
a cold welcome

The rain was ice cold as we hopped off the Hogwarts Express. "Blimey!" Exclaimed Tim

"Quick to the carriages", shivered Grant. The five of us made a mad dash to the carriage. Luckily, they had their tops on. Only one problem: the carriages hold four people. So I decided to catch the next one as their carriage rolled off I stood in the cover of the station I jumped in astonishment as the next carriage pulled up. I waved my wand and dried myself as I waited for other passengers.

I rolled my eyes at who climbed in. Draco malfoy, Pansy parkisen and Gregory goyle.

"Greg, Pansy, Draco," I said in greeting.

"Whose Greg?" Asked Pansy. I looked at her like she was an idiot, for one she didn't know her friends first name and two she couldn't use deductive reasoning. So I just pointed a goyle.

"He goes by Goyle", said Draco.

"Really, I remember a conversation where he said he preferred Greg. Remember the first year you were thanking me for telling you where the dining car was," I said the last to Goyle.

"Yeah, you still remember that?" Goyle asked.

"Wait, really, you like Greg better than Goyle," asked Draco, looking at Goyle like he just realised he was a person.

"Kind of but nobody uses it" he said "but it's okay, I you continue to call me goyle". The carriage got quiet.

"How much can you bench Greg," I asked, looking at the muscled thirteen-year-old.

"Ur don't know what you mean?" He said.

"Wait, you don't lift weights?" I asked, shocked.

"Oh yeah, my dad makes me lift weights." He said

"So, do you know what a bench press is?" I asked.

"That's the lying down one, right?" He asked and I nodded. "150-160 pounds", he shrugged.

"Dammmm. We should work out together; I can only do about 120 at the moment," I said, flexing my arm.

"But there's no gym at the school," Greg said confused.

"We're wizards well make a gym" I said with a smile "you and vinny going to do quidditch this year, you'll probably be good beaters?" I asked.

"Wait, who's Vinny?" Draco asked.

"Crabbe, your other only friend. His name is Vincent," I said.

"And he likes to go by Vinny?" Asked Draco.

"I don't know, never asked. I give everyone Nicknames." I said.

"What about me." Asked Pansy.

"I give guys Nicknames; otherwise, I would get my eyes clawed out." I joked.

"Yeah your right" Pansy said.

"So what about me then?" asked Draco.

'Stuck up, whinny bitch, my father will hear about this, Richie rich, stick in the mud' these names ran threw my head."Well, Draco is short, but Dre might be a good Nickname," I said.

"Like Dr. Dre?" Asked Greg. I looked at him with genuine and absolute shock.

"You know who Dr. Dre is?" I asked.

"Ye.. I mean, no, what are you talking about." He quickly denied it. "Oh, look where here?" Greg made a mad dash out of the carriage. Followed by Draco and Pansy.

I used the umbrella spell, got out of the carriage, and walked through the entrance courtyard. Walking up the steps into the castle, I met Professor McGonagall in the entrance hall.

"Ah, mister Carter, I hope you're okay; Professor Lupin sent an owl ahead". She said.

"Fine ate lots of chocolate", I said, "though I'm looking forward to real food."

"Just a moment before heading in, I need to have a word with you and some others beforehand." She smiled at me.

"I promise I'm fine. I don't need madame Pomfrey to check me over," I said.

"I hadn't thought of that, but that would be for the best too," Professor McGonagall said.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione entered the castle.

"Mister potter miss Granger I need a word In my office with mister carter here" she said.

And led us three to her office.

Madame Pomfrey was waiting, and she fussed over Harry; when she heard I had fought one off me, she fussed over me, too.

Dementors were vicious creatures but if you manage to get away they leave no lasting wounds. You feel better after a day shorter if you eat chocolate.

"Mister Potter, you may go and here, Mister Carter, the real reason I brought you here" Professor McGonagall handed me a stack of papers. "Dumbledore has a task for you."

I opened the paper. It was a permission slip, four permission slips, in fact, and a letter.

-This year will be hard on the students' emotional states. I request minstrel Carter to bring revelry and merriment to Hogwarts. Signed Dumbledore with all his titles-

"I accept", I said and walked out to catch up with Harry. "Ghastly things, those dementors, hey," I said to him.

"Uh yeah," he said and hurried away.

'Odd', I thought as I entered the great hall and saw people staring at me. I quickly joined my friends and started feasting. I passed Grant and Tim their permission slips.

"Is this for real, free reign to set up gigs and parties," Grant asked.

"Well I'm going to assume if we want to say use the great hall that would require more permission but we could do gigs every weekend in the grounds or a courtyar" I said.

"But why?" Asked Tim.

"I suspect we're about to find out" I turned to see Dumbledore approaching the podium.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts." Dumbledore said, "Now you may have realised by the search of the train, but Hogwarts will be playing host to some dementors this year as they will be working on ministry business." Dumbledore paused. "They'll be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Dementors are not fooled by disguise or invisibility cloaks. Dementors can not understand Pleading or excuses. so that nobody will leave the grounds without permission." He warned.

"On a happier note, I welcome our new professor, Professor Lupin, taking over the defence against dark arts." There were some degree of applause. "And I am sad to say Professor kettleburn has retired, but I am happy to welcome our new care for magical creatures professor, our own games keeper, Hagrid." This got a lot of applause.

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