
Chapter 11 – Oh. He is the real deal.

"Wh- "

ClownFrog quickly turned around upon having his shoulder pierced by something, but as soon as he did that, his other shoulder ended up being pierced as well, making him in the end fall on the ground.


(What was that?!)

"My god. One time they went to do the job without and they all got killed. On top of that I send them against one guy. ONE GUY!" – said the male voice.

While looking around, trying to spot the person talking, ClownFrog noticed a gun barrel suddenly appearing.

Upon noticing it, ClownFrog quickly moved his head right before bullet hit where his head was just a moment ago.

(Shit! that almost got me!)


"Oh? You dodge that. Wasn't expecting that."

Suddenly from shadows a man holding a gun appeared.

The man was wearing a leather armor and his mouth was covered with skeleton bandana.

On the man belt there was 2 guns and the one gun the man was holding in his right hand, making it total of 3 guns.

(Guns? He has guns?!)

"Necromancer huh?" – said the man after noticing the skeletons nearby.

"I heard that necromancers are pretty shit and the undead they use are quite weak as well."

"But you somehow manage to kill all of them? That interesting."


(This guy is probably the leader of these PK players. On top of that, he doesn't seem like those small flies from before.)

(The gun he is holding look similar to the revolver. So far, he shot 3 times, so does he have 3 shots left? Or by any chance his gun is different from normal revolver.)

(And there is also something off. Normally when the gun is fired you hear it, but I couldn't hear any of these 3 shots he just shot besides the sound upon the impact.)

(Does this gun has a silencer attached to it? Or is it a skill?)

(Or this is not an ordinally gun.)

(In any case, what do I do?)

(Right now, I'm lying on the ground and I'm easy target.)

(This guy seem to be quite good when it comes to the guns. I can't look down on him like I did with those 4 from before.)

(If I try to get up, this guy will obviously shoot me. Even now he is aiming his gun at me.)

(I can order my skeletons to move, but he will obviously notice that and shoot me.)

(I still have some skeletons in my [Undead Book], but will I summon them in time? We are talking here about bullets flying straight at me.)

(Hitting a vital points such as hearth or brain or any other weak spots usually deals more damage and if that guy bullet would headshot me, the result should be obvious. I don't have lot of HP or any defense skills or anything. Headshot could kill me.)

(I need at least second or a half to start summoning the creature before this guy pulls the trigger.)

(However how do I do it?!)

"What the fuck do you want? Are you with those PK guys?" – asked ClownFrog.

"Obviously you idiot. If not, why I would shoot you." – said the PK player.

"Ha. I got to give it to you. You have guts trying to PK in here. The area is swarming with players around here." – said ClownFrog.

"Heh. Do you really think I would worry about something like that? Besides, I made sure that there won't be anybody here."


(So that why I didn't saw any players around here. He killed them all.)

(Based on the thing he said, by the look of things he did that alone.)

(Fuck me. This guy is dangerous.)

"Anyway, give me your clock and your staff. They look quite good. Do that and I let you go." – said the PK player.

"Hm…. That doesn't sound as a bad deal."

"See. Then hand it over."

"But that only would be if I was a total idiot." – said ClownFrog.


"I see. I guess there is no use talking then."

The man pulled the gun trigger but as soon as he did that, ClownFrog manage to somehow manage to quickly lift up his body up in his current position, moving it just enough and making bullet that was just shot from the PK player gun hit his cheats instead of head he was aiming at.


"!" - the Pk player saw ClownFrog somehow dodging the attack.

The PK player tried shooting another bullet but when he tried that, the remaining skeletons from the [Undead Book] were summoned and took the hit themselves.



(It was freaking gamble. My tail was behind my back the entire time and I used it to give my self a little boost, just enough to make the attack not lethal.)

(Good thing those practices with the tail came handy.)

"GET HIM! – shouted ClownFrog. Ordering his undead that were standing nearby to attack the enemy.

The skeletons that were standing still just moments ago rushed straight at the PK player.


The man quickly retreated back behind the trees and skeletons fallowed.

However, when one of the skeletons got near the tree, it head was cut off by the man short sword.

(Fuck me. Did that guy received some sort of assassination training or something?) – though ClownFrog while hiding behind the tree.

ClownFrog quickly got out of the hiding and threw a [Burning Skull] at the enemy, however –

"[Power Bullet]!"

The PK player quickly aimed his revolver he was holding in the other hand and shot it the skull, making it explode before it got near him.


(Oh shit.)

In the next moment, ClownFrog shot [Necro Shot] at the PK player, however the PK player also shot his gun at the ClownFrog. In the end both of them ended up getting hit with ClownFrog getting hit in the torso.


ClownFrog quickly hid behind the tree and took out a potion while the PK player was still fighting against skeletons.

(FUCK ME THAT ALMOST KILLED ME! I barely have any HP left.) – though ClownFrog while drinking potion.

(This guy is good. VERY FREAKING GOOD!)

(He can't be compared even tiny bit to those trashes from before that I could take out with ease.)

(That gun of his can deal lot of damage and he seem to even have skill related to the gun.)

(There is good chance he has a class related to the guns and may even have some other gun related skills.)


ClownFrog quickly left the tree he was hiding behind and shot another [Necro Shot] at the PK player, however this time the attack hit him and did not shoot back with his gun.

(He shot 5 times with that guy and one time when using a skill. Does using a skill uses a bullet?)

(Either way, I can't let him reload and I have to watch out for the other two guns he has on the belt.)

(I need to end this quick. This guy is killing my skeletons left and right and I can't take him on alone.)

ClownFrog once again revealed him self behind the tree and tried to throw a [Burning Skull], however as soon as he tried aiming with it, he didn't saw the PK player until he spotted his undead looking up and before he could look as well, he heard sound of guns being fired and at the same time got shoot two times in the chest.


From above, on the tree branch the PK player was standing with two guns in his hand that were previously on his belt.

The man quickly then put the two guns back on the belt and took out a short sword from his inventory before jumping down and trying to slash the ClownFrog, however ClownFrog quickly dodge the attack, but the PK player continue attacking him with his sword. 

ClownFrog tried blocking or dodging the attacks, however most of the attacks were landing on him because of the opponent higher speed, making ClownFrog lose HP at rapid rate even though he just recovered using potions.

"Just- "

ClownFrog head butted the PK player right in the head.


The attack may seemed like it did something, but it barely pushed the man back and he quickly got up because of the low [Strength] stat that ClownFrog had.

However, it did gave opening for the skeletons to attack from behind, landing few attacks before the PK player quickly retaliated and killing some skeleton monsters in the process.

That gave a chance for the ClownFrog to quickly step back and shot [Burning Skull] at the PK player head one, this time hitting him.

ClownFrog then fired [Necro Shot] and [Bone Darts] at the PK player, not giving him a chance to recover.


"Fuking...Bastard." – said the PK player while having his body slowly starting to fade away.

Before long the entire body of the PK player disappeared and a bandana, he wearing on his mouth dropped on the ground.

"Fuck me…. I lived. That was way too close. Quickly drink potions before something kills me." – said ClownFrog while taking out multiple bottles of healing potions.

(If I didn't drinked potions that time, I would probably die long ago.)

(I used the undead to keep him in check all the time and not let him recover at all. Based on the way he fought, he seem to realized that and focused on killing me at all cost before he died himself.)

(He was very close. I barely have any undeads left because of him. The two guns he fired seem to only had 1 shot each. I was lucky. If those guns could shot more, I would get fucked big time.)

(He could take on multiple hits from the skeletons as well as some of my attacks. He was also faster than me and his attacks from the sword were dangerous.)

"I was practically helpless when he got near me and from afar, he could use the guns of his."

"Fuck me in the ass. I got to admit. He was so freaking good. Now I kind of get why those bastards from before were so overconfident, because they had THAT GUY."

"I wonder if he would go pro or something with his skills."

(But anyway, he dropped something.)

[Apip Skull Mouth Bandana]

[A bandana that covers the person mouth. Was once worn by gunslinger bandit Apip.]

[Rarity: Rare]

[Defense: 10]

[Increase all stats by +5]

[+8 Health]

[+8 Stamina]

[Durability: 100/125

[Restriction: Level 20]

"Oh. Seem quite good."

"But anyway, fuck me. I really need to take a break after that." 

Next chapter