

"Have we met?"

"You know her, Professor?" Kordia said pointedly, reminding Kir he was in disguise.

"We~ have not met! But I remember seeing you perform," Kir lied quickly. "Professor Nasumi, at your service."

"I think I would have remembered a strapping wolfkin like you," Morn winked. "You're a big boy, aren't you?"

"Professor, we don't have time for this," Bailey asserted, clearly eager to get the search started.

"Hold your tits, boy, I just wanted to ask if we could combine our efforts. Circus lost a couple of performers a few days ago. Normally we'd just assume they were having fun and got lost, or they ran off, but we're wintering here, and I have no idea how this thing works." She wiggled her branch with the blue lamp.

"She's trying to summon Ghostheart," one of the kids cried out.

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