


["I...think...I understand..." The boy muttered and the old man laughed.

"Good! Now boy! Since you are a good child, I have a present for you!" The old man started to rummage through his clothes before pulling out a pack of cards, "You said you want to be a hero, right?"

"Uhm!" The boy bobbed his head up and down in agreement, "I will become a hero!"]


"Then this toy will help you become one! See here!" The old man showed the boy the cards proudly. The elder leaned down so he could whisper in the boy's ear, "Don't tell anyone but this is a secret toy that allows you to transform into a superhero."

"Ueeeeehhh?!" The boy exclaimed in awe, "You mean the one like the one in a movie?!"

"Yep! Now keep your voice down!" The old man said in a chiding tone and the boy clamped his hands over his mouth in a childish manner. "These cards will give you the power of a superhero!" The elder grinned and showed one card to the boy. It pictured a knight wearing armor who was holding a sword straight up, "This is the Saber-class card! Someone who possesses mastery over the sword! Their sword skills are so great that even Gods would be awed!"

"Hooo!" The boy let out impressed grunt, "Like King Arthur?!" He asked eagerly.

"Yep! Like King Arthur!" The old man nodded in agreement, "Here is the second!" This time, he pulled out a card that showed someone calmly posing with a long lance, "This is the Lancer-class card! Like Saber, who wields a sword, Lancer uses a spear! You know Zhao Yun from the game Dynasty Warriors? That guy is a Lancer!"

"Hueee! Cool!"

"And here is the Archer-class! This one is like Robin Hood! You know, the hero who stole from bad rich guys and gave it to the poor? Yep! That's him! Archer-class!"

"Robin Hood!" The boy squealed with a grin, "Irina often wanted to play a princess. He then asked me to become Robin Hood and rescue him, dunno why, I mean, he is a boy." He said with a slight scowl at the last part.

The old man only let out a bark of laughter while thinking, 'Oh, if only this boy knew what awaits him in the future...'

"Anyway! This is the Berserker! This is a hero who is angry when their precious person or princess gets killed. Remember Superman when he thought Louise Lane had been killed? That was an example of the power of the Berserker-class!"

"So... Is Berserker always angry?" The boy asked, "That's not cool! How can I save people if I am always angry!" He pouted and crossed his arms.

"That depends on you. Didn't Superman's enemy lose when he became a berserker?"

"Well... Yes, I guess..."

"Hahahaha! Anyway! This is the Caster-class! You know the Harry Potter books or those magical girl anime? Yep, those are Casters!" The old man said and this time the boy made an 'o' with his mouth while making impressed noise, "And this is the Rider-class! You know Kamen Rider who always rides a bike? Yep! That would be an example for a Rider!"

"Kamen Rider Kuuga!" The boy grinned while making the iconic transformation motion with his hands and the old man laughed again.

"And this is the Assassin-class! Have you heard of ninja before? The ones who walk on the walls and hide in the shadows? Yup! Those are Assassins!" The old man grinned, seeing the boy making hand seal and covering his face with an upper part of his cloth while saying 'Nin! Nin!' Really, children were always amusing "And now the last one is this!"

The boy stared at the card eagerly. However, his expression became confused and he looked back at the old man, "Umm Ji-chan...The card is blank..."

"Yep! This card is blank, boy! Among the 7 classes, this one is special! If you pick this card it will be suited only to you and try to pick what class is best for you! If you have talent for becoming a swordsman, then it will become a Saber-class card!" The old man explained and the boy nodded in understanding, "You can only choose one, boy, so which one are you going to pick?" He asked and the boy puts thoughtful face. The old man could see the boy was really thinking about his decision. He just remembered something important though, "Oh, by the way, what is your name, boy?"

"Ah! My name is Hyoudou Issei!" Ise declared proudly and the old man grinned.

"Well, my name is Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg! Nice to meet you! Now pick your card!"

"Ummm...well...I choose..."


???-So?are you done? -

"Yeah, yeah, I'm done! What's with that tone? You sound like an old stupid relic!"

"You are one to talk,old troll! It is not like you are in your prime anymoreold "


" ... ... Are you sure this will be interesting?"

"Of course I am! I have seen this boy's life! There are so many possibilities for him! But most of them always turn him into a pervert. And since I was rather bored, I decided to make things different! You are not angry, are you?"

Hmph@I don't care, though I'm surprised actually,Nevertheless,as long as it is interesting ,then I will help you"

"Hahahaha thank you, Mister Red! I assure you won't be disappointed!"

"It better be...vampire...it better be....I will await the result now I onto more important matters I shall go for corkscrew Dive this time hmmm...say vampire got any idea on that little head of your's ?

....."ahhh...I was in a world where these beasts called pokemon live and there was a move called Drill Run.you can try that..let me show you".....

[ In the original story he has Emiya but I was thinking May be change so tell me which class should I give if you want change? And which Heroic spirit should it be?.For instance I can make him have Archer card of Gilgamesh though him acting like gilgamesh will make me write a lot differently but imagining him sneering on Raynare like "who gave you permission to ask me on a date you stupid birdl?how delusional are you to think this King cannot see throw your childish disguise mongrel " is quite hilarious ]

Please tell me if you want this to be harem or not .And please comment on which Card and servant you want him to be..

Arc_Dragoncreators' thoughts
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