
Flashback: The 9th Ranked Player 


Destiny Fall.

The game received Game Of The Year Award for 5 consecutive years. 

It was the dream game of every gamer. From legendary quests to diverse abilities and gears. The game had everything.

The most praised feature of Destiny Fall was Randomization. The random changes in every new game made sure the players were not bored of playing the same content.

However, when the game remained uncleared for 5 years, Randomization became one of its most hated features.

People were now cursing the difficulty that had been praised to heaven. 

Ten years passed like that. Destiny Fall became a meme game, only played by masochist gamers.

And today….

"Hufff! Hufff!!!" 

Breathing heavily, I stood over the giant corpse. It dwarfed a planet and commanded the legion of Ten Evils.

Daeva, the Ancient Evil God.

The unbeatable boss was at his last breath. 

"It's time to finish this damned game!"

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