
Obsession [2]


I took a deep and steady breath to calm my trembling mind. The shock from the situation settled down rather quickly as I analyzed the situation calmly. 

'This is without a doubt my phone.'

From the model to the wallpaper—A simple white background with a quote in the middle that read; "Efforts Never Betray you." 

It was a quote that came from a book I particularly liked. 

"Do you know what this is?" 

Unknowingly, Pebble had climbed over my shoulder and looked down at the phone in my hand with a curious look. 

"....It's strange. So bright." 

Pebble reached out to touch the screen with its paw. 


It displayed a surprised expression the moment it noticed the screen change with just the touch of its paw.

"It changed. How peculiar..." 


I waved Pebble's paw away from the screen and started to fiddle with it. 

Next chapter