
Sunny Little Dragon

"Hiiii-YAAH!" Ruby yells and tries her best to punch me.

Only issue is.. Well, everything. Her positioning is bad, she's overreaching in her punch.. At least her fingers and thumb are properly placed. I step to the side and watch my little sis stumble where I had previously been before grabbing her fluttering red cape.

She hates it when I do this but she needs to learn somehow, eh?

"Bwuh-!" I pull back on the cape and throw a quick jab at her ribs that connects quite easily and makes her fall back on the grass.

"Ooough... Yaaaang! Do you have to pull my cape!? Ugh..! I HATE hand-to-hand training! Why can't I use my baby?" Ruby pouts and gives me her famous 'Puppy eyes'.

Too bad they only ever work on Dad in the family.

"Oh quit it.. You know this stuff's important. What if some enemy knocks it away? It's big and heavy, Rubes. You got serious power in your arms from swinging it, so why not take advantage and learn how to throw a punch? If to at least stun someone for long enough to grab Crescent Rose." I can see her pout fade away as she stands up and rubs her ribs.

Maybe I hit her too hard? I'm still getting used to these changes. It'd been around three months since I had that weird 'not a dream' of Yin. Occasionally I'll have some nights where I'm in severe pain, then wake up early afternoon feeling good. I barely remember Yin going through all that as a kid. How she could stand that at so young, I have no idea. But she has my unwavering respect.


More obvious than my uber rise in strength though.. Is this killer body. Big boobs! Six pack abs! Bubble butt! Strong legs! I grew a strong body really quick. Only downsides seem to be how much food I eat and the occasional pain. Ruby almost died of jealousy when she found out I never needed to use the bathroom anymore!

"YANG! Quit checking yourself out!" Ruby starts shaking me.

"Aww come on, sis. Nothing wrong with inspecting my own merchandise! Besides, I was mostly thinkin' about controlling my power. I was trying to go easy on you, swearsies." Ruby huffs before grabbing my arm and trying to measure it again.

"Hmm... Yeap.. You're still growing alright. Jeez, what did..." Ruby looks around, probably to see if Mom and Dad were around before getting up close to me to whisper. "-Yin.. feed you? I know she gave us some gifts.. -and I'm not saying I'm not happy with mine! ...But d'you think she could give me the same treatment as you? I'll be able to carry way more stuff!"

Become a Dragon to carry more smithing stuff around? I wonder how Yin would feel about that.

"Uh no. First off, Mom and Dad should have ONE normal kid to raise. Second, this is.. something that only exists for us, I think? She didn't give me a super soldier serum.. She went through this stuff way before I did."

"Think it has something to do with your bio Mom?"

"I-" "Hah! No. If it did, I'd guarantee you we'd be a special warrior clan."

-3rd POV-

Qrow had been watching his nieces spar in the backyard for the better part of an hour. Though they hadn't noticed his presence, due to him sitting high up in a tree above them. And, for over half the fight, he was in bird form. He was observing Yang, to see the reason for the sudden growth of her body, though he had a really good guess as to who triggered it. That guess was pretty much confirmed once he heard Ruby ask about Yin.

They both refused to tell their parents about the cause, mainly due to thinking it would make them angry at Yin for changing Yang like this.

'As if those two would actually get mad at her for that.. The change seems like it'll help Yang as a Huntress. Seemed to help Yin anyway.' Qrow thought to himself while putting his flask away and hopping down from the tree he sat on.

"Think it has something to do with your bio Mom?"

"I-" "Hah! No. If it did, I'd guarantee you we'd be a special warrior clan." The two sisters look over to where the Huntsman dropped in, shoulders dropping in relief it wasn't one of their parents.

"Uncle Qrow!" Ruby jumped on his back, hanging there like a needy koala.

"Hey Uncle. Uh.. how much'd you hear..?" Yang asked with a sheepish grin.

"Pretty much the whole thing, Firecracker. Don't sweat it. I figured your sister had something to do with all this." Qrow replied, gesturing to Yang's maturing body.

"Oh! Whadja mean by 'Warrior Clan' though?" Ruby asked, while sneaking peeks at Harbinger.

Qrow scrached his stubbled chin and raised his brow. "You don't know? Some families across Remnant are famous for being Huntsmen families. Like, say.. The Arcs, The Winchesters, The Schnee, The Chrollo's, The Nikos.. Way back in the day, these families, plus a few more, were known across Remnant as the impenetrable wall of Humanity. Even killed a few Mythic Class. Stuff of legends." Qrow explained, feeling Ruby nearly vibrate with excitement. Yang, not surprisingly, had a far tamer reaction. But he saw the spark of challenge in her eyes when mentioning Mythic Class Grimm.

"Huh..? Wait, Arc? As in noodle boy Jaune Arc?" Yang, after settling down, asked incredulously.

"You know- Ah.. That makes sense. Domremy, right? I remember Tai likes to take you guys down there every Spring." Qrow concluded, watching as Yang facepalmed.

"Yeah! Dad is friends with Jaune's Dad. Can't believe JAUNE'S from a legendary Warrior Clan though.." Ruby released her Uncle and snorted to herself.

"Yeah.. Kid wants to be trained by his Dad but he keeps refusing. I figured I'd teach him how to punch. Also gave him a crazy workout routine too, but I doubt he'll stick to it." Yang shrugged.

"What routine..?" Qrow was almost afraid to ask.

Yang laughed while nervously twirling her finger around her blonde locks. "Well.. uh.. I think I said.. 10km run, 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats every day."

Qrow heaved a sigh of relief. That was a long run but it was doable. He was expecting something far more intense, since it was Yang who was giving him advice. "That sounds fine, Firecracker.. Why'd you look so nervous?"

Yang put her finger on her jaw while looking back at her Uncle. "I dunno why... or how.. but I feel like.. he'll go bald if he does that routine. Dunno why though.."

Qrow wanted to refute. Logically, that reasoning doesn't make sense. Why would he lose his hair if he did that workout routine? But for some inexplicable reason, he couldn't really argue against it. Shaking his head, he decided to shelf that minor worry and focus on what he was truly there for.

"So, Firecracker.. I have to ask. Since you've.. uh.. 'grown up' like this.. Have you experienced feeling anything weird? Like with your Aura, Semblance... anything like that?" Qrow asked while looking into Yang's lilac-colored eyes.

"I guess..? Wait.. how do you know about that?" Yang replied, feeling a pit of unease form in her stomach.

"Crap.. Well, I'm a bit familiar with this stuff. Can you show me? Need to know what we're dealing with here. I promise, I'll keep this just between us three, okay?" Her Uncle assured, while Ruby looked expectantly at her sister.

"It's Uncle Qrow, Yang.." Ruby quietly added.

Yang sighed, silently acquiescing before beginning to pull on the strange font of energy within herself. From her chest, a radiating heat could be felt, feeding the energy to her two hands before a brilliant golden flame took form above her palms. Qrow bit his lip and watched the fire take form. He knew what it was.


"Still. Soooo. Coool!" Ruby exclaimed.

He wasn't just there for personal reasons after all. Ozpin had gotten in contact with him a week prior, stating he felt magic in the direction of Patch. And since nobody of note besides his family lived here, he checked Summer and Tai's house first.

'I need to see Yin too. Gods only know how Salem will treat her, being so far away from any large settlement.' Qrow ran his hand across the back of his head and gestured Yang to stop.

As soon as the flamed dispersed, Qrow readied another question. "You wanna be a Huntress still, right?" A question which Yang immediately nodded to.

"Of course! Why?" Her voice laced with suspicion and anticipation.

"Answer this last one first, Firecracker. Why do you want to be a Huntress? No answering for her, Ruby." Qrow warned the previously excitable Ruby before she could open her mouth.

"I wanna hear this from the heart, Yang. I know it's a lot to ask a thirteen year-old but-" Yang shook her head and flashed an ambitious smile.

"I wanna travel the world. Maybe even beyond..? At first, I wanted to prove to Yin that I wasn't going to stay weak. That I was gonna catch up to her and beat her, so we could stay together- AS WE SHOULD- Ahem.." Yang coughed into her fist before continuing. "But that changed. Except for the defeating part! I wanna fight her. No, now.. I want to get stronger so I can travel the world with her, help a few people and maybe even do some good along the way. Of course, when the time's right I'll drag Ruby along too..!"

Ruby nodded thrice, though it seemed she already knew Yang was going to say that. Hearing her aspirations, Qrow smirked and thought how perfectly 'Yang' her ambition was. She was always an adventurous, if a little brash, kid.

"Well it's a fine goal. Not complicated, some room to add a few more goals in there and.. best of all, not unrealistic, like saving all of Remnant or wiping out every Mythic Class Grimm." Qrow snorted to himself in amusement.

"How about I introduce you to a friend of mine? He knows some stuff about magic and can teach ya. He's.. a family friend too, so don't think I'm introducin' you to a weirdo, alright?" Yang blinked in surprise before the offer registered for her.

"Woah, really!? Man.. I thought I'd have to wait 'till I met Yin again. Controlling fire comes easy but I bet there's more I can do." Yang muttered in excitement.

"Yup. You'll just need to show him like you did me. Oh and.. your parents too. They'll need to know why Ozpin's taken an interest in you at this stage."

""OZPIN!?"" Both Ruby and Yang exclaimed at once.

"Oh.. Yeah I totally forgot to mention his name huh?"

Needless to say, the Xiao-Long/Rose household was pretty hectic that night. And though Yang's physical changes were hard to miss, some of the more subtle ones would go by unnoticed. One such being the fixation on her sister, and the subsequent rush she got when thinking about seeing her again.

Though she wasn't alone in such feelings..

[AN: Got sick last week. Plus the lack of any good RWBY fics doesn't motivate me as much. Hope you enjoyed the Yang update regardless!]

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