
Small Miracles

"So this is where everyone went," Lokus commented.

"Everyone and their cousins, mothers, and distant relatives," replied Endalia as she swept her gaze over the crowd. "It's packed."

"Hopefully not packed enough that we can't get through it."

Endalia smiled at that. "I don't think that's going to be an issue."

She took several strong steps forward, shoving her way through the crowd and shooting a withering glare at anyone who objected. Lokus followed closely behind, the uncannily human façade of his mask and his white hair quickly silencing those Endalia's glares didn't.

It wasn't long before they had reached the center, pushing their way through to behold what had caught the attention of so many.

There in the middle of it all, surrounded by four guards, a man with black hair and green eyes stood next to a man who was sitting on a wooden stool.

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