
Briefest of Instants

The passersby spared them another brief glance before continuing on their way. Endalia moved closer to Lokus and examined the coughing woman on his back with an expression fraught with worry.

"We need to find someone," she told him. Although the coughs drowned out the ambient sound, Lokus' Perception was more than high enough to understand her words through the noise. "And soon."

"We better start looking, then. Lead the way."

Although Lokus had said that, Endalia knew just as much about this place as he did. That was to say, almost nothing.

Endalia's panic rose with every minute they wandered this maze-like town of brick buildings. They all looked the same: just as low, just as wide, with not the slightest deviation in terms of their purple coloration or even scratches or cracks. There were no signs on or above the wooden doors, and no indication whatsoever of which building was what.

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