
Chapter 35 – Idiots who wants to get killed.

Our mission in this kingdom is to carry out Amaran revenge and revive the queen of Arrianhi Umil.

However, things are very difficult right now.

The first problem is the several lack of information regarding many different areas.

The second problem is that we don't know what we would be dealing with while traveling and we would sooner or later fight against people of this kingdom or even a players, so we have to make sure we strong enough.

And the third problem is the psycho prince that was our target is now a freaking king! He was known for doing something stupid or cruel for entertainment when he was still a prince, even slaughtering and burning entire demonoid village that Amaran lived in. So, we have to make sure we are ready for some of his random bullshit.

Right now, our goal is to gather the information and the best way to do it is from the cities or even better to the capital city. However, getting to the city or capital will take some time, so it won't be just a day or two of traveling whole day.

On top of that we don't know what we will run into while traveling, so we will be obviously have to do quests and hunt monsters to level up and get stronger, meaning we can't just rush it to the capital.

"So slow and steady approach then?" – said GreyHunt.

"Well, I think so? I mean, we still don't know if we will get any means of transport in the first place, so we don't know how long our travels themselves would take, even if we were to just head straight to the capital." – said ClownFrog.

"…. Fuck…. Wait. How far is the dessert from our current location?" – asked Shri.

"Em let me check. Amaran gave us the map of the kingdom." – said ClownFrog.

"…. Em…."

"We are literally on the farthest end possible and if we want to get to the old Umil kingdom territory, then we have to cross around a half of the entire country." – said ClownFrog.

"…. Is it very far?" – asked Shri.

"…. Yea. The country stretches quiet far." – replied ClownFrog.

"…. Fuck me in the ass…" – said Shri.

"Well, the good news is that if we want to get to the old Umil kingdom territory, we have to go through the capital, so it's not that bad? Yay?" – said ClownFrog.


"Well, at least those are good news?" – said Oron.

For 3 days straight we were farming nonstop, leveling up quite quickly and before long we reached level 85 and tried to quickly finish the last quest that involves taking down field boss Pig Man Chief before we began traveling again.

There is also good news. My [Basic Burning Necromancy] finally reached level 10, and became [Standard Burning Necromancy], unlocking a lot of new skills that I obviously had to grab. However, some option seems to be still locked that are related to 3 skills I got from burning necromancy before. My guess is to unlock those skills I not only had to evolve [Basic Burning Necromancy] but also get these 3 skills to level 10, some of the necromancer class tree worked this way. Well, the skills I got from burning necromancer are quite close to level 10 anyway, so I will just save up the points

Well, not exactly. I got this skill, since it seemed useful.

[Summon: Burning Head] – [Cost: 40 Skill Points]

[Active] – [Cost: 200 Mana]] – [Cooldown: Each head has its own cooldown.] – [Category: Spell / Summon / Necromancy / Fire]

[Summon an undead flying skull engulfed in fire monster called Burning head. The Burning Head that possess a range fire attacks and can fly.]

[The amount of Burning head you control is equal to this skill level. Current max amount of burning heads: 1]

[When the burning skull is destroyed, it will have 1 hour cooldown before it can be resummoned again. Cooldown reduction doesn't influence the death penalty time.]

Pretty much, this skill is VERY GOOD. This skill doesn't require a corpse to make the burning head. 

This undead monster is very like Shri dark night owl. It flies around and shoots projectiles at the enemy. The only downsides is that they don't have a lot of vitality or health, meaning they can be killed quiet quickly. Pretty much they are glass canons.

Well, their size isn't that very big plus they can also fly, so it's not like they can killed that quickly.

Also, another thing. My current necro master!

[Undead Mastery: 529{+605} (+273)] {} – Skill and title bonus. () – Item Bonus.

A freaking 1407 Necro Mastery stat!

I can literally summon all of my undeads with easy! Even the upgraded ones that have their cost increased.

I can literally have an army!

This just straight up feels like cheating!

Well, there is also the fact that undeads are definitely weaker than average player. People would be able to kill them left and right, especially the skeleton servants. I keep upgrading them since they have a lot related skills to them, allowing me to level up multiple skills at the same time.

Honestly, now that I think about, is that army even good? I mean, having a horde of undead is cool and all, but won't a group of players just kill them without a problem?


Well, I have to just find out in action if that is really truth. Just in case I had learned some offensive skills and even increases by health and vitality for survivability. I learned hard way that putting everything into necro mastery, intelligent and mana isn't good.

When I fought GreyHunt before, he didn't hit me that many times but my HP was dropping like crazy.

On top of that, there is a good chance that enemy will aim for me, instead of bothering dealing my undeads, since if I would die, the undeads would go down as well.


Anyway, let's stop talking about myself and focus on the current situation.

After having each of us reach level 85, we decided to complete the last quest. Hunt down the field boss the Pigman Chief before we head out.

But obviously things were too peaceful.

"Piss off! We are taking a boss!" – said a male orc player.

"…. What?" – said ClownFrog.

A group of 10 players suddenly appeared out of the blue when we were heading towards the field boss.

"The fuck do you want?" – asked GreyHunt.

"None of your business. We are just taking the boss for ourselves. It doesn't matter if you like it or not!" – said the male orc player while holding an axe.


(Right. We are no longer in Jih city, so people that try to be PK players won't be put under extreme pressure that was made by Land Pirate guild incident.)

(Pretty much, as soon as they got out, they no longer mind being PK players. They think they are the hunters here.)

(We are the highest level people in here, but a 10 player party is still quite powerful, even if they all are level 10 or 20 below us. So honestly, they have good chance of beating the boss or taking players higher level than themselves.)

(Well, it was quite peaceful for quiet long time, but it isn't that bad really. We have yet to see how well we handle players now!)

"Kill them." – said ClownFrog.

"On it." – said GreyHunt before quickly firing both of his guns.

GreyHunt quickly aimed with both of his guns and shot at two players, hitting on in the shoulder and other headshoting him, killing him as the result.


The male orc quickly turned around and saw one of his party member dying instantly, catching him and the rest of the party members completely off guard.

The entire enemy party was shocked by the sudden death of their party member, but it wasn't the end of it.

The male orc player quickly turned around and saw ClownFrog making a magic circle appear on the ground.


The male orc quickly leaped straight at the ClownFrog with his axe in hand, ready to strike, but-

"Too late." – said ClownFrog.

Suddenly, a horde of undead monsters appeared and blocked the man path and began attacking him.

"Necromancer?!" – said the shocked orc player after barely blocking the attack from the burning zombie.

The man continue swinging his axe left and right, using skills, killing the undead monsters in order to get close to the ClownFrog.

However, the undeads that were blocking his path were undeads from the [Undead Book].

The rest of the enemy party regained their focus after their leader began fighting the ClownFrog and tried helping him, but suddenly from behind the Purple Hyena guild members, a horde of undeads appeared and rushed at the enemy.


"W-WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!" – said one of the party members after an army of undeads approached at them.


"W-wait! Too -MANY! HELP!" – shouted the party leader while being surrounded by undeads from all sides.

The party leader continue killing undeads, but before long he ended up being swallowed by the army of undeads and killed.

A big confusion and panic erupted between the party members because by the sudden death of their leader and appearance of the undead army.

But their panic and fear only helped the Purple Hyena guild.

While the enemy was still confused of what just happened, Shri suddenly ambushed them from the side with her monsters, attacking and one of the players even ended up being grabbed by bite ant princess jaws before being crushed to death.


"Watch- "

One of the party members tried saying something, but from behind a crossbow bolt flew and pierced him right in the head, killing him.

Some players tried to run away, but as soon as they did, one of them were shot dead. 

From the opposite side to Shri, GreyHunt was standing, holding his guns.

"W-what the fuck!? What the fuck are they?!" – shouted one of the players.

4 vs 10. The results should be obvious since the party had number advance with them, but unfortunately for them, they ended up picking the wrong people to fuck with.

The hunters were never the hunters. They were preys without them even knowing that.

"F-fuck! Stay back! I SAY STAY BACK!" – shouted one of the party members while the army of undead approached to him.

One by one, the party members were killed.

"Ah, don't kill that one yet." – said ClownFrog.

"Oh, okay." – replied Oron while pointing at the close range with his crossbow at the laying man on the ground.


"W-what- "

"If you are wondering, no. We won't let you live. You picked the fight, so you should have been prepared for this possibility." – said ClownFrog.

"Honestly, I was expecting bit of challenge or something, but man, you guys were pathetic."

"You are nothing more than a fifth rate bullies or something. Maybe before you try to act all high and might, try maybe become at least good in fighting or something."

"Anyway, this is warning. If you fuking bother us again, we will fuking destroy your asses. Got it?" – asked ClownFrog.

The scared party member instead of speaking nodded his head in response.

"Good boy. Now. Zombies. Blood dead. Eat him alive." – said ClownFrog.


"W-wait -AAAAAGH?!"

The last party member was brutally murdered by the undead monsters.

"Tch. Well, this was big disappoint. I fuking wanted to test out so much stuff! Why the fuck they died so easily?!" – said ClownFrog.

"Well, maybe we became too powerful? I mean, we did get a lot of upgrades and we are now very good at team work with each other and all." – said Oron.

"Hm. Yea. Still, it was quiet disappointing. It's not like it was easy for us to beat 10 people, it was easy because they were overconfident idiots. Fuck me. That was quiet a waste of time just dealing with them." – said GreyHunt.

"Honestly, they kind of reminded of your previous party. You know, those guys that you worked with at the forest. They kind of died similar way because they were overconfident and were looking down on me."

"Oh, those idiots. Yea I remember them. For fuck's sake. You weren't overpower or something back then or anything, but they somehow manage to fuck that up. Jezus." – said GreyHunt.

"But I honestly don't mind. It was fun crushing those arrogant bastards and even traumatizing them in the end. That kind of one sided beat down and showing off our power is very villain like and I like it." – said Shri.

"Oh yea. If you think about it this way, it now makes the whole situation funny and entertaining." – said GreyHunt.

"I think so too. I honestly liked the part when we could see the fear in their eyes! I think being bad guy is more fun than I though." – said Oron.


"I take it back. It was worth our time and it was fun." – said ClownFrog.

(Well, I also learned something as well.)

(Just I suspected, my undeads are WEAK compare to the average. That guy was able to kill my undeads left and right and even those guys that were fighting desperately killed a lot of undeads.)

(I lost around 2/3 or maybe more of my undead army. Even though I have huge numbers, they mean nothing if the enemy is strong enough to take them all head on.)

(On top of that, if the situation was bit different and they would not lose their cool so quickly, the situation would probably more dire. I would lose all undeads and since there was no corpse I could use, I could not replace any undeads.)

(I guess I'm not as OP as I though.)

"Oh, some of them dropped something!" – said Oron.

"Huh. Sucks to be them." -said Shri while collecting the loot off the ground.


"Anyway, lets quickly beat up the boss and be done with it. We have a lot of things to do." – said ClownFrog.




[The current stats of ClownFrog and skills.]


[Level 85] 


[Basic Stats]

[HP: 2530/2530] [MP: 5530/5530] [SP: 1430/1430]

[Health: 253(+20)] [Mana: 354 (+199)] [Stamina: 123(+20)]

[STR: 94(+20)] [AGI: 94(+20)] [INT: 304(+150)] [VIT: 129(+20)]

[Extra Stats]

[Undead Mastery: 529{+605} (+273)]

[Unspent Stats Points: 0] 

[Skill List]


[Standard Necromancy]-[LVL6] [Undead Book]-[LVL6] [Create: Lesser Skeleton Servant] – [Level 10] [Skeleton Servant – Basic Upgrade]-[LVL10] [Skeleton Servant – Bone Weapon]-[LVL10] [Skeleton Servant – Basic Weapon – Shield]-[LVL10] [Skeleton Servant – Basic Weapon – Spear]-[LVL10] [Skeleton Servant – Basic Armor]-[LVL10] [Bone Darts]-[LVL10] [Necro Shot]- [LVL 10] [Create: Lesser Skeleton]-[LVL10] 

[Create: Skeleton Servant]-[LVL9] [Create: Zombie] –[LVL6] [Create: Skeleton]-[LVL 5] [Skeleton Servant – Upgrade]-[LVL10] [Bone Arrow]-[LVL5] [Necro Bomb]-[LVL4] [Dead Reinforcement]-[LVL5] 

[Burning Necromancer]

[Standard Burning Necromancy]-[LVL1] [Undead Evolution: Lesser Fire Fusion]-[LVL9] [Burning Skull]-[LVL9] [Burning Ribcage]-[LVL8] 

[Summon: Burning Head]-[LVL1] 

[Blood Necromancer]

[Basic Blood Necromancy]-[LVL5] [Create: Lesser Blood Dead]-[LVL3] [Blood Bone Arrow]-[LVL2] [Necrotic Blood]-[LVL2] 

[Unused Skill Points: 80] (Total of 910 skill points out of 990 were used by the ClownFrog.)



[Necromancer Over Necromancer] [Amaran Helper]


[ClownFrog Skills that weren't explained yet.


[Basic Burning Necromancy]-[LVL10]-> [Standard Burning Necromancy]-[LVL1]

[80 necro mastery points for each level of [Standard Burning Necromancy].] 

[Bone Arrow] – [Cost: 20 Points] 

[Active] – [Cost: 120 mana] – [Cooldown: 15 seconds] – [Category: Spell / Necromancy]

[Shoot a projectile made out of the bone, dealing magic necrotic damage upon impact.]

[Damage: 100% Intelligent stat +10% X times current skill level.]

[Necro Bomb] – [Cost: 20 Points] 

[Active] – [Cost: 350 mana] – [Cooldown: 1 minute] – [Category: Spell / Necromancy]

[Shoot a magic projectile of concentrated necrotic energy that explodes on contact, dealing magic necrotic damage to the all targets hit by the explosion. The explosion doesn't deal damage to your undeads.]

[Damage: 200% Intelligent stat +10% X times current skill level.]

[Dead Reinforcement] – [Cost: 60 Points]


[Increase all stats of your undeads by 0.5% times the current skill level. Current buff: 2.5%]

[Blood Bone Arrow] – [Cost: 30 Points] 

[Active] – [Cost: 200 mana + 200 health] – [Cooldown: 15 seconds] – [Category: Spell / Necromancy / Blood]

[Use a user creates a projectile made out of the blood that deals magic necrotic / blood damage to the target.]

[Damage: 150% Intelligent stat +10% X times current skill level.]

[Upon hitting and dealing damage, heal the user for 5% of the damage deal to the target.]

[Necrotic Blood] – [Cost: 10 Points] 

[Active] – [Cost: 150 mana] – [Cooldown: 15 minutes] – [Category: Spell / Necromancy / Blood]

[A special healing method used by the blood necromancer. Can be used on the undeads under your control, yourself or your allies. The amount of healing done is equal to 1% of your max HP times the current skill level. Current healing value: 2%.]

[If the target is undead under your control, the healing is doubled. The cast range when targeting your undead creatures is doubled.]

[This skill healing effect isn't affected by the skill performance increase effect.] 


[Class type skills grow.]

[Class skill like necromancer or burning necromancer require points to level up, they gain 1 point each time the class from their skill tree gets level.]

[Example: Necromancer skill [Bone Dart] level 10 gives 10 points.]

[Some classes are related to one another and can influence each other grow. For example, the necromancer class and the burning necromancer class are both related to another, meaning they can boost the grow of each other.]

[The [Necromancer] and [Burning Necromancer] can receive 1 point per 2 levels of the related class skills from a different class.]


[Bone darts – level 10] – [Skill from the necromancer skill tree.]

[Necromancer] +10 points.

[Burning Necromancer] +5 points

[Burning Skull – Level 10] – [Skill from the burning necromancer skill tree.]

[Necromancer] +5 points.

[Burning Necromancer] +10 points

[This mechanic also works with different classes, for example skill from class B has level 1 and skill from class C has level 1, meaning the class A would get 1 point.]

[The epic rarity class [Blood Necromancer] needs 3 level of related class level skill to get one point, meaning the level 9 [Bone Dart] or [Burning Skull] would only give 3 points.]

[Class skills doesn't give points as well as special skills that are connected with them, such as [Undead Book] or [Undead Page].]

[Class skill points requirement per level.]

[Basic Necromancy]

[5 points to level up.] [2 levels from related class skills = 1 point.] [Needs 45 points to reach level 10]

[Standard Necromancy]

[15 points to level up.] [2 levels from related class skills = 1 point.] [Needs 135 points to reach level 10]

[Basic Burning Necromancy]

[10 points to level up.] [2 levels from related class skills = 1 point.] [Needs 90 points to reach level 10]

[Standard Burning Necromancy]

[20 points to level up.] [2 levels from related class skills = 1 point.] [Needs 180 points to reach level 10]

[Basic Blood Necromancy]

[10 points to level up.] [3 levels from related class skills = 1 point.] [Needs 90 points to reach level 10]

[Necromancer] has 134 points in total.

(+11 points bonus from other classes.)

[Burning Necromancer] has 27 points in total.

(+69 points bonus from other classes.)

[Blood Necromancer] has 5 points in total.

(+31 points bonus from other classes.)


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