


I have watched as you dreamed about being reincarnated. What world would you like to go to? Twilight was always my dream, ok you get 5 wishes you may state them now?

My first wish I would like to have an archangel bloodline. Why do you want an archangel bloodline? Because I always liked watching high school dxd, I loved Gabriel in dxd. She is my favorite angel. OK, State your next wish.

My second wish is to have an ancient saiyan bloodline because I love watching Dragon Ball and always dreamed of what it would be like to be a saiyan, but to have full control of my mind when I transform. Ball and always dreamed of what it would like to be a saiyan but to have full control of my mind when I transform.

My third wish is to have only female mates because I have never liked men. You may now state your fourth wish. My fourth wish is to have a gamer system with the capabilities of multiverse travel with my mates when I find them. Now you may State your final wish.

My final wish is to be immortal and make my mates immortal with me. I would like to spend eternity with them. OK, I can grant your wishes, but with you being an angel you are. Essentially immortal, but as a bonus, I will make you the Goddess of creation.

I have prepared you a surprise when you get there good luck and have a great new life.

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