the hail of bullets and lasers tore through all the armed men throughout the base, the live footage showed death and chaos everywhere as armed men were being shredded and shredded. With a press of a button, every single armed man throughout the base met a swift death.

After ten minutes of nonstop shooting, he overloaded them, causing chain explosions throughout the building.

Spiderman quickly went outside the room. He picked up as many grenades as he could from the dead bodies and webbed them around his stomach. He also took four handguns and webbed them to his legs. "Ah! What do we have here?" He picked up a laser rifle and shot once.

[Zing!] A loud 'zing' of energy shot toward the wall and created a hole in it.

"Nice!" He took four rifles and webbed them on his back. Then took another two and went back inside the security room. He deleted the remaining files clean and then began to shoot and destroy everything inside. Red laser bolts flew into the computers, burning them and frying the delicate circuits, turning the machines into piles of melted rubbish. Then he threw the two rifles and took two grenades, "Boom!" He threw them inside the server room, causing the entire room to explode.

After that, Spiderman walked out through the front door of the security room.


Meanwhile at Kingpin's office...

"What's the situation outside?" Kingpin asked the guard in charge.

"We have evacuated the front. No civilians or VIPs were harmed. But all the guards are dead except for my team," He announced nervously, "I have sealed all the doors and sent the order for the helicopter."

"And the ones who have done this?"

"We are running dark. There's no sign of intruders and we have lost contact with the main hub, so..." The guard quickly shut his mouth before he digs his grave.

"A traitor among us, then," Kingpin stood up and walked behind his desk. "Too bad we have to cut the base down to the roots."

"Sir. Do you think... I mean, could it be Spiderman?" The guard gulped and asked carefully.

"No. It can't be him. He is just a newbie trying to be a hero. He lacks the courage to take such risks or else he wouldn't have dropped her off at the Avenger's base after all that arrogant talk. Go out, and bring the traitor to me, alive," Kingpin ordered while maintaining calm. He was well prepared. 'Whoever you are, be ready for hell!'

[Bang!!] The main door flew open, followed by two dead guards flying toward Kingpin.

"Humff!" Kingpin punched them... [Booom!!!] The bodies exploded on impact, sending Kingpin backward, shredding through his desk, breaking all the objects, and setting his suit on fire. "Nice trick." He tore open his white suit revealing his well-muscled body.

The guards began to shoot at the open door.

"STOP!" Kingpin's powerful voice boomed out stopping their tracks. He knows very well, that whoever was trying to take his head will make a move on him directly and when that happens, he will strangle the person with his own hands, "HE IS MINE!!"


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⭐Read 18 advance Chapters⭐

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Next Ch: 53: Seed of hatred

Ch: 54: Seducing Pheromone

Ch: 55: Gwen [She will get 3 big chs approx 7-8k words. And no more beating around the bushes like MC did with May.]



I was playing Watchdogs 2 back then, so I was like, lets kill them all with hack... GG<> If you have read the Batman x Arc Reactor's latest chs, you will see some similarities, lol.

Xcalibur_Xccreators' thoughts
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