
A new story

Something kept calling him, drawing him closer as he stared at the flier in his hand.

He took his phone out of his pocket and he searched for the company's site on his browser.

He was soon brought to a colourful page with multiple options, he had to turn his phone brightness to the lowest in other to concentrate on the letters.

After successfully stopping his eyes from going partially blind, Abe started scrolling through the page.

There was a welcome menu for new applicants/writers, an option that redirects the writer to his/her own writing space, an option that teaches a novice how to write, what to write and the things not to write.

There was an option for editors, there was an option for translators and there was an option for readers, in this case the readers are redirected to the app.

Strangely enough, Abe felt familiar with this kind of thing even though he hadn't done something like this before.

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