


Marie carried the towel and dipped it into the ice cold water and squeezed it before going to hand it over to Lily.

"Here take this." Marie said. "Press it over her head just as we have been doing."

Lily nodded as she received it and raced off towards where her friend Jamine lay.

Lily pressed it over Jasmine's burning head.

"My Goddess." Lily exclaimed once she touched Jasmine's fore head.

'"What is it?" Marie asked.

"She burns." Lily replied as she was terrified of touching her friend again. "Her entre body is burning like it is on fire. It is much worse than it was initially. Marie who had been mixing some herbs together set it aside and then checked on Jasmine.

Once she touched her fore head, her hand burned and she withdrew her hand as quickly as Lily had. "You see."

Marie looked down at Jasmine.

"She is fighting the poison in her system." She stated.

Next chapter