
Chapter 20: The Royal Marriage 1

Chapter 20: The Royal Marriage 1

Part 1: The Proposal

A month later in April, 1897 after discussion with his father. Raj went to Mysore to propose his marriage to father-in-law Maharaj Krishnaraja.

Raj was nervous as he entered the grand hall of the Mysore Palace. He knew that this was a momentous occasion, not only for him, but for the entire Hyderabad State. He was the new seventh Nizam of Hyderabad, the ruler of the largest and richest princely state in India. He had inherited the throne after his father's sudden death, and had to face many challenges and threats from the British, the Congress, and the Muslim League. He had to maintain the sovereignty and prosperity of his state, while also balancing the interests, aspirations of his diverse subjects and expanding the state, regions which he took from British starts from Goa till Mumbai except Mumbai city. He undertook the mega project of developing Navi Mumbai under his state because the prosperity of Mumbai city which will influence Navi Mumbai to develop faster. As British connected Mumbai to Pune with rail line he just had to redirect it to Navi Mumbai, which will be new financial region of the state.

But today, he was not here as a ruler, but as a suitor. He had come to Mysore, the second largest princely state in India, to propose marriage to one of the two princesses of Mysore, Kaveri and Godavari. He had never met them before, but he had seen their portraits and heard about their beauty and intelligence. He had also heard that they were the only daughters of the Maharaja of Mysore, Krishna Raja Wodeyar IV, who was a wise and benevolent ruler, and a close ally of Hyderabad.

Raj hoped that by marrying one of the princesses, he could strengthen the bond between the two states, and create a more powerful alliance against the British and their allies. He also hoped that he could find love and happiness with his future wife, something that he had never experienced before.

He was accompanied by his elder brother, Rahul, who was his best friend and confidant. Rahul was also a handsome and charming prince, who had a reputation of being a simple one woman man. He had come to support his brother, and also to see if he could find a suitable match for himself among the other ladies of the Mysore court.

As they entered the hall, they were greeted by the Maharaja and his wife, the Maharani. They bowed respectfully and exchanged pleasantries. The Maharaja then introduced them to his daughters, Kaveri and Godavari, who were standing behind him, wearing exquisite silk sarees and dazzling jewels.

Raj felt his breath catch as he looked at them. They were both stunningly beautiful, but in different ways. Kaveri had fair skin, long black hair, and almond-shaped eyes. She had a graceful and elegant demeanor, and a gentle smile. Godavari had dusky skin, curly brown hair, and round eyes. She had a lively and spirited personality, and a radiant smile.

Raj felt a surge of attraction towards both of them, but he also felt confused. How could he choose between them? How could he know which one was his true soulmate? He wished he had more time to get to know them, but he knew that he had to make a decision soon. He glanced at his brother, who seemed to be equally smitten by the princesses. He wondered if Rahul had a preference, and if he would be willing to let him have his choice.

The Maharaja invited them to sit down and have some refreshments. He then engaged them in a friendly conversation, asking them about their state, their hobbies, their views on politics, and their expectations from marriage. Raj and Rahul answered politely and honestly, trying to impress the Maharaja and his daughters. They also tried to observe the princesses, and see if they could find any clues about their personalities, preferences, and feelings.

They soon discovered that Kaveri and Godavari were not only beautiful, but also smart and talented. Kaveri was well-versed in politics, science, literature, music, arts and statecraft. She played the veena, a stringed instrument, and sang classical songs. She also wrote poetry and painted landscapes. She was soft-spoken and courteous, but also had a strong sense of duty and loyalty. She was the perfect image of a traditional princess. She also helped her father in ruling in Mysore Kingdom. In 1893, she forced her father to connect Mysore with Mumbai-Madras rail line which benefitted Mysore greatly.

Godavari was skilled in statecraft, sports, dance, and martial arts. She rode horses, played polo, and practiced archery. She also performed folk dances and acrobatic stunts. She was outspoken and adventurous, but also had a warm heart and a generous spirit. She was the epitome of a modern princess. She helped old ruler Maharaj Krishnaraja rule Mysore.

Raj and Rahul found themselves drawn to both of them, but for different reasons. Raj admired Kaveri's grace and elegance, and felt a connection with her artistic and poetic soul. He also respected her devotion to Lord Shiva, her family and her state, and felt that she would be a supportive and faithful wife. Rahul liked Godavari's energy and enthusiasm, and felt a spark with her adventurous and fun-loving spirit. He also appreciated her kindness and generosity, and felt that she would be a loving and loyal wife.

They both wondered if the princesses felt the same way about them, and if they had a preference. They tried to read their expressions and gestures, but they were too subtle and polite to reveal their true feelings. They both smiled and nodded at everything they said, and showed interest and admiration for both of them. They both seemed to be happy and comfortable with them, but also reserved and cautious.

Raj and Rahul realized that they had a dilemma. They both wanted to marry one of the princesses, but they didn't know which one. They also didn't want to hurt or offend the other one, or their brother, or the Maharaja. They wished they could talk to each other, and share their thoughts and feelings, but they knew that it was not appropriate to do so in front of the royal family. They had to make a decision on their own, and hope that it was the right one.

They looked at each other, and then at the princesses, and then at the Maharaja, who was watching them with a keen and curious eye. He seemed to be aware of their dilemma, and he decided to end their suspense.

He cleared his throat, and said, "My dear princes, I am very pleased and honored by your proposal. I can see that you are both fine young men, who have the qualities and qualifications to be worthy husbands for my daughters. I can also see that you are both attracted to and respectful of both of them. I appreciate your sincerity and honesty, and I commend you for your courage and initiative. You have made a very difficult choice, and I respect that."

He paused, and then continued, "However, as you know, marriage is not only a matter of personal preference, but also of social and political significance. It is not only a union of two individuals, but also of two families, and two states. It is not only a source of happiness, but also of responsibility and duty. It is not only a decision of the heart, but also of the mind. Therefore, before I give you my answer, I have to ask you a few questions, and I expect you to answer them truthfully and sincerely. Are you ready?"

Raj and Rahul nodded, feeling nervous and curious. They wondered what the Maharaja was going to ask them, and what his answer was going to be. They hoped that he would approve of their proposal, and that he would let them marry the princesses of their choice. They also hoped that their choice would be the same as the princesses', and that they would be happy and compatible with them.

The Maharaja smiled, and said, "Very well, then. Let me begin with the first question. Why do you want to marry one of my daughters? What are your motives and intentions?"

Raj and Rahul looked at each other, and then at the princesses, and then at the Maharaja. They knew that this was a crucial question, and that their answer would reveal a lot about their character and credibility. They also knew that they had to be honest and sincere, and not say anything that would offend or insult the royal family.

Raj decided to speak first. He cleared his throat, and said, "Your Highness, I want to marry one of your daughters because I admire and respect them. I have seen their portraits and heard about their beauty and intelligence, and I was impressed by them. I have also met them today, and I was enchanted by them. They are both stunningly beautiful, but also smart and talented. They have grace and elegance, but also energy and enthusiasm. They have a gentle and courteous demeanor, but also a lively and spirited personality. They are both perfect princesses, and I am sure they would make perfect wives."

He paused, and then continued, "But I also want to marry one of your daughters because I value and appreciate them. I have learned about their hobbies and interests, and I was fascinated by them. I have also talked to them today, and I was connected to them. They have artistic and poetic souls, but also adventurous and fun-loving spirits. They have a strong sense of duty and loyalty, but also a warm heart and a generous spirit. They are both unique and wonderful, and I am sure they would make wonderful partners."

He paused again, and then concluded, "And I also want to marry one of your daughters because I love and desire them. I have felt their presence and their charm, and I was attracted to them. I have also looked into their eyes and their smiles, and I was moved by them. They have fair and dusky skin, but also almond and round eyes. They have long and curly hair, but also graceful and radiant smiles. They are both stunningly beautiful, and I am sure they would make beautiful lovers."

He looked at the Maharaja, and said, "These are my motives and intentions, Your Highness. I want to marry one of your daughters because I admire, respect, value, appreciate, love, and desire them. I want to make them happy, and I want to be happy with them. I want to share my life, my heart, and my soul with.


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