
Chapter 655: Red Sea Turmoil (Part 8)_2

From the look in Oliver's eyes, Shiller knew he must have misunderstood something. Shiller did indeed want to stir things up, but he wasn't planning on grooming Oliver to be a subordinate. After all, he himself was no longer a part of the KGB.

As for his claimed identity as a spy from the Soviet National Security Bureau Sixteen, it was nothing more than a casual fabrication. He didn't know which department he belonged to, he just chose a pleasant-sounding number. After all, he had no idea which department the actual Shiller had joined within the KGB.

"All I want is to prevent these tragedies, to relieve all those who feel pained because of them." Oliver extended his hands and said, "I know I should be like Hal, saving every person I can. But perhaps I'm being overly ambitious. Every time I think about the fact I cannot save everyone, I feel deeply sad and helpless."

"I've always been looking for a way to solve all these problems once and for all. I know Arthur and Hal both think I'm daydreaming, but I can't help thinking. I really want to find an answer."

"When I was in college, I already had these thoughts. My classmates thought I was strange, and it was because of this that I was introduced to Marxism. I hoped it could provide me with an answer. At that time, I felt I did find the answer, the only solution... "

"However, as more and more incidents took place, especially the tragedies I witnessed in Mexico, I began to doubt that answer. Because none of these theories provided a means to stop such tragedies. I wanted to find a new answer, but I didn't know where to start..."

"Have you ever considered that it could just be half of the answer?" Shiller looked into Oliver's meeting eyes, and Shiller didn't say anything more, just pushed a couple of books forward on the table, and then said,

"I think, if you read about the people who have actually put these theories into practice and concluded what they found, you might be enlightened."

Oliver swallowed hard, looking at the books. His fingertips trembled slightly. He was scared that this wouldn't be the right answer. But at the same time, he was also afraid that it might be.

Because he knew, if he really found the complete answer, he might have to sacrifice his life for his excessive morality and conscience, dedicating himself to a cause he could never complete on his own. This made him feel unparalleled excitement, but also a bit of fear.

When he opened the first page of the first book, when he read the first sentence, he knew. As he was falling into the endless abyss in complete darkness, he caught a glimpse of the first light of dawn.

"The most important distinction among the masses lies in the class, determined by the economic foundation. The bourgeoisie and the proletariat are always in opposition to each other, and their conflicts are irreconcilable."

Reading further, Oliver felt his heart beating fast. The sentence read,

"If the proletariat wants to overthrow the bourgeoisie, violence is the only means."

Meanwhile, Kira and Lila had located the person currently in charge of Quin Group. His name was Williams, a shareholder of Quin Group, who was primarily responsible for the group's sea freight business.

When the CIA and the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration showed up together, Williams did not resist and confessed everything.

The reason being that the 1984 Drug War led by Congress had gone all in. No matter who you were, if you got involved with this kind of business, there were ways to make you disappear silently.

Even though it was the end of the Cold War, the 'Lighthouse' of that time was still burning bright. Although not as strong as a few years ago, it was far better than what came afterward. Decisions were made and executed efficiently, and because of this, the last drug war left a deep impression on some who lived in Seashore City, including Williams.

"My brother died in a shipwreck, but I know it wasn't an accident. I know you guys did it, the US Drug Enforcement Administration... Just because he wanted to fully cooperate with Guadalajara, you guys made him disappear..." Williams explained tremblingly.

"But you guys have to know, many people profited from it. I had no choice. If I ban all these types of businesses, I would be killed the next day. They would find someone else who is more useful. I can only do things this way..." Williams said sobbingly.

"Who are 'they'?"

"There are too many people involved, I can't..."

"Speak their names one by one." Lila took out a tape recorder and said: "We offer protection to informants, on the condition that you provide sufficient information."

Williams sniffed, his plump body shaking continuously, appearing somewhat comical. He hesitated for a long time, before affirming, "You have to promise to protect me and my family, especially my child who was just born not long ago…"

"That's exactly why we came to you." Kira tapped on the table and said: "You're different from those who do anything for money. Williams, we know that, so you have a chance."

Williams swallowed hard. "Alright then, Old Tott is one of them. He's been pressuring me the most... Paul, and Paul, that Italian man, he managed to get through the customs relationship..."

Williams mentioned several other names. Kira and Lila exchanged glances, and Lila asked, "What about the Quinn Family?"

"Them?" Williams hesitated for a moment, then said, "The old Quinn couple are dead. The one taking over the Quinn Family, Young Quinn, is good for nothing. He messed up the business. I'm not clearing him, but with his business skills, I doubt he can even understand this kind of business."

"As far as I know, Old Tott seems to have arranged a shipwreck just because he didn't want Young Quinn to get involved in this business, afraid that he would hinder their money making. They wanted him to be buried at sea."

"But to their surprise, Young Quinn survived the disaster and is reportedly coming back. I guess they must be plotting to kill him again..."

Sensing that Lila and Kira were staring at him, Williams wiped the sweat off his forehead. He pondered for a moment, then suddenly exclaimed: "Oh! Right! Even though he's not involved in drug trafficking, there is definitely another issue with him…"

Williams wiped his sweat again and tremulously said, "One of my subordinates overheard Old Tott saying he had something on Young Quinn…"

"What information?" Asked Lila.

Williams glanced at Kira and said, "This probably falls under the jurisdiction of the CIA, it's that..."

"Oliver Quinn... He's colluding with communists."

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