They asked her more questions until they collected enough information from her. Arlen stood up and looked at her, "Miss Agatha, this involves a criminal case, please don't leave Alstria for now. If we need your cooperation, we will contact you again."
They drove back in what should have been a nice quiet if not for the rumbling of someone's stomach. The person acted as if he did not hear his stomach and continued driving when it rumbled again.
And again.
Ravi turned to the side but did not bother to hide his laughter. Draco's ears turned bright red and he turned to glare at him.
"Watch the road." Arlen scolded, while smiling, "You can clear when we see another restaurant. It is almost 4 p.m. so it is quite understandable."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: