
Chapter 221: The Power of the Double Tomoe Sharingan

"How about it, dare to compete with me?" Obito taunted.

"Do you think a perpetual winner like me would fear a challenge from a loser?" Kakashi couldn't help but say.

Though he wasn't confident about the battle, seeing Obito so arrogant, Kakashi felt annoyed.

"That's all in the past, now I'm the stronger one," Obito confidently said with his arms crossed.

Having activated the Double Tomoe Sharingan and improved his Flame Breathing, he had made tremendous progress on this mission. Not to mention Kakashi, he even felt confident about taking on Shisui.

"Save that talk for when you actually beat me," Kakashi said calmly.

Seeing the rising tension between the two, Mutsuki, acting as the referee, gathered all the disciples to watch the match.

"Occasional competition is nice," Mutsuki said with a smile. This time, he had high hopes for Obito.

Now, Obito not only surpassed Kakashi in terms of raw strength but also performed excellently in the battle against the Hidden Cloud Jonin, no longer the rookie in combat he once was.

Obito and Kakashi stood face to face, forming the Seal of Confrontation.

"Obito, Kakashi, do your best!" Rin cheered for both of them, waving her little fists.

Hearing Rin's encouragement, Obito thought to himself that this time he must thoroughly defeat Kakashi to show Rin his true strength.

"Begin the battle!" Mutsuki quickly announced.


As soon as Mutsuki finished speaking, Obito and Kakashi instantly threw punches, their fists colliding.

"Kakashi, your punch lacks power," Obito laughed, then quickly changed his breathing rhythm, entering the Flame Breathing state and pushing Kakashi back.

Kakashi's expression remained unchanged. Using the force from Obito to retreat to a nearby tree, then he suddenly launched himself and punched Obito.

The Taijutsu styles of the two were vastly different. Obito's moves were wide and forceful, emphasizing power, while Kakashi relied more on technique.

Their battle was intense, with constant clashes, but remained evenly matched.

"Youth in their spring should be like this!" Guy's blood boiled as he watched the fierce, hand-to-hand combat, wishing he could replace Obito to fight Kakashi himself.

Seeing Guy itching to join the fight, Mutsuki waved two fingers in front of him.

"Youth in their spring also needs to rest properly." Guy immediately remembered that he was still in a recovery period, and intense training was not allowed.

"Flame Breathing, Total Concentration Breathing!"

After some probing attacks, Obito went all out, entering an extremely focused breathing state, absorbing large amounts of oxygen from the air to strengthen himself.

With Total Concentration Breathing, Obito's physical abilities instantly increased, enhancing both his speed and strength significantly, and he began to overpower Kakashi.

"Thunder Breathing!"

Kakashi also entered the Thunder Breathing state. Though it didn't enhance him as much as Obito's, it still provided a significant boost.


Kakashi swiftly drew his White Fang short blade and slashed at Obito with great speed.

With a whoosh, Obito used Soru to dodge, knowing that despite his greater strength, he couldn't withstand Kakashi's blade with his body.

After retreating, Obito quickly formed hand seals and then took out a large number of shuriken from his ninja tool pouch, throwing them at Kakashi. Flame Breathing's greatest strength was its enhancement of Fire Release, not physical abilities.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson!"

Currently, the strongest Fire Release technique Obito had mastered was the Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson. It had a wide range and considerable power, combining the sharpness of the shuriken with the intense heat of the flames.

Obito expelled a large fireball, and as the shuriken passed through it, they turned into small fireballs, flying rapidly towards Kakashi.

"Lightning Release: False Darkness!"

Kakashi's hands moved swiftly, gathering a large amount of chakra in his throat and rapidly completing the Nature Transformation. It finally turned into a lightning spear that Kakashi spat out.


The rapidly moving lightning soon collided with the numerous small fireballs of Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson. A huge explosion ensued, the blast wave causing Obito and Kakashi's hair to flutter backward, and a charred mark appeared on the ground.

"They're both amazing," Rin exclaimed as she watched the two clash with Ninjutsu.

Compared to Obito and Kakashi, she felt she might be a bit one-sided in her abilities, relying mainly on Taijutsu for combat.

"He even managed to block my fully enhanced Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson enhnaced with Flame Breathing. Looks like I'll need to use my Sharingan," Obito decided to use his full strength.

He originally wanted to see if he could defeat Kakashi without using the Sharingan, but it seemed like without it, their fight would most likely be a draw.

Obito concentrated his chakra in his eyes, which quickly turned blood-red with two tomoe patterns appearing.

"Finally using it," Kakashi cautiously eyed Obito, wary of his sudden attacks while planning his own counterattack.

Although he knew his chances of winning were slim, Kakashi didn't give up. If he lost, Obito would likely remind him every day of his defeat, given how Obito could talk about a mission mistake for a month.

"Sharingan, and it's even the two-tomoe version!" Shisui exclaimed in surprise upon seeing Obito's eyes.

Since Obito had slept all day yesterday and only trained this morning, aside from those who had gone on missions with him like Mutsuki, neither Shisui nor Rin knew that Obito had awakened his Sharingan, let alone that it was already at the two-tomoe level.

Shisui was deeply shocked. Before the mission, Obito didn't have the Sharingan. Now, he was using it, which meant Obito had awakened it during the mission. Given the short time frame, it couldn't have evolved through training, implying that Obito's Sharingan had started at the two-tomoe level.

As an Uchiha, Shisui knew what this meant—it signified that Obito had a natural talent for the Sharingan.

Shisui felt a deep sense of danger, as his own Sharingan was still at the one-tomoe level.

"So that's the Uchiha Clan's Sharingan," Rin remarked, not as surprised as Shisui.

She knew about the Sharingan because Obito often boasted that if he had it, he would easily defeat Kakashi. However, she didn't understand the true significance of the Sharingan or the value of awakening it at the two-tomoe level.

Whiz, whiz, whiz!!

With his Sharingan activated, Obito became extremely confident. He casually took out a handful of shuriken and threw them at Kakashi, then charged at Kakashi with a kunai.

Kakashi dodged the shuriken, but this gave Obito an opportunity, and they began another round of combat.


Kakashi's White Fang short blade continuously clashed with Obito's kunai. Although Obito hadn't learned any special sword techniques (Kenjutsu), the powerful insight of the Sharingan and the physical abilities provided by his Breathing Technique allowed him to leave several scratches on Kakashi's clothes.

"What strong perceptive abilities, my attacks are all being seen through," Kakashi frowned.

Previously, when he saw Obito using the Sharingan, he hadn't been able to overpower the Hidden Cloud Jonin in close combat, so Kakashi thought he could leverage his skill with the blade to narrow the gap between them.

But in actual combat, the enhancement brought by the Sharingan was far greater than he had imagined.

"Purple Electricity!"

Knowing he couldn't keep entangling with Obito like this, Kakashi released a burst of chakra in his hand, creating a dazzling purple lightning.

Obito immediately dodged and retreated, aware of the power of this Ninjutsu.

However, Obito didn't realize that this was a feint by Kakashi. Both Purple Electricity and False Darkness consumed a lot of chakra. Having used False Darkness once already, if Kakashi used Purple Electricity again, he would be nearly depleted.

Scaring Obito into retreating, Kakashi quickly withdrew into the dense forest. Unable to win head-on, he decided to employ tactics.

Hiding behind a tree, Kakashi briefly disappeared from Obito's sight.

Obito quickly leaped to a high vantage point, using his Sharingan to scan the surroundings, but he couldn't spot any sign of Kakashi's movements.

"Looks like he's hiding there," Obito nodded, then swiftly formed hand seals.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

Concentrating chakra in his throat, he exhaled a large amount of flame, which quickly formed a three-meter-high fireball and hurled it toward the tree where Kakashi was hiding.

Knowing Kakashi was particularly cunning, Obito used the low-cost, high-power Great Fireball to probe. If Kakashi didn't come out, he would have to take the full brunt of the Great Fireball.

As expected by Obito, Kakashi promptly emerged from hiding.

Seizing this opportunity, Obito launched an attack on Kakashi.


The kunai sliced through Kakashi's body, but the Kakashi he attacked dispersed into smoke.

"Thunder Breathing: Thunderclap and Flash!"

Using Earth Release to quietly relocate, Kakashi reappeared. He focused his breathing as much as possible, then burst chakra in his feet, striking at Obito with the hilt of his blade.

At this moment, Kakashi moved as fast as lightning, so swift that even Rin could barely see his body clearly.

"Haha, I've been waiting for that move from you!" Obito chuckled instead of worrying, as he had long known Kakashi wasn't easy to deal with and remained cautious.

In Rin's eyes, Kakashi's extremely rapid movements were not exceptionally fast compared to Obito's two-tomoe Sharingan.

Obito focused his breathing intensely, sidestepped Kakashi's swing, and noticed the moment Kakashi's body paused. He swiftly used a kunai to counter Kakashi.

"Obito wins," Mutsuki announced directly. This time, it was Kakashi's main body.

As expected, the result confirmed the significant advantage of having a pair of two-tomoe Sharingan.

"Haha, I won this time!" Obito couldn't help but cheer.

After four years, he had finally defeated the prodigy he had always admired with his own hands. He wasn't the trailing Uchiha Obito anymore; he was the genius Uchiha Obito because he had defeated the genius Hatake Kakashi!

"Hard work does pay off!" Watching Obito celebrate, Guy, with his rich emotions, suddenly empathized, recalling his own exhilarating moment of first defeating Kakashi.

At that moment, he truly felt all his efforts had not been in vain, and everything had finally paid off.


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