

TARGET: 328/1500 ps

REWARD: 2 extra chs


Over the next few days, I've helped several people around New York, even if it were for just saving them from falling or getting hit by cars. When people realized what I was doing, there was an enormous amount of gratitude as it was clear these small acts were showing their gratitude for me helping their loved ones. But then some saw me as a nuisance.

Anyway, I have been practicing a little too much. If you practice something enough, your body gets used to it and starts working as a natural reaction. There are times when I don't even want to think and instead let it go. Like riding a bicycle, right? Once you get the hang of it, you don't really have to think about it again, it'll happen automatically. All you have to do is focus on your goal, and that's it. My movements have gotten faster, more precise, and better...

I was swinging around Manhattan when someone called out my name. "HEY, SPIDERMAN!!" While some took pictures and captured videos, others cheered for me as if I'm some famous celebrity or a professional superhero. And that baldy Jonah Jameson was spewing nonsense like he always does. "Spiderman is a menace... We can't let someone in a mask fly around the city interrupting police work..."

"Shut up baldy! I am saving people while your cop buddies are not even doing shit," I mumbled. But this is fun. I now know how 'Peter' from the comics and movies felt when he saved someone and when Jameson was spewing bullshit on television. I have grown some love-hate feelings for Jameson. He is entertaining. A bit annoying, but it's fun to see him yell nonstop about Spiderman this and Spiderman that.

I started to notice that some had been following me while I swung around the city as if it was an everyday activity, they didn't miss even one second... So, I started to make my rounds a bit longer, giving everyone a bit of a show. Popularity matters if I were to attract the Avengers, Fantastic Four, or X-Men's attention. After all, if I were to take down Oscorp, and investigate why they had that serum and who else is involved, I will need some serious backup, besides, if I were to ever had a chance to return back to my reality and kill those fuckers responsible for my death then I need to learn magic. But it would be kinda fun, traveling between two realities. Man, there's too much to do. But, I will go one step at a time.

Let's earn a name for myself first. But an empty stomach can be such a mood-breaker... My stomach grumbled a bit loud. It's almost midday and I am sitting on the top of a skyscraper ordering a big pizza. My appetite has also increased over these few days. Must be due to my spidey metabolism. Well, who cares... Food is the priority at the moment.

The pizza man should arrive in a few minutes, but it will take some time for the delivery boy to reach here. So, let's do some shooting practice. I gathered a few empty cans and lined them up on the roof. And started to shoot webs at them from a few meters away. It seems my web-shooting skills are improving steadily. Before, I had to think about each time I'd shoot out a web. Now, it's all automatic. I can do it with my eyes closed. Ok, after shooting them, I lined them up once again. This time, I want to see if I can hit multiple targets with the web that comes out of my fingertips...

Ok! Here we go.

Thwip!!! Thwip!! Thwip!!!! Thwip!!! Thwip!!! Thwip!!! Thwip!!!!

Bullseye! Every single can fell on the ground. And two web shots have pierced two cans. Sharp, strong, and fast. It's like freaking three cm needles piercing metal cans. Amazing!

I practiced some more until the Pizza arrived.

I webbed down on the streets.

"Wow! Spiderman!!" The delivery boy exclaimed excitedly. "Can I... Can I shake your hand?" He stuttered.

"Sure," I shook hands with him.

"Thank you very much!! I'm a big fan by the way. I..." He was stuttering while holding the pizza bag as he reached his pocket to take out his phone, "Can I take a selfie with you?" He pleaded.

"Of course..." I stood beside him, held the pizza bag, and gave a peace sign while he clicked the picture.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!!" He thanked me once again and was about to go.

"Hey, man, take the payment for the pizza," I handed him the money.

"No... No... You helped me a lot. It's on the house. I got my selfie with you, that's enough..." He refused.

"Take it or no selfie next time," I threatened jokingly.

"OKAY... Thank you very much. Hope to meet you again Spiderman!! Keep doing what you are doing..." He left happily.

"Me too kid..." I smiled beneath the mask and webbed up to the rooftop and started eating pizzas like crazy. I am starving.

While enjoying the pizza, I looked around the city and observed the people below. People are going about their daily lives... Some are working in offices, some are probably students attending colleges, and many are roaming around doing God knows what. Everyone has their own problems, their own goals... Some might be suffering from family issues, financial problems, health issues, and many other things... And some have none. They enjoy life to the fullest. Some are happy while others are sad. Everyone has their ups and downs... Some are struggling hard to achieve their goals while others are born rich and successful... It's all about luck and hard work.

Haaa... I wonder what would have happened if I hadn't jacked this body after blacking out, probably dying in my previous life. I have a general idea of how he would have lived a life trying to live up to everyone's expectations by sacrificing his own happiness. Haaa... Sometimes I wonder... Can it be that we exchanged bodies? Peter went into mine while I went into this body? Hahaha... That sounds like some movie or anime plot... But here I am in the world of comics... Anything is possible, isn't it?

I finished the pizza and stood up, stretching my arms. Well, time to try one more trick before one last swing around the city. I remember how Spiderman used to shoot himself using the web pull to travel long distances. Let's try that. I shot two web strands on the ledge and began to pull back. The elasticity of the web is incredible. Once pulled back enough, I released both webs and flew in the air. "Wow!! WHOOOO!" It worked perfectly. I flew like a freaking rocket through the air for a few seconds before shooting another web on a building to change directions.

"Faster!" I accelerated myself swinging faster. I want to see how fast I can swing around New York...

I started swinging around the city and soon noticed that people below were taking videos and clicking pictures. Some waved their hands while cheering for me.

"Even faster and higher!!" I accelerated even more. And started to swing above the buildings rather than sticking onto them. Wow! I have no idea how fast I am swinging, but this is too fast. Even flying birds are avoiding me. "WOAAAA!! THIS IS FUN!!!" I yelled in excitement. I was moving so fast that people below could barely capture me in pictures and videos.

Then suddenly, I heard a noise down on the street. A truck driver lost control of his truck and was about to crash into pedestrians walking on the road. Oh, shit!!

I shot a web on a building and changed directions towards the truck. My senses were on high alert as I let the web go and dive down toward the street. I can hear the sound of wind blowing past me.

Four civilians! Ten seconds!

I shot a barrage of webs on the truck and grabbed it with my right hand while I webbed on the bridge with my left hand, "Humfff!" I pulled that massive truck in the air, just a flicker second before it could run over the pedestrians. The truck swung hard, due to the speed... Fuck! Humfff! I held it on and pulled it. Finally, it stopped.

Phew!! Saved them!

"SPIDERMAN!! THANK YOU!!" They shouted loudly.

"Haaaa!" Pulling the truck up I joined the web strands together and shot a couple of more web strands while swinging around it and wrapped it up to prevent it from falling down. Then I crawled over to the door and pulled it open with a hard yank. The driver was unconscious. He was barely breathing. Is he having a heart attack or something? He didn't even collide with anything. Whatever...

I pulled him out and threw him over my shoulder. Damn, he is too fat. Time to get him to the nearest hospital.

I jumped down the bridge and landed on the street and started to swing carrying him on my shoulders. The central hospital is close. I will reach faster this way instead of waiting for an ambulance.

I swung through the city while carrying that fat truck driver. In less than a minute, I reached the hospital and landed down.

"Spiderman!!" The security guard noticed me.

"Hey, he's barely breathing. Get a stretcher or something," I ordered.

"Ye..Yes!!" He ran inside the hospital calling for help. The nurses rushed outside with a stretcher. I dropped the truck driver on it.

"I leave him to you, see ya," I webbed away leaving the hospital behind.

That was tiring. Carrying that fat truck driver slowed me down quite a lot. But it felt good saving people... It's refreshing and satisfying. Well, I am done for the day. Time to go back. Oh, almost forgot, May told me to bring some groceries, time to swing by the supermarket.


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Ch: 34: Flash

Ch: 35: Sweet revenge


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