

(3rd's pov)

Yotsuba was slowly walking towards her home, lacking her usual energy. It was not only because her legs still felt a bit weak and she felt like there was still something inside of her but also because she had a lot on her mind.

Daiki-san had photos of her when they had sex. She didn't remember any of that, but that was undoubtedly the truth. He said that he liked her and in the beginning she felt happy, accomplished even. He liked her and not one of her sisters, but as luck had it, the first person to like her in a romantic way was the worst one as well.

*15 minutes earlier*

Yotauba was scared. The person in front of her is blackmailing her, and he talks about the topic like it is the most ordinary of action.

In her mind, it didn't make sense, so she needed to ask and hopefully change his mind.

"W-why are you doing this? You said that you like me, so why force me to be your slave. I'll probably hate you after everything you'll do." She lacked her usual confidence, and she didn't want to make him angry. She wouldn't know what he would do if he was angry, so the wisest choice was to avoid it.

At that, he smiled. It looked like a kind smile, but it sent shivers down Yotsuba's spine.

"That's pretty easy to answer. I decided that if I can't have you, I'll imprint myself into you so you won't be able to forget me. And why slave? You can be my pet if you want. I'll even buy you a collar with your name on it."

That wasn't entirely the truth, but Kirishima only needed Yotsuba to think that it was.

Yotsuba, hearing his answer, had only one thing in her head. How to get out of this situation.

"I-I have a condition-"

Yotsuba couldn't finish her sentence as Kirishima lifted her chin with only one finger and kissed her deeply. Her eyes opened wide, and she didn't know what to do because of shock, but she quickly tried to push away the man. Keyword: tried. She was too weak to free herself, but thankfully, for her, it didn't last that long. As their mouths separated, a single string of saliva hung between them until it also collapsed.

"That's cute that you think you have a choice or even any right for conditions, but I'll humor you. Every week, we'll play a game of sorts. As my slave, I expect you to listen to me, and if you are well-behaved for a whole week, we won't be having sex at the end of the week. I will even give you a freebie once a day. You can refuse any order a day, but in exchange, you must kiss me for a full minute. And I mean a deep kiss and not just touching our lips. Otherwise, you know what happens." He then kissed Yotsuba's forehead gently as he patted her head delicately. "But now you should probably dress up and get home before your family starts worrying. And remember," He put a finger against his lips and winked. "This is our secret."

*Present time*

Yotsuba finally returned home, and she put on a fake smile to appear normal to her siblings.

As soon as she stepped inside her apartment, she was tackled by her youngest sister, Itsuki.

"Yotsuba! Where have you been!? We've been so worried about you."

Yotsuba stuck out her tongue playfully. "Hehe, sorry." She rubbed the back of her head. "The party went on longer than I expected, and we just slept there."

Yotsuba barely restrained a grimace forming on her face, remembering the deal that she made not so long ago.

Itsuki was still worried about Yotsuba, but Nino, who was preparing breakfast for everyone and still holding a spatula, joined the discussion. 

"Don't be such a drama queen, Itsuki. Yotsuba had a fun night with her friends. So what. You need nights like these sometimes. Maybe I should go to a girl's party like that soon."

Itsuki was infuriated by a nonchalant reply from Nino.

"Aren't you concerned for Yotsuba even a bit!?"

Nino just rolled her eyes.

"Of course I am, but everyone needs to unwind sometimes. We are quintuplets. We share everything with each other but that doesn't mean that we can't spend one night separately. Did you forget? 'If one of you make a mistake, then overcome it together. If one of you is happy, share it with others. That's what our grandfather said. If Yotsuba was in any danger, she would tell us, and if she tried to hide it, we would immediately know. You know that she is a terrible liar."

*Ouch* That one hurt Yotsuba. She knows about Gotoubun principles just like all the others. It was the reason why they changed schools. She was the only one who failed the exam in their old school, but all her sisters followed her. She just can't allow them to worry about her even more. Not to even mention that if she said anything, Daiki-san would definitely share her photos with everyone at school and on the Internet as well.

"I'll skip the breakfast today. I already ate, but I'm pretty tired, so I'll go to my room to nap." Yotsuba let Nino and Itsuki know as she made her way towards her room. She wanted to be alone right now, and the longer she was with her sibling, the more difficult it would be to keep her emotions in check. Especially now that everything was still fresh on her mind.

"Got it. I'll make you a great dinner when you'll wake up." Nino answered as she went back to the kitchen.

Yotsuba then went to her room while hoping but still looking tired. Any kind of movement caused her pain to this moment, but she couldn't allow herself to show it.

Inside her bedroom, she closed her doors after her, went to her bed, and just fell on it. Her face was buried in a pillow, and she just started sobbing quietly to not let her siblings know about her struggle, and like that, still fully clothed, she fell asleep, hoping that everything that happened was just a nightmare.

(Kirishima's pov)

I was pretty busy during the weekend. There was planning about what to do with Yotsuba since I allowed her some leeway to not break her too quickly. You know, give her hope so that she can see the light at the end of the tunnel. A goal that she can work towards. Humans are so easy to manipulate. Dingle a reward in front of them, and suddenly, they can work harder, survive harsher environments, and so on, just like a donkey that sees a carrot in front of it but can never reach it because it is attached to a stick with a string but keeps on going, hoping that he will reach it someday. I also don't plan on letting Yotsuba go. If she somehow wins our small little bet, I'm just going to change my game plan.

Speaking of plans, I need more tools, or rather toys, sex toys. That's why I ordered some things from the Internet. Ahh~ I love the Internet. I also love the money that my 'parents' send me every week. It's enough to live comfortably and have some fun on the side.

Should I buy some magazines so Yotsuba can... learn from them. That's not a bad idea. I can also think of a method to teach Yotsuba school stuff. I can't have her dropping out of school, can I?

The next week will be fun.



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kurit_kuncreators' thoughts
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