

Fukashi heard ringing in his ears, he couldn't move. He heard Akira speak but didn't understand. Then suddenly he was somewhere else.

He was home.

He was in the lake, his head burst from the freezing water only to see the Uchiha compound in smoking ruins.

His legs were wobbly as he stood and ran to where he knew his brother would be. He dropped to his knees beside him.

His black long hair was bloodstained, his coal eyes were wide open, his jaw looked dislocated.

He felt his arms shaking as he stared upon his little brother. Tears fell from his eyes as he revisited the worst day of his life.

But the image flickered, he was now staring at the cold floor beneath him. The slight ringing in his ears and the cold ground scratching against his thin black trousers.

He felt his breath leave his chest as he looked back towards the explosions. Remnants still remained from the explosion.

Shrapnel everywhere, a couple nearby cars were turned into grenades as the now scrap metal was sent into dozens of nearby civilians.

He dragged his unwilling body to the edge of the roof and watched in horror at the full extent of the damage.

Parents were already crying over the bodies of children, children were sobbing and screaming over the bodies of parents.

He specifically noticed a young boy, must have been 12-13 screaming for his uncle. He had brown hair, brown eyes. Looked like a foreigner, had an odd accent.

The boy was just shouting, running around in circles looking for his uncle.

This was a memory that boy would never forget until the day he dies, whether that be in two weeks or forty years.

And judging by the way the boy fell to the floor and incidentally revealed the knife sized piece of car stuck in his stomach.

He wouldn't remember this for much longer.

His eyes glided across the damage and studied all of the people, their faces painted in fear.

A woman stood in the middle of the calamity with no expression of panic nor fear. She looked sad as she stared directly at him.

She looked to be 60 with wrinkles in her tanned skin, she had dark brown hair with strains of grey running through it.

Her bright green eyes were focused directly on him.

His red eyes activated with no strain as he stared back, her cursed energy was strong and the way she stared right at him all but confirmed his suspicion.

He made his way back to his feet while keeping eye contact with the woman.

Akira spoke from behind him but he couldn't hear him, the ringing in his ears persisted. Fukashi took a step and then to the woman's eyes disappeared.

She turned when her instincts screamed at her, the boy was behind her. Her thoughts were racing but to the outside she was composed.

She noticed Akira in the corner of her eye, he was still standing on the building he and the boy were previously on.

Her main focus was on the Uchiha, according to Danzo this was the biggest threat since Madara himself. The boy didn't compare to Madara at all, yet.

But his strength progression has been rapid, it would be of no surprise to her if the boy would have a domain in under a year.

Uchihas were always known for their extremely powerful but cruel domains.

She felt her cursed energy thrum, of course it's a shame that all that potential will be ended.


Her explosion was just as large as the other one, the already destroyed area surrounding her was only further flattened as her green cursed technique devoured all within its range.

She wasn't at all surprised when the boy's corpse wasn't already beneath her feet. She sighed, it truly was sad to have to kill the last of the Uchiha.

The boy rushed at her in a burst of speed her body couldn't follow in her old age. But her instincts were as sharp as one could get, she simply twisted her head to the right as his lightning-covered fist missed her head by inches.


Her explosions didn't affect her own body, so of course when an old lady walked into the Uchiha district while all the strong Uchiha were in a single room talking about the coup it wasn't hard to use her cursed technique and turn the prestigious clan into a thing of the past.

Did she want to do such a thing?


In fact she hated it, she never revelled in violence against fellow sorcerers. The dust of the explosion finally dropped and she looked at the boy.

He was on the ground holding his stomach gasping for air. It's no surprise he lived, it will take many such explosions to fully kill the boy.

Not because he was different from the clan that all died in a single explosion but because she didn't have the necessary time to charge the explosion.

When she has time, such as in the gigantic Uchiha explosion she could find a quiet spot and charge her cursed energy endlessly.

Her eyes dragged across the scene surrounding the pair, her tired eyes suddenly brightened at the sight.

Her dream, her dream had always been to exterminate the humans. She sighed once more as she stared at the screaming pathetic beings.

But alas, her dream is long left in the past. Her goals are now Danzos and her dream is now Danzos, she looked forward to the slowly standing Uchiha.

And Danzo's wishes were simple: kill the Uchiha.


She heard the boy scream this time, her eyes almost filled with tears. The explosion cleared and his bloodied body was revealed to her.

Weirdly Akira hadn't interrupted yet, maybe the man didn't care afterall. She took multiple steps forward, her eyes filled with tears now, they were dripping down her wrinkled face as she walked towards the gasping broken boy.


The boy's screams tore at her ears more than the explosion did.

The explosion cleared and she looked at the boy, he was dying now. It was inevitable, his chest was caved in, she could even see his gasping lungs sucking in as much air to support the broken body.

"p-ple-please" his voice was raspy, she was scared. Her body was screaming at her, her eyes filled with more tears. "w-why di-did" his voice was dragging itself through his throat that was gushing with blood "yo-you do it".

She confessed as she dropped to her knees, she was a puppet, she was Danzo's through and through, she used to have dreams, she told the boy everything.

She told him of that day, how she cried as she killed his clan in the blast. How she walked back to Danzo with a child's forearm impaling her stomach.

Tears freely flowed, something was wrong, so wrong.

Her body told her to run, run and don't come back.

She owed more than that to the boy she needed to kill.

She stood on old and shaking knees and took two steps towards the now crying boy.

It felt like she was walking to an execution.

But not his one.

Reality cracked.

Her body was sent brutally flying into a close brick wall with extreme speed, she coughed up blood, she had been around death long enough to know when it was coming.

She was on her stomach, she slowly turned her neck and faced the direction she was kicked from, all she saw was 2 glowing red eyes.

She reached out a broken arm towards the visage and murmured out a simple broken word.


seriously let me know what you think, I think this is my best chapter yet

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