
Chapter 8: "The D-D-Devil"  

In the Land of Rain when the world has come to a halt to all its conspiracies and war. another one seems to be taking place here at this very moment 

Danzo and his men just ended his meeting with Hanzo regarding the new upcoming force and were camping someplace remote in the land of rain.

Danzo sitting in the center surrounded by the Elite Root squad 

One Root shinobi updating about the happenings in the shinobi world to Danzo

Danzo: It seems we need to hurry and finish the job here and move back to our land as soon as possible, how are the things with Hazno when is he luring out Akatsuki?

Root Anbu: he's still negotiating with them and trying to set up a meeting point

Danzo grunts: Tell him to speed up, I need to head back to the village. I cannot waste too much time here especially when I don't know where the land of fire may end up, tell him he has a maximum of 3-4 days to round this up otherwise, I am going back.

Root Anbu: Yes, Danzo-Sama

with a poof, he vanishes.

Danzo: The rest of you scout the perimeter of the island and find the best place for the vantage point.

Root: Danzo-sama our scout has already identified a place for the best vantage point, Should we leave for it?

Danzo stares at the root with a half-open eye stands up and asks him to lead the way


some distance away from the coast they all stop 

Root: there donzo-sama that house (points in the distance at a lone house in the middle of nowhere) 

Danzo inspects the surroundings and agrees nodding this seems to be the best spot, what about the house is it empty

Root: Currently a father and son seem to be living there

Danzo turns to root and says

Danzo: You know what to do

Anbu: Yes, Danzo-Sama.

Meanwhile at the house Currently a 10 year old kid seems to be alone preparing wood for his father trying his best to help out his father in his own way, till he came back from nearby forest by collecting food.

he's happily humming some local tune with wobbly steps carrying weight several time more that his size on his shoulder and moving it inside house.

at this moment sound of distant footsteps can be heard a boy face brightens thinking his old man is back hurriedly drops the weight off his shoulder and rushes out with a big smile

Boy: Welcome back Fath.....

and pauses mid way noticing the two strange men with a scary mask coming his way instead of his old man

his face from a bright smile turns pale in seconds remembering the legend about ninjas and how his father warns him to not turn into a ninja if do runs away.

the boy swiftly turns around in the direction of the forest and starts running he may have taken just a few steps when two more ninjas with scary masks surround him from the forest direction. 

boy trembling looks around trying to find a way out but finds himself being surrounded from front and back on both sides

his face ashen and wet from continuous tears dropping from his eyes due to this unknown fear he starts shouting for his father but to no avail

boy turns to shinobi: p-p-please l-let me go-o

but in response to his plea he feels a sword piercing his back and coming out from the front, he slowly looks downwards and finds the sword coming out of his chest unable to believe that his life is coming to an end tries to call out to his father name

but he stops breathing and falls face-forward into the mud

at this moment root felt a rustle in the branches and a man came out sweating carrying a basket of fruits and meat on his shoulder just then he stopped and looked at the surrounding ninjas looking at him his face turned pale but before he could make sense of what was happening he saw one ninja stepping on a little boy and taking out the sword from his corpse

his mind stops working everything goes blank and before he can even react to the death of his son he feels a sharp pain in his chest he slowly looks down he finds a kunai stabbed at the centre of his chest and he starts losing his strength and basket from his hand falls down scattering fruits and meat on the ground.

he kneels and lies down face-front feeling the life slipping away from his body.

but at this moment an unknown amount of anger consuming him which is keeping his soul attached to his body otherwise he too would have died

Man (thinks internally): My son... I am sorry... I couldn't protect you (then laments at his life) what wrong did I this to the world to deserve this?? I Couldn't even protect my family back then my wife now my son... THESE DAMNABLE NINJAAASSS. 


I don't care if I turn into to devil just give me strength, please....

at this moment he feels a strange calling to his soul and he turns his head slightly to his left he finds that among the fruits he brought back one of the fruit starts to change shape and it turns purple and weird gas seems to be floating around it.

he grabs it slowly puts that fruit in his mouth and swallows it whole. and he can swear it is the worst-tasting thing he put in his mouth in his entire life.

Meanwhile, Danzo arrives at the scene nods to his root members and orders them to clear up these corpses 

 Acknowledging his order one moves towards the boy to pick him up and the other moves towards the man lying face-front in the ground beside bushes.

Danzo then starts moving towards the house but 


everyone turns towards the shout and finds a root member kneeling beside the man holding his neck as if struggling to breathe.

Danzo turns to the rest of his Root members and gives the order: GO

everyone immediately takes the position to surround the man 

two rushes from both sides trying to pincer him with the sword the one in the back successfully manages to pierce him and the one in front after reaching a certain range falls right next to the previous root.

the one in his back sticking the sword through his back feels something is not right but before he can move back 


and gas cover three of them for a moment and in the blink of an eye all three drop dead.

the gas withdrew and the figure of a man standing in between the gas started emerging

Danzo unfazed by the death of his men squints at the man standing, who at this moment happens to be looking back at himself with uncontrollable blood lust, his eyes showing rage but his face surprisingly calm a stark contrast on him what you can see

Danzo: Who are you?

The man rushes towards Donzo and shouts: the man whose son you fuckers killed...

A root jumps in front of Donzo and casts an Earth-style: Swamp of the Underworld

the land beneath the man starts turning muddy but the man unfazed turns his feet into gaseous form and starts floating.

everyone was surprised at the fact that man could fly as previously they hadn't seen anything like it. but their hand signs do not stop for a moment and they cast Wind-style: Wind Blade

A sharp blade shot towards the man divides him into two but before the people could sigh in relief his body came together again 

Man Shouts: GAS ROBE

and again, his body expands and covers Root Shiobi nearby and as soon as they come into contact with the gas they drop dead

Danzo realizes finally what this trick is about and commands his remaining three subordinates

Danzo: Be careful that guy's body is in gas form just like The Hōzuki clan who can do Hydrification Technique he can somehow turn himself into gas and if I am not wrong he can control air to hence those two from the first time clutches their throat and gasps for air he can deprive them of air in a certain range and that robe of his deadly poisonous hence people dying as soon as they came in contact.

Danzo then again stares at that with interest in his eyes and ask: which clan are you from, I haven't come across someone as interesting as you in my life.

the man ignores Donzo's question and stares down at him from sky

Donzo: No answer huh?? don't worry once i catch you i'll get all your secrets

then with a slight grin, he continues: I now know about your gaseous body and just like Hydrification has weakness of thunder I am willing to bet you too must have an elemental weakness

the man finally shows some emotion but that of anger and rushes towards Danzo again shouting: You talk to much just drop dead.

Danzo: Finally couldn't hold on huh...?

he puts his hands together and casts a Fire-style: fireball jutsu..

Next chapter