
Chapter 12 Stop Forcing Her_1


Jiang Xinjie was enjoying the delicacies that Li Mingxun had brought for her, which he had specifically packed from her favorite restaurant.

After leaving Luo Qianxun behind, he felt no guilt and just wanted to get to the hospital to keep Jiang Xinjie company as soon as he could.

Ignoring the affection in Luo Qianxun's eyes, arbitrarily trampling on her self-esteem, he just wanted to force her to face reality.

"Brother Mingxun, you're always so good to me."

Jiang Xinjie laughed extraordinarily sweetly.

"You're carrying my child, it's hard on you. And it's only right for me to treat you well."

Li Mingxun passed the warm milk to Jiang Xinjie, "Have some milk to drink, don't just eat dry food."


Jiang Xinjie took a sip from Li Mingxun's hand, "It's delicious. Brother Mingxun, did Grandpa give you a hard time when you went back home for dinner?"

"Luo Qianxun didn't say anything, Grandpa doesn't know."

Li Mingxun slightly knitted his eyebrows, "She won't divorce me willingly, so it might be a drawn-out battle."

Luo Qianxun pretended to have morning sickness in front of Li Yuan, making the situation more complicated.

If she insists on not getting a divorce and has Li Yuan to support her, this divorce tug of war might not end so easily.


Tears filled Jiang Xinjie's eyes instantly. She placed her hand on her belly, feeling somewhat lost, "I can wait, but what about the baby? I can hide my belly now since it's not big yet. But when it gets bigger…"

She stopped there, not finishing the rest of her sentence, but it was enough to make Li Mingxun understand her urgency.

"Xinjie, don't worry."

Li Mingxun comforted Jiang Xinjie, "I will find a way to make her sign it. She knows that I don't love her. Keeping up the facade of a marriage is pointless."

"Brother Mingxun, Qianxun is doing this just to oppose me. She knows I'm pregnant and wants to embarrass me to make me the subject of gossip."

Jiang Xinjie jumped into Li Mingxun's embrace, sobbing, "She'll never forgive me. I did wrong. I wrecked your marriage. I deserve this…"

"Xinjie, don't blame yourself like this."

Li Mingxun consoled her compassionately, "It wasn't your fault. She used some trick to force Grandpa to make me marry her. This marriage itself was a mistake. I will rectify this mistake."

"Brother Mingxun, if she truly won't agree to the divorce, let it be. Don't force her anymore."

Tears flowed down Jiang Xinjie's cheeks, "Even though I've known her for many years, I don't want to hurt her anymore. Just leave it as it is. I'll bring up the child myself. I won't get in between you two anymore and make things difficult for you. As long as you can occasionally come to see me and the child, I'll be satisfied."

"Xinjie, you're just too kind. You always consider her feelings, and she never appreciates it."

Li Mingxun sighed lightly, "If grandpa hadn't been so stubborn about making me marry her and even suffered a heart attack over it, I would never have compromised. Don't worry. If she refuses to sign, I'll make her. You just stay calm and take care of our baby."


Jiang Xinjie leaned onto Li Mingxun, nodding her head obediently.

"I'm going to wash some fruits for you. It's good for pregnant women to eat more fruit. It's good for the baby's skin."

Li Mingxun got up to go to the kitchen.

As Jiang Xinjie lay on the hospital bed, her pitiful expression immediately turned cold. She gnashed her teeth, and said, "Damn Luo Qianxun, you think that by delaying the signing, I'll be helpless?"

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