

She was breathing so hard as she felt the blood on her face.

She was shocked, dazed and confused.

Everything that bad just happened.

It made zero sense to her.

He said that he was not her father.

What did that even mean.

It was as if he had been fighting with his own self.

When he had had the opportunity to attack her, why didn't he?

And what did he mean that she should not follow the King?

What King? They had only one king and that was King Roland.

Was it he, he was referring to?

What did he mean that she would bring eternal doom?

Her father Bale was now truly dead?

She felt like her mind was about to explode into very tiny fragments.

She felt a hand touch her shoulder and she came crashing back down to reality.


She jerked and then Xaden caught her before she fell down.

"It is okay." He said.

She was still staring at him.

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