
Chapter 4: Make me forget

She stopped looking me in the eyes.

I had a strange expression on my face. A mix of surprise and confusion.

"Sorry for what?" I asked.

"F-For… wanting to…" she tried to finish her sentence but her words were interrupted by a hiccup.

I saw some tears falling from her eyes.

She started a silent and whispered cry while she was sitting on her knees with her hands on the floor.

"Ema…? Why are you crying…?" I became very worried about her and i wanted to comfort her.

Even though my instincts were telling me not to get close to her, I still wanted to.

"Ema… come here." I said while trying to hug her. 

"Don't do it. Don't do it. Stop. I don't-" she said while she moved away from me, dodging my embrace.

Her gesture surprised me, in a negative way.

"Ema… what's happening?" I asked again, but this time my voice was full of anxiety and fear.

She then looked at me, right into my eyes and with a very cold expression she said:

"I'm sorry. I just thought you wanted to get away from me… that you didn't love me anymore… that you wanted to get rid of me... and i was feeling very sad when Arai-Sensei talked to you. I was very jealous…" She then smiled.

"I'm sorry. I guess I'm very sensitive lately. Everything about you is making me extremely angry or happy, and that includes jealousy too. I'm sorry. It's just that... i'm so scared to lose you, Fumi." Her arms then wrapped around my neck.

She apologized to me.

She has never been jealous of Arai-Sensei. Never.

I decided to believe her. Just this once."

I'm sorry if i've been distant during this period, Ema." I said while embracing her.

Her grip around me tightened a lot, like she didn't want to let me go.

She then kissed me again.

A salty kiss, maybe because of her tears.

She then parted from my lips and whispered "I love you, my love. Please always protect me.". 

Her eyes were wet, but i could feel that what she said was genuine.


I will, Ema." I replied while giving her a small kiss on her forehead.

"Let's go to sleep now, okay?" I added while patting her head.

She nodded at me, blushing heavily.

We then got up and went upstairs to my room.

We even forgot to clean the kitchen. 

When we entered the room, i saw that my bed was already prepared to sleep along with the other one next to mine.

"I think my mother predicted this turning out of events." I thought in my mind.

"So, Ema you'll sleep he-" after turning my head to her, I could see that she was already naked.

Her bra and panties were on the floor along with her clothes.

"Fumi…" she whispered in a very sensual tone of voice while getting closer to me.

I blushed really heavily, not expecting her to be so wild.

"Ema… You're beautiful." I said to her.

"Hehe~ Thanks…~" she said while pushing me on the bed and getting herself on top.

She was really… excited. I could see.

She took off all of my clothes in a very short time.

"Fumi… you're… beautiful…" she said before sealing my mouth with a deep and passionate kiss.

The kiss was… bitter than usual. Salty. 

I couldn't explain it in words. It wasn't 100% natural.

But despite all my negative feelings, i still decided to enjoy our time together.

I wrapped my arms around her back while she was on top of me.

I grabbed her butt with both my hands and squeezed it hard.

"Kyah~!" She exclaimed in a very aroused way.

"F-Fumi…! You're so… naughty… hehe…~". She added while caressing my lower part.

I pretended not to hear what she said and kept going.

I was really excited.

"Please… Fumi… I can't wait anymore… do it…" She said while breathing heavily and pressing her body against mine.

She was really excited too. It seemed like she was waiting for this moment since forever.

I remained silent.

My negative feelings were blinded by lust.

"Make me forget… Fumi…~" she said.

I stopped my movement, very surprised by what she said.

"What? Forget what , Ema?" I asked.

She looked at me. It seemed like she panicked.

She mumbled some strange words before saying.

"M-Make me forget what happened earlier… Fumi."

She said, while laughing nervously.

"…" I remained silent.

She pressed herself against me again.

"Do you want me to take the lead this time, Fumi…?" She asked.

I didn't answer. 

"I'll take it as a yes…" She said.

She was trembling.

She then grabbed my thing that was still pretty hard and she put it inside her.

"Aaaah~! So good-! I missed this!!" She exclaimed in pleasure.

I wasn't feeling anything. I was still worried about what she said earlier but my physical reaction didn't stop me from keeping doing the act.

I was inside Ema. It was so hot and tight inside her. 

She laid her head on my chest while she started shaking her hips.

My body moved on its own. My mind was blank.

"Ah! Yes! Fumi! It feels so good!!" She said while speeding up her movement.

I could feel every thrust inside her. 

I started moving in harmony with her too.

"Ah? F-Fumi?! Ahhh!" She moaned loudly.

Luckily my room was locked and nobody could hear our session.

Without noticing, my movement became really rough. 

"Ah! Fumi?! So rough! I love it!!" She said while still shaking her hips.

"I love this!!!" She added.

I kept staying silent. My body was speaking for me.

I didn't care about anything anymore. In my eyes and mind there were only lust and sexual pleasure.

We kept going for a lot of time. Ema seemed to have loved every movement I made. 

After a while, we both reached our climax.

Before knowing, i released all my seed inside Ema.

"F-Fumi…? D-Did you come inside…?" She asked, while still breathing heavily.

We were both exhausted.

"Y-Yes… I'm sorry…" I said.

Ema came close to me and hugged me.

"It's okay… I started to take the pill… and today is a safe day." She whispered to my ears.

I felt relieved by this.

"Now… I'm satisfied… shall we go to sleep now, love?" Ema said.

I could feel sincerity this time. Like the normal Ema was returned.

"Yes… let's go to sleep…" i said.

We both lay down in my bed.

Ema clung to me. Her head was on my chest, her left arm on my chest and her leg wrapped around mine.

"Ema…" I whispered while playing with her hair.

"Y-yes..?" She asked.

"I love you." I said.

"…" her body twitched at my words. 

She stopped moving.

After some seconds I could hear a sniffle.

"M-Me too, Fumi." She said with a shy smile.

I smiled at her and closed my eyes.

After some seconds, we both fell asleep in each other's arms without even knowing. We were still naked, with our bare and sweated skin touching each other. 

It was such a pleasant feeling.

But for some strange reason , I still felt like something was off. 

I had the feeling that Ema was hiding something from me.

*I love Ema too much. I don't want anything bad to happen to her.

She deserves the whole world.

She's precious.

I love her.*

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