
The park

The fun was only beginning.

With a flick of his wrist, the dart launched a tiny white blur slicing through the air. It landed with a satisfying thud, landing exactly on the bullseyes.

Arlen let out a low whistle, a smile crinkling the corner of his eyes.

"Your turn and no ability. I know you cheated the first time." Ravi laughed as he drank the beer in the mug.

"Your eyes are just too sharp, love." Arlen chuckled. He never knew that one day, his little technique of using the wind to direct the dart would be noticed so quickly on his first throw.

Ravi just laughed.

Arlen picked up the dart and threw it again, it wobbled slightly before embedding itself in the outer right.

Arlen chuckled, a hint of self-deprecation tingling his voice, "Clearly, I haven't been practicing my Robin Hood skills lately."


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