
Chapter 38 To Kill Du Yu, The Beginning Of Darkness In Queluo City

In the ambulance.

Su Sheng sat in it, and he got into the car with the medical staff.

Both Du Yu and Wang Lan were unconscious, and their clothes were soaked in blood.

"Am I going to die?" Du Yu was a little fuzzy.

Blood seeped from his chest cavity.

This was the reason for being pierced by glass shards, but Su Sheng had already done emergency treatment when he came.

Su Sheng is a forensic doctor.

He will naturally deal with this urgently.

"You'll be fine." Su Sheng responded calmly.

heard the words.

Du Yu didn't respond, his consciousness was a little fuzzy.

The person fell into a coma after this.

Su Sheng was silent.

He looked at Du Yu, and then at Wang Lan who was on the side.

Wang Lan's injury was lighter than Du Yu's. It seemed that Du Yu protected Wang Lan at the moment the car hit.


The male nurse accompanying the ambulance sighed.

This Du Yu is very dangerous, even if he is rescued, he may face the possibility of disability.

Su Sheng's eyes flickered.

He was thinking about how to save Du Yu.

Su Sheng doesn't have many friends, but Du Yu can be said to be his best friend.

If Du Yu could be saved, he would.

As far as Su Sheng knows, the medical level in this world is about the same as in the previous life!

However, these are just appearances.


This word came to Su Sheng's mind.

This is the key to saving Du Yu. The countermeasure bureau has super technology that surpasses the world's medical performance.

The reason why the Killers are extraordinary is because they have a special mixture.

This is the genetic mixture proposed by the countermeasure research institutes of various countries from the monster at a great cost.

...Go to the Countermeasures Bureau to grab it?

When Su Sheng thought of this thought, the gleam in his eyes became even brighter.

Thinking room.


The ambulance arrived at the hospital.

There are professional people over there to respond.

And outside the door, there are some foreigners waiting, dressed in black suits, tall and straight.


The moment Su Sheng saw these people, he immediately knew who these foreigners were.

This is a foreign soldier.

Jingle Bell...

The phone rang, and there was such a sentence from the connected side.

"Su Sheng, I'm in some trouble. The person who bumped into Du Yu has some identity."

"I know."

Su Sheng knew the reason just by looking at those foreigners.

Military status?

"I heard from a colleague of the criminal police that the police station encountered obstacles in arresting him.

That person was the son of a major general of the Star Empire, and he was also a soldier of the Star Empire.

Wanting to arrest him, the Star Empire diplomatic embassy has already made representations.

Oh shit.

The Star Empire..."

The colleagues in the police station scolded in a low voice, looking a little annoyed.

Su Sheng chatted for a few words and hung up the phone.

He saw Du Yu's parents coming over.

"Su Sheng, Du Yu, is he okay?"


Su Sheng shook his head, "Don't worry, the rescue is immediate, and the doctor is dealing with it now."

Du Yu's parents, two middle-aged couples with gray hair.

After hearing Su Sheng's words, they felt a little relieved.

But there was still concern on their faces.

Then everyone began to wait for the results from the doctor in the emergency room.

Waiting together were Zhang Ya and the others, as well as those tall and straight foreigners.

The perpetrator is no longer here.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The door opens.

The emergency room doctor came out.

Everyone present looked over.

"We have already dealt with it, but now the two injured Wang Lan has passed the critical period, but Du Yu has not yet passed the dangerous period, and it will take a night of observation."



Du Yu's father Du Xingye's expression changed drastically.

Du Yu's mother Wang Mei burst into tears.

On the other side, Wang Lan's parents also came at this time.

There were five foreigners there, among them the female interpreter next to the leader translated the words.

Then the leader said something to the translator.

The female translator walked towards the doctor.

"Excuse me, what is the specific situation of Du Yu?"

The doctor looked at Du Yu's family members, and spoke up after getting their consent.

"Du Yu's situation is quite special, and after passing the dangerous period does not mean that he is safe.

If he recovers, he will also have cardiopulmonary disabilities. If he is not disabled, he will need long-term medication in the future. "

Hear here.

Du Xingye was a little overwhelmed, and kept talking about how this happened.

The female translator's complexion changed, she went to the leader and explained what happened here.

The leader nods.

He whispered to someone.

Then he walked to a nearby corner and entered the corridor.

Su Sheng saw this scene in his eyes the whole time. Others couldn't hear the movement, but he could.


He heard the leader on the phone in the safe corridor, speaking the language of the Star Empire.

"The two women should be fine, but the man's condition is not good.

Let's see if I will die tonight, it's fine if I die, if I live, I need long-term medication.

Yes, this is the case.

I think that if possible, that person's death is the best result.

If you are dead and private, you can pay the money once to settle this matter.

If it doesn't die, it's very troublesome and may cause us to give money for a long time.

But if we want to kill this person, it is difficult for us to deal with it. This is the Yangtian Federation. If it is discovered, it will cause...

Okay, I know.

We are in charge of negotiating and leaving the rest to the employer.

But be quick, you have to do it tonight, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

By the way, I have already arranged people for you. It is safest to leave the Yangtian Federation and return to the Star Empire as soon as possible. "

The leader is holding a phone conversation.

Then hung up the phone.

He came out with a calm expression, walked towards this side, towards the translator.


Su Sheng glanced at the leader.

He heard all the conversations between people.

...they're going to kill Doo Woo.


The leader suddenly stopped, and he looked at Su Sheng.

For some reason, he suddenly felt a strange gaze.

Looking at Su Sheng.

He glanced twice and retracted his gaze... It must be an illusion.

Su Sheng also glanced at him.

Look away.

He glanced at the time, it was still some time before night.

"I have something to go out." Su Sheng said to Zhang Ya.

"Well, go get busy."

Zhang Ya wondered what Su Sheng was going to do, but she didn't say anything.

Before leaving, Du Yu's parents quarreled with those foreigners.

Du Yu's parents were dissatisfied with foreigners talking about money at this time, and their words were cold.

Su Sheng walked out of the hospital.

When listening to the leader's conversation just now.

Not only did I hear the content about killing Du Yu, but there was another content.

The foreign perpetrator who ran the red light, he wants to return to the Star Empire, and leave the Yangtian Federation as soon as possible through special channels.

...damn him!

Su Sheng drove away.

He is going to find the foreign perpetrator. If that person leaves, he will definitely avoid all the eyes and ears of the police station, and the police station will not find him.

But it doesn't matter, he has a way to find someone!

There is a black light in its pupils.

Terrible darkness spread out.

Dead silence, cold...

The Dark Ghost Realm opened violently and exploded in all directions.

East End.

Cholo City has four districts.

The darkness suddenly fell, and the day suddenly fell into darkness...


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