

"I really really hope, this isn't a dream or a hallucination, that I'm going to wake up from, any second." I muttered to myself as this was the happiest I'd felt in a very very long time.

Standing up from the bench seat moving to the fridge grabbing out a can of coke before moving to sit back down in my favorite chair next to the tv stand.

While waiting for the Omintrix to recharge, I decided to go back to watching Ben 10 instead of just watching the Omnitrix.

Noticing that Ben still had his Omnitrix in the show, and that Ben was still getting up to his usual shenanigans with his cousin Gwen and Grandpa Max.

I felt relieved that I didn't ruin my favorite childhood cartoon.

While watching Ben 10 waiting for the Omnitrix to recharge, I wondered if I should try and take things from other shows or even other episodes.

But I decided to wait until I have the 3-D printer made and the implant placed within my body.

'Well, I'm glad I didn't ruin one of my favorite childhood cartoons…but this new ability of mine comes with a lot of implications that go way beyond my comprehension.' I thought to myself while looking at a scene that showed the Omnitrix snuggly resting on Ben's wrist where it's always belonged.

'Better make a note to have Greymatter think on this the next time I transform into him…or rather us?' I mentally wondered to myself, in my mind but I was quickly brought out of my mind by a gentle humming chime as the Omnitrix's face plate turned back to green signifying it was recharged and ready for use.

Just as I was about to use the Omnitrix again, I stopped myself and decided to finish the episode I was currently on since it only has three minutes left until the end.

Finishing out the episode I noticed that up in the right hand corner of the still green tinted tv screen.

There was a vibrant green dot with a white X in the middle of it that stood out against the green film that covered the screen.

"Fuck it." I muttered to myself as I'd already put my arm through the screen. So why not try pressing the X? Pressing my finger against the white X seeing that it made the green tint shrink down to that somewhat annoying green dot once more.

"Okay, that's pretty frickin cool." I whispered to myself before pressing my finger against said dot and holding it there, which made the dot seem to vibrate underneath my fingertip, like an app on a touch-smart device, when you press and hold on said app so you can move the app around on the screen.

Much like an app the dot becomes slightly enlarged and moves around the screen along with my finger.

"Hahaha." I laughed while playing around with the dot, since I found it quite a bit more fun and entertaining to play with the dot than it rightly should be for a guy my age.

"He-hem." I cleared my throat while feeling a bit of embarrassment as I probably burnt up ten minutes playing with the dot.

Deciding to place the dot at the very top right corner of the tv screen, so it wouldn't be in my direct line of sight watching as the dot shrunk to its original size and settled into its new position.

Which made it much less of a nuisance to my viewing pleasure, as it now rested in my peripheral vision.

"Alright, time to stop fucking around." I muttered to myself while transforming into Upgrade.

'Whoa, this feels trippy as fuck.' I thought to myself as I touched the Frankenstein control module and the repurposed iPhone 5, and let my body carry out Galvin me's directions.

Diagrams, circuits flooded my mind and I moved my semi liquid body in ways to form them.

Once the printer was formed I moved on to breaking down component parts and pieces into let's call it Omni-paste.

Finishing up all the work I had to do while hearing the low power warning chime, which made me pull out of the technology transforming back into myself.

Looking at the strange device that looked somewhat similar to an expensive industrial 3-D printer, but more alien in design.

Pressing the blinking Omnitrix symbol that was on the screen of the iPhone 5 that had been built into the printer.

I found myself watching enraptured as a green light shined and started making something that was suspended in the air by four beams of energy.

"That…is so cool." I whispered to myself as I watched a pill-like shape be created in front of my eyes.

The process took all of a few minutes to complete and the device ended up being the size of an average sized rice grain.

"Who could have thought that something this small could be so powerful?" I thought to myself as I followed the instructions on the display of showing a hand being inserted into the printer.

Pushing my right hand into the energy beams feeling my skin prickle slightly before little robotic arms moved and made a small incision with a laser on the back of my hand, while another clasped the implant and inserted it into my hand before another laser fused my skin back together the entire process was completely painless.

Pulling it back out a green holographic construct made of light formed around my hand, forearm and the Omnitrix.

A holographic screen much like an average sized tablet screen appeared over my right hand, and with a thought so did a keyboard.

Typing in the command prompt to activate stealth mode, which was #Stealth…yeah that was how much faith Galvin me has in me.

"So I should be invisible to cameras and such now." I muttered to myself while turning my wrist sharply making the holographic constructions disappear.

'Before…I go and start having fun with this baby, maybe I should do something really smart…like say, unlock the master control functions of my Omnitrix either using a YouTube video, from the Ben 10 Alien Force episode War of Worlds.' I thought to myself as I picked up my tablet scrolling through my downloaded episodes finding the one I was looking for.

Clicking on the episode fast forwarding to the part that I needed to unlock Master Control for my Omnitrix.

When suddenly my Omnitrix reacted strangely similar in the way Ben's did when he took the Omnitrix out of the box he'd put it in years earlier.

When it slowly morphed into the calibrated Omnitrix, and then it spoke to me but instead of Ben's voice coming from the Omnitrix, the voice came out more as a neutral and mechanical sounding male voice.

[Master Control Functions Unlocked.]

"Everything's unlocked, how many Aliens can I turn into?" I asked out loud.

[1,000,912 Genetic Samples available.]

"Ohh yeah baby!" I said while standing up and doing a little dance.

'Now that I can turn into any alien I want, all I have to do is figure out whether or not my Omnitrix has all of the functions that the alien force and omniverse one's have.' I thought to myself as I decided to ask the Omnitrix what functions I'd unlocked.

"Omnitrix, update me on all functions that are currently unlocked." I commanded the Omnitrix.

[Unlocked functions are:

Instant transformation between forms;

No time limit on transformations unless energy is completely depleted and that the self-sustaining energy source can reproduce;

All one million nine hundred and twelve transformations available;

DNA repair functions both for bearer and none bearer function available;

Telepathic link synchronized;

Omnitrix customization menu.

Life-form lock mode now available

Automatic D.N.A scanning On

Stealth mode that makes the Omnitrix appear at the same level of technology that is available on the planet while also in transformation makes the face plate invisible.]

[Omnitrix has one pending recalibration, four software updates] spoke the same voice as before but inside my head instead of outloud.

[User D.N.A enhancement/replacement/healing function now active Bearer's template has been stored inside Omnitrix designated as its only user/operator. Please program voice commands at earliest convenience for integral security and safety functions]

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