
Chapter 210 – Undeads vs undeads.

ClownFrog and the lich armies were clashing with each other.

The dead were slaid over and over from both sides, but that did not bothered the necromancers one bit since they would just another undeads when other died.

The players tried going after the ClownFrog, thinking that he was being distracted by controlling the army of the undeads, but it was opposite.

ClownFrog didn't need to bother to control undeads now that he powered them up.

Making his hands free.

"[Necro Bomb]."

ClownFrog blowed up the group of players with the necrotic spell, completely massacreting them with just one attack.

Some other players tried going after him, but they were quickly blowed up by the lava spells or were cut to pieces with the wind spell.

Pretty much, they were getting annihilated with the spells alone.


(Weird…. Their actions seem… More reckless?) – though ClownFrog.

Next chapter