

Instantly the fight was on, Fukashi dodged underneath a sudden hook that was aimed for his jaw, but before the older man could retract his punch Fukashi kneed the man in the gut.

Fukashi heard his sharp exhale of breath and quickly pressed his advantage. Using the same leg he had just kneed the man with, he used it to kick the man's own knee.

He dropped to one knee with a grunt as Fukashi hit the man with another kick that sent the man skidding across the helipad. "Who are you?" Fukashi asked, his voice was harsh.

The man paused and looked Fukashi in the eyes "Toji" he started to stretch his arms back behind him as he kept his eyes on the Uchiha "You?".

"Fukashi" Said Uchiha quickly pressed Toji, Toji was forced to dodge under a punch then winced as a kick slapped against his chin and tried to gain some distance so unleashed a powerful leg kick that Fukashi checked without a pause in the fighting.

Toji jumped back to gain some space but Fukashi was following and hit the man with a punch to his jaw and forced Toji to dodge out of the way of another speeding kick aimed for the man's head.

Before Fukashi could react, Toji had smashed his foot down into the helipad floor. He felt the building shake from the force and watched as Toji quickly rushed him in a burst of speed.

Already unbalanced and surprised, Fukashi was hit in the jaw with a crushing punch that shook his skull. Fukashi quickly regained his balance and got back to his feet.

The Uchiha quickly recovered and raised his guard once again as Toji kicked out at the Uchiha who weaved it and responded with a kick of his own that grazed the man's grinning face.

Fukashi was curious, he'd never heard of this guy before. "You someone Geto hired?" He asked Toji.

Tojis eyes seemed to widen the smallest amount "Geto, no…I was brought back by her" he said while he tilted his head towards the old lady's corpse in between them.

"Brought back?" Fukashi asked.

"Yeah, she brought me back to life. Must have been her technique" he shrugged as he met eyes with the Uchiha.

Fukashis eyes widened, that was an odd technique.

He focused on the old woman's corpse, that was a mistake.

He gasped as a fist was planted into his stomach he felt his ribs creak as he was sent off the skyscraper. Toji jumped off as well with a grin on his face, and before Fukashi could realise Toji planted his feet into his stomach and kicked down with all of his strength.

His body was brutally thrown through the air as the kick propelled him towards the concrete below.

His back hit the floor with incredible impact, he gasped as his breath left his lungs. He coughed as dust from the impact flew into his mouth and went up his nose.

His sharingan eyes blazed with anger as he saw Toji above him. The man was falling and was aimed to land directly on top of the Uchiha. Before Fukashi could fully catch his breath he used his feet to propel himself out of the way of the man's fall.

He quickly stood on his feet in a fluid motion, in the same motion he avoided a skull crushing punch from the man.

Fukashi decided to show him how the sharingan was used for close combat. Before Toji could react Fukashis fist was planted into the man's jaw, before he could even turn his head back to the Uchiha his knee was kicked from the side leading Toji to fall to one knee then Fukashi grabbed the back of Tojis head and pulled it down into his quickly rising knee.

The sudden crack when his knee met Tojis eye socket clearly didn't mean anything good for the man. Fukashi stepped back from the man as Toji stumbled to his feet.

Fukashi looked into the man's eyes, his right eye was already bleeding heavily. He was still stumbling from the knee to his eye.

"Toji…" his voice led off, clearly hinting at wanting the man's family name.

"Fushiguro" he replied, his voice still sharp as his eyes focused on him.

"You look like you fight with a weapon" It was obvious if one looked closely, his fighting stance clearly indicated he is used to having a weapon in his hand.

Not only just his fighting stance but the man would almost instinctively try to block as if he had a weapon on hand.

Toji grunted "If I had my equipment I would have you at my feet by now" he said with a scowl.

Fukashi snorted as he stared at the man "Nah, you're gonna lose either way" he pulled the kunai out of his pocket and threw it at the man who caught it out of the air with ease.

Fukashis passive calm face turned feral as a grin formed on his face "So how about you give me a fight worth dying for Fushiguro!" His voice echoed around his empty surroundings.

Tojis only response was a feral grin of his own as his hand clenched around the kunai in his hands.



Criticism, comments, ideas for future plots or character interactions/fights always welcome! Thanks to Vidhan_Bhardwaj, YoungMasterPeng, Bosh_5165 and Daoist50hiLm for the reviews I've now almost got ten!

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