
Never stopped smiling [4]

The second act started shortly after the end of the first act. 

There was no large break. 

The play continued where it left off. As the lights turned on, Aoife and Julien appeared to be facing each other at what appeared to be the entrance of the Academy they were attending. 

Wearing a small cap and long black robes, they both held onto a small rolled-up paper. 

It was the day of their graduation. 

[Why are you still here?] 

Aoife's eyes narrowed in annoyance as she addressed Julien who stood on the opposite end with a smile on his face. 

[Can I not be?] 

[....Leave me alone.] 

[You still haven't smiled.]


Aoife visibly shuddered, mimicking the expression of some of the people in the audience. 

[You're being creepy. Can you just leave me alone?] 


Despite her warnings, Julien didn't seem to take them to heart as he scratched the back of his head and laughed. 


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