
Making breakfast, then goosebumps

Ravi did not drink last night; not even one single drop and yet he woke up as if he was buzzed with joy. His head was throbbing, not that kind of headache that accompanied a night where he drank till he passed out, it was as if there was a pleasant hum in his head that made him want to sway and twirl to an invisible music.

He took out his uniform and began to iron it before heading to the bathroom to freshen up.

It was early in the morning, just a few minutes past six o'clock but he was already bustling with energy.

The cold water ran down his hair, cascading down his shoulders. What should he make this morning, Congee, or rice? It had been a while since he had eaten egg-fried rice for breakfast. Since the pasta finished yesterday night, what should he make the little child for lunch, something healthy and filling?


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