

"Urma!" She said with such delight as she threw her arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"My delicate flower." Urma said as she gently rubbed her back.

Jasmine did not want to let go as she breathed in the scent of the woman who had loved her.

The only woman who had loved her while she lived in the pack.

Reluctantly Jasmine let go when she felt Urma pull away.

"I never thought I'll see you again." Jasmine said.

Urma caught her chin. "My flower. It was not the end of the roads. I wish I was there with you when you went away."

Jasmine swallowed and looked down at her hands.

And then Urma put a Jasmine in her hair like she had always done from the moment she was young.

She felt the tears at the brink of her eyes.

"You look well." Urma said. "Look much better than how you did here."

"I am sorry to break the family reunion." Ned apologized as he stepped in. "But we have to be fast."

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