
Chapter 60: The Otherworld

Story: I'm a Daemon, so what?

Disclaimer: I do not own the original setting.

Chapter 60: The Otherworld

Can read up to 15 chapters ahead at p@treon.com/theogbasilisk


- Felix -

As Guy and I ate our meals, I thought back to everything I learned from this interaction and smiled.

This was more than worth it. Knowing more about the Eastern Empire is always helpful. Those guys are sketchy as hell. 

Guy placed his knife and fork down and smirked at me. "Now then. Let us fight!"

I rolled my eyes at the battle junkie. "Yeah, yeah."

"Let me call Velzard to maintain the Barriers. That way, we don't need to worry about the global effects of our fight." Said Guy.

I nodded. "Fine by me."

A moment later, a portal appeared, and from it came Velzard. "Ara, I did not know you were here, Felix." 

"You would have if you bothered keeping an eye on this palace of yours." I responded.

She gave a dismissive wave. "Why would I do such a thing? The only visitors that we get here are fools and those whom Guy approves of."

Velzard then looked at Guy. "Now, what did you need?" 

Guy laughed out. "Sorry for bothering you, Would you mind maintaining a Barrier so that the two of us can have some fun?"

Velzard sighed, though it was more out of habit than real annoyance. "This is just like how it was with Rudra; I always have to maintain the barriers."

"Well, who else could do it? No one else is strong enough." Responded Guy.

Guy's response brought a smirk and a light dusting of red to Velzard's face. "Very well then, I will assist if I must."

"Heh, thanks Velzard."

I watched their byplay with a smirk on my face. Velzard is seriously into Guy, huh? She's barely even hiding it. And either he is too dense to see it or just doesn't feel the same.

None of my business either way.

Guy then waved his hand in front of him, creating a portal. "Come Felix. This leads to one of the edges of the Ice Continent."

I nodded and followed Guy with Velzard right behind me. The icy winds blew all around us, and there was a vast expanse of frozen wilderness as far as the eye could see. A perfect place to let loose without worrying about the consequences. 

Once we were there, I snapped my fingers, creating a Barrier that expanded the Space within as well as kept any of our Aura and power from leaving the Barrier.

Velzard placed her own Barriers around my own, further reinforcing everything. 

"Let us let loose a bit more than last time. What do you say to weapons?"

I nodded. "Sure, I don't mind."

Perhaps I can copy some of Guy's Sword Arts if I get the chance. 

I created a hole in my Barriers allowing Velzard to maintain the Barriers from the outside.

I held my hand out, summoning my newly named katana. It was still slowly growing since more and more energy was being focused on it. Going by the amount of energy in it, its EP was easily over 3,000,000 now.

Heh, my weapon had more EP than Hinata did. I'll have to tease her about that.

I gently gripped the handle of Yamato. There was a nascent tool spirit growing within it. I could feel the spirit nervously stretch its own power out into me as I gently coaxed it out.

I tried to convey a feeling of reassurance and partnership. I may not use Yamato for all my fights, but it was still my weapon of choice.

When wielding it, that was an additional 3,000,000 EP on top of my already very high EP.

Guy whistled. "That's an impressive weapon."

Guy then withdrew his own longsword from his Spatial Storage, and I could immediately feel the power it gave off.

"Huh, what's that made of?" I asked. 

"Hmm? Oh, this is made of Starheart, one of the strongest materials in existence."

"I can tell, it feels incredibly powerful." I responded.

Going by EP, it was greater than even my Yamato. 

I then got in my stance, I planned on taking Guy seriously from the start, something he reciprocated. 

'Odin, I may need your help here.'


I wouldn't be surprised if Guy is more capable than me when it comes to swordsmanship. He's been around fighting for longer than I can even imagine.

I wasn't against cheating when facing powerful opponents; I was a fraud, and I would act like it.

"Heh, I have a feeling that this is gonna be fun." Said Guy. A moment later, he was already upon me, his longsword aimed for my neck. The sonic explosion left in his wake boomed outwards as I quickly reinforced my katana with an overwhelming amount of Fighting Spirit and blocked Guy's attack. I twisted Space teleporting backward and sent an Aura Slash toward Guy, which he easily blocked.

'Continuing analysis on Guy Crimson's fighting style.'

I smirked as I coated my katana in a miniature gravitational field, an anomaly that defies the conventional Laws of Nature. This field simultaneously attracts and repels, creating a rather chaotic force around the blade. When I cut someone with it, the effect mimics that of a miniature black hole, causing their body to collapse in on itself.

Law Domination made it fairly easy to balance these two opposing forces of nature.

"Now that looks scary," Guy commented without worry.

"And yet you don't seem to be afraid at all." I shot back.

Guy smirked. "Well, you still need to hit me." Right after Guy spoke, he dashed forwards, breaking the sound barrier multiple times as he appeared behind me. I could sense the displacement of the air behind me as Guy prepared to hit me with a devastating blow. 

But before Guy could react I expanded the Space between us.

I turned around to face Guy with a smirk, Guy himself looked rather disgruntled. "That was annoying." I eyed his blade which was now coated in pure spiritrons, likely meant to bypass my Infinity, though I don't know what Guy's plan to get by my Multi-Dimenisonal Barrier is.

He'd probably brute force it, enough power can bend reality itself after all.

Well, the whole point in this fight was to see what I can learn from Guy. 'Odin, are you analyzing his swordsmanship style?'



Guy and I stood across from each other, both of our outfits damaged due to the various cuts and slashes we had hit each other with.

The wounds we left on each other had already healed up, even my attack that mimicked the effects of a miniature black hole only caused Guy a little trouble before he adapted to my attacks and recovered.

He was seriously a load of bullshit.

"Hey, Guy." I called out.

"Hmm?" Guy called out, pausing the Nuclear Magic he was forming in his hand.

"Mind if I try out something new that I'm trying to get the hang of?"

Guy's smirk widened hearing me. "A new move, huh? Sure, let me see what you got."

I smiled. "Excellent."

Hopefully I don't attract any attention by doing this. 

I snapped my fingers and evoked an authority I've never used before. The world around us froze as I stopped time. Instantly, I felt a massive drain on my Energy, more than anything I had ever experienced.

'Notice. Using data from Metatron, Lord of Purity to maintain efficient use of Energy to Time Stop. Odin is assisting the Master with maintaining and applying the Time Stop.'

'Great, thanks Odin.'

Then, I felt it. Guy's intent reached me even within the stopped time. 'Pfft, hahaha, I didn't know you could do this, Felix!'

'Why am I not surprised that you can move in the Suspended World Guy.' I sighed. 'Well, that's good. I can get the hang of moving around in this world.' I finished.

Even talking in Time Stop was different. We were communicating by imbuing our intent into the Information Particles and then flinging them to each other, so we weren't even really verbally speaking.

Information Particles were the sole thing we used to perceive the world around us now. 

Time Stop was definitely a game ending move in most cases. Those who cannot move in Time Stop are helpless against those who can and even more helpless against those who can activate Time Stop on their own.

Theoretically I could stop Time and then go massacre an entire Kingdom and then leave, and no one would know what happened. Everyone would be helpless to resist.

Time Stop is just that busted, at least if you ignored the absolutely outrageous amount of magicules needed to sustain it.

'To think you would be one of the few beings capable of moving in the Suspended World, you truly are extraordinary, Felix.' Guy transmitted with a slight hint of admiration. 

'Well, I aim to please.'

I noticed Guy's sword approaching my neck. Even movement was done through the manipulation of Information Particles. 

I manipulated the Information Particles around me with Odin's help and managed to block Guy's attack.

'That's going to take some getting used to.'

Here, movement wasn't bound by speed; it was instantaneous. Information Particles transcended the concepts of time and space, rendering the idea of speed meaningless. I wasn't just fast. I was beyond the very concept of speed itself.

I am now being made up of information particles.

Emission attacks would not work in the Suspended World, but that didn't lock me out of all my abilities.

Quite a few of my Skills can still be useful like Ouroboros and Satanael, but I'll stick to swordsmanship for now.

I willed the Information Particles around me, shifting my position in an instant, and appeared behind Guy, my blade poised to strike. Yet, Guy manipulated the Information Particles alongside me. His longsword met mine, blocking the attack.

Battles in the Suspended World were determined by who could manipulate Information Particles better, and who could enforce their will on the Information Particles better, and on this aspect Guy and I were evenly matched. I had Odin helping me which just showed how monstrous Guy was.

Just as I had willed for Guy's chest to be pierced, Guy willed to block my attack.

For an incalculable amount of time, Guy and I continued to clash with our wills in the Suspended World. Eventually, Guy backed off slightly.

'To think you could match me in the Suspended World, you are becoming more and more of an anomaly, Felix.' I felt Guy transmit.

Well, in Guy's eyes I am matching him when it comes to Information Particle Manipulation. Guy is a being that has likely practiced this for thousands of years, I guess it makes sense that I'd be seen as a monster for being able to match that in not even 1/100th of the time.

But in reality, Odin is helping me keep up with Guy, without her, I'd be having a much harder time.

After speaking, Guy began counterattacking.

Offense and defense were one and the same in the Suspended World. Guy and I could mess with each other's Information Particles, allowing us to attack and defend at once. I could very easily see how beings who were not Digital Lifeforms would be instantly overwhelmed. Literally everything was stopped in the Suspended World. The flow of oxygen, the light coming from the sun, even forces like the attraction of the stars and the expansion of the universe was paused.

The molecules that bind everything together were also frozen. Because of this, anything that is given the slightest touch will instantly collapse, whether it be people, bedrock, magisteel, everything and anything would collapse as the atoms weren't bonded together.

The Laws of Physics no longer applied in this world.

The barrier between Digital Lifeforms and other Lifeforms was not a simple barrier to overcome. Digital Lifeforms might as well be considered transcendent, gods to those who could not move in the Suspended World.

Of course things like Barriers and the like still applied as long as they were cast before the Time Stop, and so that can temporarily save someone's life.

I could acutely feel my Energy consistently being drained for maintaining this Time Stop. Maintaining Time Stop was a large drain on my reserved on its own, but Magicule Breeder Reactor quickly took care of that.

Now, why don't I experiment a bit.

I quickly froze Guy momentarily with Fixation which still applied in the Suspended World due to its temporal nature as well as it not being an emission attack.

I appeared in front of Guy a moment before he broke free from my Fixation and kicked him to the other end of the Barrier which spanned the length of an entire continent due to the Spatial Expanding Barrier.

'Oof! That hurt.' I heard Guy transmit to me, though his tone was more amused than anything.

Guy and I continued to clash once again for an incalculable amount of time due to the nature of the Suspended World before I backed off.

'Well, I've gotten the hang of moving around in the Suspended World. I'll unpause Time now.'

I snapped my fingers for presentation and resumed Time, something that once again drained a large amount of my Energy.

After resuming Time, Guy and I decided to continue our fight.

"Khahaha! Alright let's kick this up another notch!" Guy yelled as he came at me with his longsword, which was now coated in a layer of Minus Energy and called forth from the abyss of the Daemon Realm. 

I smirked, eager to meet his clash with my own. I held my palm out. I'd been thinking about recreating this move for some time, and there's no better chance to test it out than now. 

I condensed an extremely small amount of Stardust into a singular point, mixing it with magicules and focusing it inwards. I continued to condense and condense, and then once Guy was in front of me, I stopped condensing, releasing all of the built up energy in a singular direction, in Guy's direction. 

All of that occurred in less than a nanosecond.


I saw Guy's eyes widen with genuine surprise as he felt the strength of the attack. "Shit!" Guy managed to move out of the way of my Cero, much to my disappointment, but I expected as much. I just wanted to try flinging a Cero at him.

Guy, on his own, wasn't the strongest based on the amount of Energy he held in his body. He managed to maintain his combat superiority by stalling, his entire fighting style was based around stalling. He could keep up with superior foes by stalling them with his combat ability and waiting for them to get sloppy. So he was extremely adept at dodging, because once he is caught, it's game over for him.

His fighting style is very annoying but very practical in this world of monsters.

Guy quickly recovered and attempted to stop the Cero in its path but it was too late.

I watched as the Cero tore straight through everything in its path, my eyes widened when I saw even the Barriers that Velzard had been maintaining were torn to shreds.

The Aura of my Cero was released to the open world.

"Shit!" Guy yelled.

I immediately reacted and created a portal in front of the Cero beam, a portal that aimed the Cero upwards.

I sighed in relief when I saw that I was successful.

Velzard appeared next to me with her hands on her hips. "Now that was very risky."

I ran my hand through my hair. "I thought you'd be able to make the Barriers strong enough to handle it."

"Fufufu, as if. Stardust is an energy my elder brother personally used, it cannot be blocked, redirected, or deflected in a traditional way. Those Barriers were torn through due to that. It's a good thing you redirected it in a unique way." Responded Velzard.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be more careful next time." I said, chuckling softly as I stored Yamato back into my Infinity Space.

"That was a good fight, Felix." Guy said.

I nodded. "Yeah, I learned a lot."

I was able to analyze a lot of Guy's techniques and incorporate it into my own swordsmanship style, so that was a plus. 

"Hahaha, man, Stardust is always scary to go up against." Commented Guy.

"Yeah, it really is a fearsome energy." I had only used a tiny amount of stardust and even then, I diluted its power by mixing it with magicules, and yet it still tore through everything in its path.

"Though, why don't you use Stardust? You do have access to it, right?" I asked.

Guy shrugged his shoulders. "To use it properly, you need Velda's Factor. I'm not quite sure how you've managed to control it so well. When I tried, it just blew up on my face."

Ah, I guess I can properly use it, thanks to Odin.


"I see."

Guy stored his longsword in his Spatial Storage as Velzard looked at me.

"It is quite intriguing how you managed to learn Time Stop Felix." Velzard praised though she had a suspicious smile as she did.

Ah right, Velzard is a Digital Lifeform and can probably use Time Stop herself due to Gabriel.

I shrugged my shoulders. "It's something I picked up."

Velzard raised an eyebrow. Her smile spread as she closed her eyes, and though she appeared friendly, she looked slightly annoyed. "Truly? However I recognized one of the moves you used on Guy, my very own Fixation."

"Ah, that's right." Guy voiced out. "I was led to believe you had conditions that needed to be met to copy a Skill, Felix."

Oh, that's right, I made it seem as if I copied Satanael from Milim due to certain conditions being met, and that wasn't a lie.

I did need to meet certain conditions. Odin needed to physically see an Ultimate Skill being used in this world and analyze it to a certain point before it could be copied. However for Unique Skills and below, Odin can copy them straight from the soul as long as someone isn't at the Ultimate level.

"Yeah, I met those conditions." I responded.

Guy looked at me with suspicion in his eyes before shrugging his shoulders. "Alright, whatever."

"I, however, have not been appeased Felix. I do not recall giving you permission to copy my Skill." Said Velzard, her voice frosty.

Ugh, this is why I try to keep my Skill copying ability hidden.

I sighed. "Would it be fine if I just said sorry?"

"I'm afraid not." She answered with a chuckle.

"Alright, alright, what do you want?" I seriously don't want to fight Velzard seriously.

Velzard tilted her head before smirking. "How about a detailed explanation of what exactly my little brother has gotten up to since he has been unsealed. Every little thing you know he is done I want to know. Embarrassing things included."

I apologized to Veldora internally. "You got it, boss lady!" I answered shamelessly.

I'm guessing Velzard didn't care too much about my copying of her Skill because she didn't expect me to be able to make proper use of it. To truly bring out the full power of an Ultimate Skill, you needed to be compatible with it, otherwise you would only be capable of using scraps of its power.

Of course it was different for me due to Odin.

'Odin, could you help me out?'

'Acknowledged. Compiling data. Scouring the Master's memories. Completed. Creating an easy method to pass on the requested information. A short novel has been completed. Generating names for the short novel based on the Master's past lives. Success. The short novel, "A Day in the Life of Veldora Tempest." has been created. Modifying the text to hide Rimuru Tempest and the Master's abilities. Using trees stored in Infinity Space as material, paper has been created.'

A paper book appeared in my hand, one titled "A Day in the Life of Veldora Tempest."

'Great work, Odin!'

'Acknowledged. Appreciation.'

Woah, I swear I could feel Odin's emotions for a moment there.

Before I could dwell on that further, Velzard interrupted me. "Ara, is that a book containing the information I seek?"

I nodded and handed the book to her. "Yeah, this is a compilation of everything Veldora has been up to that I am aware of. Enjoy."

Velzard smirked and took the book out of my hands.

I once again internally apologized to Veldora.

I am sorry, my friend! But I did what I had to do!

He'd understand. He knows the terror of his sister.

"Now, I have been waiting for your invitation to see my brother Felix." Said Velzard as she stored the book in her Spatial Storage. Her eyes narrowed slightly in anticipation.

"Ah, yeah, right. Sorry about that. Some stuff happened, but it should be fine if you wanna come back with me when I leave."

Velzard nodded, her expression returning to her usual calm smile. "I had heard about the attack on the Jura Tempest Foundation. That is why I have not shown up on my own already."

Who knew a True Dragon could be reasonable?

I waved to Guy. "Alright, it's probably best if I don't stay too long. Thanks for the information on Michael Guy. See ya later."

Guy smirked and waved back. "Feel free to keep her for as long as you like."

Hearing Guy, Velzard's lips twitched downward, and she glared at Guy, hoping he would combust and die from her glare alone. In an instant, the temperature around us seemed to drop a few degrees, impressive given how cold everything was already.

Women are scary.

I placed my hand on Velzard's shoulder. "...Right."

And with that, I teleported the both of us to my territory. It's best if I give Rimuru some warning about Velzard's arrival, give him time to prepare.

- Luminous Valentine -

Her brows raised as she looked in the direction of the Ice Continent. Just a moment ago, she felt an extraordinary amount of power emanating from there, far greater than that of Guy's rampaging Daemons.

No, this was someone on her own level or beyond.

She focused on the energy she sensed, and much to her shock, it felt familiar to the Energy she sensed when Guy and Milim had fought all those yearsat time ago.

Was Milim fighting Guy?

She shook her head. No, this was different. It felt different, but the Aura surrounding the mysterious Energy felt unsettlingly familiar to her.

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Felix?!" Her heart almost froze in shock and fear as she contemplated the possibility that Felix and Guy were having a fight to the death.

If that were to happen, she doubted she would be able to be of any help, at least not unless they were in Ruberious. And even then, if it was Guy who she had to go against…

Shaking her head, she focused on the probable reality.

If such a thing was happening, she would have felt it from the very beginning, and she would feel it even now. No Barriers could easily contain a battle of that magnitude, not to mention Felix likely would have contacted his allies to ask for assistance. She herself did not have a Soul Corridor with him, but she knew that others close to Felix did, no Barriers could prevent Felix from communicating through a Soul Corridor.

She relaxed in her chair. Knowing Felix, he probably would have gone over to Guy to "mess around" as he called it. He had a knack for causing trouble wherever he went, so she wouldn't be surprised if he got a bit carried away on their spar and damaged the barrier containing their magicules.

Well…. She should still contact him. Just to make sure he was alright. It wouldn't hurt.

She nervously passed her magicules through her Demon Lord Ring, though another worry did sprout in her mind. As the creator of the rings, Velzard would be able to manipulate them. She might interfere with their call or even pretend to be Felix. 

But she knew Felix well enough that she was sure she would know if she was speaking to the original or not.

"Luminous? What's up?" Asked Felix in a casual tone.

"I had simply sensed your Aura emanating from the Ice Continent, I wished to understand if you needed assistance." She answered, pretending to be as casual as him.

"Haha, no, sorry about that. The Barriers broke during my spar with Guy. I don't need help, but thank you for asking. I really appreciate it." She could feel the blush on her face as she listened to Felix.

"Pay it no mind! I am simply doing my duty as an ally." She said, ready to cut the call when she heard Felix speak up again.

"Uh huh, tsundere." He said with a chuckle.

With that, Felix cut the connection before she had a chance to answer.

"I am not a tsundere!" She yelled in frustration, getting ready to throw the ring across the room.


"Not now, Gunther!"

- Felix -

We appeared in my personal office. I had just finished talking to Luminous. Ah what an adorable little tsundere she is.

Velzard looked around with interest in her eyes. "I do not believe this is where my foolish younger brother is residing." Remarked Velzard, curiously looking out of one of the windows.

I nodded. "Yeah, I wanted to give Rimuru a bit of a heads up. How about I show you around?"

Velzard nodded without any real pushback. Judging by the way she continued to stare, she probably would have asked for the tour either way. "Very well."

I sighed in relief hearing Velzard's agreement. Though before I could forget, I sent a Thought Communication to Rimuru.


"Yeah, it's me." I responded.

"Ah, it's good to see you're fine, I sensed your Aura coming from Guy's continent, Milim said you were fine and that you were just being a meany, not inviting her to fight or something, so I assumed you were fine."

"Yeah, Guy and I were just messing around when the Barriers broke."

"I see. Well, what did you need?"

"Remember when some time ago I said Velzard wanted to pop by and meet Veldora? Well, that time has come, I'm about to give Velzard a tour of my palace, so use that time well."

"What?! Feli–" Before Rimuru could continue, I cut the Thought Communication and nodded with a satisfied smile. There ya go, Rimuru, I've done my duty.

That was a good enough warning. Rimuru would be fine, probably. Worst case scenario, he had Raphael to figure out how to keep Velzard happy.

I gestured to Velzard. "Alright, come on, I'll show you around."

"I can sense quite a lot of Daemons here in your territory, Felix. I can see why Guy would be worried about what you had planned. The only being with more Daemons incarnated under them is Guy." Commented Velzard.

"Yeah, Daemons are strong and easy to make loyal, so you might as well use them."

I'll probably end up recruiting even more sometime soon. They are the easiest fodder to get my hands on. And one can never have enough fodder. What else are you gonna throw at a bad guy to show how strong they are otherwise?

"I'll introduce you or reintroduce you to Arcueid, Lalatina, and Megumin. I'm not sure if you have interacted with them in the past."

Velzard shook her head. "No, those three resided in the Daemon Realm, playing their games, at least until recently, and so I did not have the chance to meet them in the past."

I nodded. "Well, I can at least promise they aren't as disappointing as Rain. That girl is hopeless."

Velzard laughed, hearing me. "Indeed, Rain is one of the beings that Guy consistently complains about. Well, Rain and Misery. Though his complaints about Misery are mainly about her not keeping Rain in line."

"And Guy can't set Rain loose either, huh? No matter her personality, she is a valuable asset for her power alone."

Velzard nodded. "Indeed."

Velzard and I made small talk as I led to Arcueid's office. Once there, I knocked on the door.

"Ara, come in, My Lord." Arcueid called out.

I held the door open for Velzard, who flashed a seductive smile and a wink at me.

"Oh, what a gentleman." She commented as she walked in, though I simply rolled my eyes at her.

She was just trying to fuck with Guy by fucking with me, figuratively in Guy's case, literally in mine.

Once we were inside, I spotted Arcueid. She was standing in front of her desk; she seemed to be working on approving some projects. 

Arcueid bowed to me. "My Lord."

I nodded to her, but Arcueid refused to act casually toward me when in an official situation.

I gestured to Velzard. "Sup, I was just showing our guest around, you were the first stop."

Arcueid bowed slightly to Velzard. "It is an honor to meet such an esteemed guest of My Lord. Welcome to Azeroth, Frost Dragon Velzard."

Velzard nodded to Arcueid as she turned to me with an impressed smile. "She really is quite serious, isn't she, it is nice to meet you, Arcueid." Responded Velzard.

"Anyways, that was all, I'll leave you to your work now Arcueid." 

Arcueid bowed to me once more. "Very well, My Lord."

Once we had left, Velzard looked to me. "She really is quite a bit more professional than Rain. Even Misery is lacking when compared to her."

I smirked at her. "Yup! My Arcueid is the best. Though the next stop, Megumin is a bit more casual."

I snapped my fingers and teleported us to the military training ground.

Once we were there, I spotted Megumin beating up Porunga. 

"So that is Jaune hmm? She is quite powerful, she has more energy than Arcueid." Muttered Velzard.

I nodded. "Yeah, she has the most energy out of all my subordinates."

Megumin paused her thrashing and looked at us with a smile. She appeared in front of me in a flash. 

"Sup, Milord! Did you wanna fight again?!" Megumin asked, eagerness in her tone as she clenched her fists a few times in preparation.

I shook my head. "Not right now unfortunately, we just had a spar anyways. I wanted to introduce you to a… friend?" I saw Velzard nodding in my peripheral vision. "Yeah a friend."

Megumin finally deemed to look at Velzard. "Woah! A True Dragon, huh? I sensed a super strong Aura appear, but since you were with the Boss I assumed you were friendly. Well nice to meetcha!"

Velzard looked at Megumin with amusement in her eyes. "I have heard much of you from Guy. He always said you were very… enthusiastic about Nuclear Magic, something Leon only confirmed."

"Eh? Leon was such a bore. He never fought me while going all out, always trying to stop me from causing any more damage to his territory." Megumin said with a pout.

I snorted. "Yeah, if he fought you all out, your fight would probably sink his continent, leaving him with no territory and all his people dead."

Megumin shrugged her shoulders as if that wasn't her problem. "That doesn't change the fact that he's still boring."

Velzard nodded with a smile. "Indeed, Leon is a bore and a pe—" She started before cutting herself off and clearing her throat. "I do not understand what Guy sees in him."

I have a feeling there is a backstory behind that, one I will not be asking about.

Velzard eyed the surrounding soldiers who were looking at us with fear and wariness in their eyes, though when they looked at Megumin and me, there was some respect, too.

"So this is your military? It is quite… varied." Velzard commented.

"Yup, there are Majin from all walks of life here, as well as Daemons and other races. As long as they are willing to train, I won't turn them away."

Velzard nodded and looked to the Dragon Corps who bowed to Velzard in respect for her status as a True Dragon.

She briefly nodded at them. "Even Dragons have submitted to you hmm? Some of them seem to be fairly powerful as well."

I nodded. "Yeah, I named them, so most of them are pretty damn strong, Porunga is a cut above the rest, though."

"Porunga? Is that the name of the Elemental Dragon?"

I nodded. "Yup, that would be Porunga."

I nodded towards Megumin. "It's best if we leave and stop distracting everyone from their training."

Megumin nodded with a pout. "Don't worry, Milord! I'll make sure to train that habit out of them!"

For some reason, the surrounding soldiers all looked away and began sparring.

"That's good, anyways. See ya." I said as I teleported Velzard and me to the intelligence building where Lalatina was located. 

Before we entered the building, I held out my arm in front of Velzard. "Hold on, I forgot to give you something."

I pulled out the Takoyaki Veldora had made for the Founding Festival and handed it to Velzard.

It was preserved in my Infinity Space, and so it was still fresh and warm. The Takaoyaki was even still steaming as if freshly made.

"Here, try this."

Velzard didn't bother asking more and ate the takoyaki. Her brows rose in surprise. "Ara, this is quite delicious."

I nodded. "Yeah, Veldora is the one who made it."

"Truly? I was not aware that Veldora was interested in things like cooking." Velzard said with a tilt of her head.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, he had to keep himself entertained somehow, I guess. He probably just wanted to help Tempest out in his own way. From the stories I've heard about him, he is comparatively more tame. He's mellowed out and just enjoys chilling."

Heh, chilling… Velzard is the Frost Dragon. The shitty pun wrote itself.

Velzard nodded, oblivious to my pun. "I shall question him about it further once I see him. Perhaps I will ask for some food to take back. Velgrynd will be quite jealous that she did not get to try Veldora's food."

"Velgrynd? What's she like?" I asked, curious about the flaming hotty.

"Velgrynd is… fiery. She charges head-first into things, and once she has decided on something, she will not go back. Velgrynd and I would often clash due to our different views on how Veldora should be disciplined. She was far too soft on Veldora; she was adamant that the proper way to teach Veldora was with loving care, and perhaps she was right if Veldora is indeed as… mellow as you are saying he is." Said Velzard.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Who knows, maybe spending centuries sealed made Veldora far more agreeable."

Not to mention, he was able to see Rimuru's memories, the experience that likely changed him. It probably put things into perspective, as he saw how a normal Japanese Human lived.

Not to mention, why destroy Kingdoms and rampage around when you can just hang out and read manga? I mean, how many Kingdoms can you destroy before it starts getting a bit stale?

"That was quite the tour, Felix." Said Velzard.

I had gone ahead and introduced all of my direct subordinates to Velzard. It seemed to be enough to keep Velzard entertained, at least. 

Velzard seemed to be somewhat interested in some of them. Raiden was, of course, a Dragon which drew Velzard's interest. Saeko was very Saeko-like. She was brash and straight to the point with Velzard, which Velzard seemed to like.

Ingvild seemed to get along with her well enough. Sukuna was very respectful, which seemed to make Velzard's opinion of him rise, though it was with Kurumi that Velzard said something odd.

"You said that Kurumi seemed to be a Cryptid of some kind?"

Velzard nodded. "Indeed, I was quite surprised to find one of them in this world. She was a fairly powerful one as well to have acquired a humanoid form."

"And what exactly is a Cryptid?"

"Ara? Were you not aware, hmm?" She asked with a teasing smile. "Well, Cryptids are beings that originate from another Dimension, they are born from the Magicules released from the World Destroying Dragon Ivarage."

"The World Destroying what now?" I asked, focusing on the new information.

Velzard sighed in exasperation. "Ivarage is a being that was born through randomness. He was one of my brother's most hopeful projects. He is a mindless beast that seeks to destroy everything. He was sealed in the Otherworld and through the Magicules he emanated, different races like the Cryptids and the Insectoids were born."

"Cryptids tend to have Magic Beast-like appearances. They are capable of acquiring a humanoid form and becoming true Majins and are capable of wielding world-shattering power." Velzard continued.

I nodded. "I see. Thank you for sharing. Though what is the Otherworld? I'm not familiar with the term."

Velzard thought for a moment before shrugging. "As repayment for this tour and preserving Veldora's food, I suppose I can inform you about certain things. I doubt Guy would mind."

I nodded in thanks. 

"The Otherworld is the Dimension where Ivarage is sealed. His Magicules have contaminated the entire Dimension and various species run rampant there. The Dimension is also larger than a standard Universe, according to my elder brother, and is adjacent to the Daemon Realm." ExplainedVelzard.

A Dimension bigger than an entire Universe, huh? And all of it is somewhat habitable. That is obscenely massive.

And Ivarage managed to contaminate this Universe-size Dimension. He must have been very powerful then.

I nodded. "I see, and what are Insectoids?"

"Insectoids are beings descended from one of Ivarage's direct descendants, they along with the Phantoms and the Cryptids dominate the Otherworld. Insectoids tend to have bug-like appearances and have a very annoying exoskeleton."

"An annoying exoskeleton? That sounds familiar." I projected an image of Zegion to Velzard. "Does this look like one of them?"

"How interesting. An Insectoid and a Cryptid are both present in the Cardinal World, and not just any Insectoid. This one seems to have evolved into an Insectar."

"Huh, so Zegion is one of them, huh?" I voiced out.

"He even has a name?" Asked Velzard.

I nodded. "Yeah, he is one of Rimuru's most loyal subordinates, and one of Veldora's students."

That guy was zealous with his loyalty to Rimuru.

"Veldora has a student? Now I must see this." Velzard said with a smile creeping up on her face.

"Haha, yeah, I'll introduce you two. He has a lot of potential."

Velzard nodded. "Insectoids can become truly fearsome beings. The one my elder brother interacted with, the Progenitor of them, is a monster in his own right. His Exoskeleton is easily comparable to God Grade Equipment and can shrug off most attacks."

For Velzard to call someone a monster, they must be really strong.

"Is it uncommon for an Insectoid to be in the Cardinal World?"

Velzard tilted her head. "Not particularly. That race of beings has attempted to invade the Cardinal World for resources many times in the past. I'm sure some strays have been left behind. But without their colony, it is harder for them to evolve and reach their potential."

"Ah, that's bad, right?"

"Not quite. In order for the stronger Insectoids to invade, there needs to be an incredibly powerful portal to withstand all of their powers. The only ones that I can think of that can be repurposed for such a purpose are the Hell Gates that the Primordials guard." Responded Velzard.

"Ah, that's fine then." Arcueid already destroyed three of them, and the rest are already protected.

I do wonder why Zegion is in the Cardinal World, though, but that's a question for later. After all, I doubt he has any bad intentions towards Rimuru. That guy practically worships the ground Rimuru walks on.

I'm not going to judge Zegion by his race. That would be racist!

"Thanks for sharing all this information, but you mentioned another species that dominated the Otherworld, the Phantoms, do you mind sharing more about them?" I asked.

"Phantoms are Angels that have been corrupted by Ivarage's Magicules, their current King is the Phantom King Feldway."

Feldway huh? I remember Ramiris saying that Feldway was the original Angel. He was the first Angel that Veldanava created from the Great Spirit of Light, I'm sure he is damn powerful.

"The Phantoms also seem to be invading other Dimensions for their own amusement, usually exterminating all life on those Dimensions." Said Velzard with a nonchalant look.

I winced hearing that. Exterminating entire Dimensions? And that too for their own amusement?

Man that really goes to show how one can abuse the privilege to travel to other worlds. That must be quadrillions of lives lost, if not more.

Even with my very limited morals, I can tell that that's fucked up.

Some Angels they are… though I guess they are corrupted for a reason.

"Well, all that's good to know. Thanks for sharing. Now, Rimuru should be ready for us by now. Are you ready?" I asked.

Velzard nodded. "Yes, it is about time I learn what my wayward younger brother has been getting up to."

I nodded and teleported us directly to the main plaza of the capital city, Rimuru.

Velzard took a look around. There were various Majins going about their days. A few recognized me and bowed before continuing on with their days. 

"Quite the peaceful city." Velzard commented.


"Lord Felix, Lady Velzard." A voice called out from behind us.

Both of us turned around. "Diablo." I said with a nod.

"Ara, so you are the Primordial of Black Noir then? I recall Guy complaining about you quite a bit." Said Velzard.

Diablo bowed towards Velzard. "It is an honor to meet you, Frost Dragon Velzard, but I would prefer if you used the name my glorious master bestowed me, Diablo."

"So it is true then? All of the Primordials have been incarnated and named. How intriguing." Commented Velzard.

Diablo nodded. "Indeed, my esteemed master saw fit to name me so I can be more useful to him." Responded Diablo.

Before Diablo could continue his Rimuru glazing session, I intervened. "When did you get back Diablo? I heard you were off recruiting Daemons for Rimuru?"

"Ara? Rimuru too?"

I nodded to Velzard. "Yeah, Daemons are useful, so why not."

Velzard nodded.

"I had just returned earlier today. I had not even gotten the chance to give Lord Rimuru a detailed report about the minio– cough Daemons I recruited." Diablo responded.

I nodded. "Right, I guess he would be busy making preparations for Velzard. Anyways, are you here to guide us, Diablo?"

Diablo nodded. "I am Lord Felix. If you would please follow me, I will be giving a brief tour of Tempest before taking you to meet Lord Rimuru and Lord Veldora."

Velzard nodded. "Very well."

Diablo went on to show us the main attractions in Rimuru City, the colosseum, where fights were still regularly taking place, some of the highly rated restaurants and food stalls. The Adventurer district of the city, which was filled with high-quality inns for cheap, hot springs, blacksmithing shops, potion shops, basically anything an Adventurer may need.

"Thank you for the tour Diablo, but I wish to see my little brother. These tours are beginning to bore me." Said Velzard.

Diablo bowed. "As you wish, Lady Velzard. I was just finishing up the tour. Next up is The Dungeon, Lord Rimuru and Lord Veldora are both waiting within."

Velzard nodded. 

- Rimuru Tempest -

"Let me go Rimuru! I need to hide! Run! Find somewhere safe! Do you think Felix will let me hide with him for a century or so?!" Veldora yelled in panic, throwing his things in the air as he looked for a good hiding place.

He forcefully held Veldora back. "No! Stay Veldora!" He seriously didn't want Velzard to go on a rampage in Tempest because the person she was coming to see wasn't here.

"Come on, just imagine showing her how much you have grown! Don't you want to look cool?!" He tried coercing him with his one weakness. But that only appeared to make him panic even more.

When Felix had warned him about Velzard's imminent arrival he had panicked a bit. He didn't know how one was supposed to receive a True Dragon, and so he had a feast cooked up.

However, one odd thing he noticed was that Veldora had somehow teleported when he wasn't looking even though he felt no Spatial Manipulation, something practically impossible to hide from him since he had Uriel, Lord of Vows.

But before he could ask Veldora began panicking because he sensed Velzard in Felix's territory, and then Veldora further panicked after he told him what Felix said over the Thought Communication.

"Come on, Veldora! It will be fine! I'll even give you some more manga!" He tried once again, dodging a bed that flew by his head.

"I've read all the manga, you know!" Shouted Veldora.

"Perhaps, but this is one from Felix's world!" Hearing him, Veldora froze causing Rimuruto smirk.

He had asked Felix for some ammunition to use against Veldora should he need it. Manga that Veldora had never heard of would do the trick.

"Do you promise you'll give me the entire manga? All the volumes you have?" Veldora asked sheepishly. Finally calming down for a moment.

"Yes, yes! Just stop trying to get away from me." Rimuru muttered as he felt Veldora finally stop shaking.

"Fine." He whispered.

He sighed in relief. "I'll only give it to you once Velzard leaves, though!" 

Veldora nodded and began hyping himself up. "It's no big deal, just seeing my big sister, who I haven't seen in a long time. Plus, I have you by my side, and you won't abandon me, right? If Velzard starts to hurt me, you'll jump in and protect me, won't you?"

"Uh…. Yeah…." Rimuru muttered, somewhat unsure, as he began to step back. Leaving Veldora to his personal glazing session as he went to receive Velzard. He sensed Felix and Velzard at the entrance to The Dungeon with Diablo.

- Felix -

"And this has all been done using the Authority of Ramiris?" Asked Velzard.

Diablo nodded. "Correct."

"It is quite impressive what the Pixie has done. She is far from her true self, and yet she is still capable of such wonders." Said Velzard.

"Yeah, her Small World is quite overpowered."

Velzard gave me a look. "You even know what that is, hmm?"

"Ramiris talks."

Velzard nodded in understanding.

We were currently at the main lobby where all the Adventurers checked in, sold items, and bought items.

Diablo was currently using his Tempter to make it so no one would recognize us and bother us. He could use that Skill to a fearsome degree.

"Welcome to Tempest, Miss Velzard." A voice called out.

We all turned to the direction the voice came from. Rimuru gave me a nod.

Diablo bowed. "Lord Rimuru."

"Ah, thanks for escorting them Diablo." Said Rimuru.

"It is my pleasure to serve at your whims, My Lord." Diablo said reverently. 

"Okay, now you're just making it weird." Rimuru said with a shake of his head.

Rimuru looked at Velzard. "It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Velzard. Veldora has said a lot about you."

"Ara ara, you may call me Velzard. You seem to have the Blessing of Veldora, so it seems the tales of how close you two are are true. It is nice to meet you as well, Demon Lord Rimuru." Said Velzard.

Rimuru nodded. "Well, let me escort you to Veldora. He's the whole reason you're here, right?"

Velzard eyed me for a moment before nodding. "Among other things, yes." 


Rimuru gave me the stink eye before nodding. "Alright, follow me then!"


I am highly motivated by your guys' reviews and likes, so do that! I'll probably keep writing or something.

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Links: patreon.com/theogbasilisk

Author's Note:

Sup guys, back with another chapter of Daemon. We get to see Felix messing around a bit with Guy and we also get to learn a bit more about Time Stop and how it works.

Felix is pretty comfortable with it now so that's basically a gg ez situation for when shit gets real.

And Velzard is mildly annoyed at Gabriel being copied, but in the end she doesn't mind that much and just requests something simple for Felix to fulfill. The main reason for this is that copied Skills aren't nearly as compatible with their users as naturally awakened Skills. So in Vezard's eyes Felix won't be able to wield even a fraction of Gabriel's powers, however Felix has Odin which can quickly optimize Felix's control over all copied Skills allowing him to wield them like a master.

We also get to see Luminous be a little tsundere.

And we finally learn a bit about the Otherworld and the races that dominate that Dimension. As I'm sure some of you know, those races will play a big part in the future.

Also for that whole "a day in the life of veldora" thing I used an idea from fellow author @BonVoyage, I of course had his permission so don't get on my ass for that. I just thought it would be something fun to include. 

If you don't believe me, here are his own words:

"Booba or butt? Well, I am more of a— oh? What? Yeah, feel free. What's mine is yours. Anyways, back to the question, I am more of a…" — Bon.

Also this is important so font size is bigger! I'm sure you all have noticed but the plot is moving a bit slower as I am focusing on character development and interactions between characters. Do keep that in mind when reading forwards, shit is gonna move slower but I'm hoping the quality of the fic increases due to it being more in depth. Thanks for reading.

Anyways, thanks for reading, peace. 

Support me if you want to read ahead on pat reon *.com* / theogbasilisk

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