

[Sirius Black POV]

I was, as usual, trying to appease my grandfather by doing some of his work.

After my little scuffle with Heir Peverell, the old man had become distant with me. Initially, he had been very supportive, taking care and all, but I messed up everything, as I usually do.

That was also one of the reasons I let Alice take Harry to her home. I know she is a better guardian for Harry compared to me, as she cares for him equally. Bastard Frank got up and enrolled in an Auror training course. Pathetic, if you ask me.

The poor Neville boy finally had his family back, and his idealistic father decides to go out and become an Auror again. I pity the boy. At least Alice is not like that guy who has a justice wand up his ass. My grandfather would've liked me a lot if I behaved like that guy.

As I was sitting on the chair in my room, Lord Black had banned me from going anywhere near his office. I remembered today's date, Halloween. The day which turned my life upside down, which took away my family, my best friends. I hated this day from my core.

As I reviewed the rents from the Diagon Alley shops, I saw the figure of Ron Weasley, best friend of my godson, with a brown-haired girl on the magic mirror I had given Harry.

"SIRIUS!" Something happened to Harry as this could be the only reason I could think for his absence here.

"What happened to him, Ron?" My blood pressure was rising; I could feel sweat on my forehead. No, I have to keep myself together this time. Everything is going to be fine. I'll protect him this time.

Ron, realizing that there was very little time to explain, and catching up to my statement, replied, "An unknown house elf took him away. He had made us unconscious. We checked the time; it has been almost 40 minutes."

Unknown house elf? But Hogwarts had wards placed to counter them. Dumbledore must know where the elf had apparated, as they leave magic signatures from which apparition could be traced.

"You go and find Dumbledore. I am coming to Professor McGonagall's office."

Before they could say anything, I put the mirror on top of the table and ran towards the Floo Fireplace, my heart pounding with nervousness and anxiousness.

[POV end]

[Ron Weasley POV]

"Bu-" Before Hermione and I could say anything, he had already put the mirror down. We had already searched for Headmaster Dumbledore; he wasn't in his office or the Great Hall, and nobody knows where he went. Professor McGonagall was absent too, and we both collectively didn't have the balls to ask Snape about the Headmaster's whereabouts.

I had seen Harry talk to Sirius on a magic mirror, so I ran to find that mirror since he's Harry's guardian. After searching his bag, I found it.

"I guess we'll have to wait," I said to the worried girl.

"But we can't! What if he's in danger?" So what can we even do? But I don't say anything to her as she's worried for our friend. Sigh, it's so hard to get along with her without Harry being present.

As we both sat in Gryffindor's common room, I saw Neville coming out of the boys' dormitory. Seeing us, he smiled and came near us.

"Hey guys, how was the ghost party? Ron, help me out to bring you guys food. It was hard for me to convince Seamus to bring that with us." I didn't stand up; I wanted to eat, but she is gonna kill me if I take Neville's offer. For confirmation, I looked in her direction discreetly to see her frown.

"Sorry, Nev, not hungry right now. The party was good too." He looked at me with an amazed and worried face.

"Are you alright, Ron?" Now I was nervous. Did he realize Harry's missing?

"I'm fine, just tired." Now he got more serious. He looked towards Hermione to see her eyes red from crying.

"Where's Harry? He's not with you guys," he asked, looking a little worried. Hermione put her head on her hands as she tried to hide her eyes.

"He's not here. Don't worry, mate; he's fine." I see his eyes widening as he took out his wand and pointed it at me.

"Ron Weasley, I asked you where is my brother Harry Potter. If you lie again to me, I, as Heir Longbottom, would take that as a sign of betrayal towards an allied house!"

Shit, now this is getting out of hand. I didn't want to worry him, but in return, the boy played the Heir card on me. I hate the word 'heir' with passion. With a resigned sigh, I shrugged.

"I don't know where he is, Nev. We were going to Nick's party when an unknown house-elf came and knocked us out. We searched for him but didn't find him anywhere. I looked for the Headmaster while Hermione here had gone to inform Professor McGonagall, but we didn't find them both. I had informed Sirius; he's arriving here at the moment."

As I talked, I see his eyes widening, and a frown appeared on his face at the end. He came near me and grabbed my collar.

"Don't ever lie to me about my brother's whereabouts, understand?" His face was red; anger could be seen in his eyes. If you would have told me he was the same boy who almost pissed himself after seeing Snape, I would have never believed you.

"Neville, what are you doing?" Exclaimed Hermione from her seat as she separated both of us.

"We're both worried about him too, Nev. We're his friends!" She said looking at the enraged boy, who didn't listen and ran towards the dorms without looking back.

[POV end]

[Neville Longbottom POV]

This is not good. Mum had told me to take care of him, and I failed. I should've stopped him from going there, or even gone to the party with him. But now's not the right time to dwell on that.

I enter my room and take out a notebook. After finding a red piece of paper, without thinking twice I tear it in half; the paper glows, and I disappear from the dormitory.

Arriving at the hall of my home, I run towards my parents' room, as they usually have gone to sleep around this time.

As I reach near their room, I feel something touch my neck – a wand. I raise both my hands to show them I'm unarmed.

"Who are you?" It's Dad's voice.

"Dad it's me, Nev"

"No, my son's at Hogwarts, how are you deceiving the wards?" He asks, pressing the wand against my neck.

"Mom and Gran beat you up with slippers the day you went to the Ministry," he immediately takes back his wand and hugs me.

"Sorry, Nev, but you understand, right?" But that doesn't make it okay.

I turn around and break the hug. "I do, Dad. Moody's training you, after all."

He gets flustered by my comment and changes the topic.

"What are you doing here, lad? How are you even here?" Oh right!

"Dad, I tore the Apparition paper." His eyes widen, and his face turns cold.

"Don't tell me you used that precious artifact because you missed your mother." I averted my eyes as I really did thought about doing that a few days ago.

"No! Harry's in danger!" I shout at him, as he never listens when he starts scolding.

"What?" I hear my mother's voice as she comes running out of the room, wand in hand. We both look at her. She comes near us and hugs me, then asks me in a low voice.

"Tell me everything, Nev." She's angry and scared.

[POV end]

[Third person POV]

Alice and Frank Longbottom arrived at Hogwarts to find Sirius Black and Severus Snape in a duel in the center of the Great Hall, while Hermione and Ron watched from the side with worried eyes. Neville looked at both with contempt; he didn't like either of them.

"Snivellus, I'm asking you for the last time, tell me where Dumbledore is!" Sirius shouted as he fired a Bombarda spell at Snape.

Snape dodged the spell and retaliated with a dark magic spell towards Sirius, saying, "I would rather read Lockhart's book than help you, you bitch."

Alice, who had just entered the hall, looked at the scene incredulously. She had seen these two fight dozens of times; even after more than a decade, they still behaved like children.

"Stop, you idiots! I will kill both of you if anything happens to Harry!" Alice's voice rang out as she pointed her wand at the grown men acting like children.

Frank frowned. He had already alerted the Ministry to search around Hogsmeade village to find the boy, but he had yet to hear anything from them.

Both Sirius and Snape lowered their wands and walked towards the couple, while Ron and Hermione ran towards Neville.

"Alice, Frank, we've got to find him," Sirius pleaded.

As Alice was about to respond, Moody's voice came out of Frank's pocket.

"Bastards, hundreds of them: werewolves, lethifolds, trolls, vampires. Dumbledore is here with McGonagall helping us out. Come to the village; I have called for backup from Bones." Frank and Alice were stunned. All four of them nodded and ran towards the exit.

But Snape stopped and glared at the three students, making them return to their dorms as they knew their presence would do more harm than any good.

He also deducted 75 points from Gryffindor before running towards the gate again.

[POV end]


Seeya tomorrow.

Shower me with stones as I passed my test.

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