

I sat in the living room of the Malhooks the next day, flipping through their photo albums. "What are you doing, Eddie." Mrs. Malhook looked over my shoulder.

"Looking for any more photos of her?" I pointed out Lily in a picture I had taken out.

"Lily Evans?" Mrs. Malhook asked, "Why?" She asked.

"Well, her son is also at hogwarts, Harry potter" I answered "He's also an orphan" I cleared my throat. "I promised I'll send him a copy of any photos I have of his mum."

Mrs. Malhook gripped my shoulder. "Have you asked Severus if he has any?"

"I did, but its complicated, James potter, Harry's father, and Professor snape they didn't get along." I said, "We hated each other, and Severus loved Lilly; Harry apparently looks exactly like his father." I sighed.

"So why doesn't Harry have any pictures if his family is sure her sister has some." Mrs Malhook asked as she opened another album and started to search with me.

"They were attacked by a dark wizard; Harry was the only one to survive; actually, he's pretty famous because of it; the dark wizard was defeated that night, too," I started to explain. "Harry's aunt is a muggle, I think she was jealous of her sister aperently they hate magic, his uncle particularly hates it, they tried stop him from going to hogwarts." I smiled as I pulled out another picture.

It took an hour but we had found five pictures, but I would only send four of them, the last had severus and lily and I promised severus that I wouldn't tell harry about his relationship with Harrys mother. I headed out to town. There was a photocopy place where I could make copies. I got all 5 copied; however, when I returned home, Henley had returned too. I left my window open so he could get into my room, on my bed was two letters. I would read them later. First, I wrote Harry's Christmas card and put the four pictures inside. Sealing it up, I planned to send it later. I took the last and headed down the road, arriving at severus house I pushed through the gate and knocked on the door.

I waited a few minutes to see if he was home. He was not.

I lay on my bed, headphones on, and listened to music. I was listening to the Nevermind album, considered one of the best albums of all time, full of teen angst and grungy tunes. I read the letters from Tim and Grant. Tim was Tim, he said it was cool that he's a pureblood but, hoped I didnt change, then he was going his life, it seemed his parents where happy he was home and his dad was happy that he got into drumming.

Grant's letter was much more aware; he offered condolences on my loss and invited me to visit. I thought about it, but I kinda wanted to be alone.

My sadness hung around me until Christmas morning. Spinner's End is not a happy place, and it seems to act like a dementor at times, with its cold, uncaring looks and depressing atmosphere. Sometimes it felt i was trapped in a Dickens novel for how depressing the street felt.

Then I came down the stairs on Christmas morning to make a cup of tea, and I saw the presents. I had completely forgotten that I would receive presents, I had been in a state of shock and grief since the inheritance test, that I couldn't think straight. I made my cup of tea and sat in the living room looking at them.

Mr and Mrs Malhook came downstairs to find me watching the Christmas presents.

"Well, aren't you going to open them, boy?" Mr malhook asked

"Don't wait for us, Eddie", Mrs. Malhook said.

I smiled and got stuck in. The first I opened was from Hermonie, she had gotten me a book of course. No One Here Gets Out Alive. The biography of Jim Morrison, the lead singer of The Doors, is out alive. I smiled because it looked like a good book. Next was Neville, he had sent some candy and we'll wishes.

Dean had sent a poster, pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. Susan and Hannah sent chocolates. Grant sent probably best gift which was a record player and a few albums on vinyl, his Christmas card said his dad said that turnly good music only came from vinyl. The albums are all good, all old rock: Led Zeppelins IV, who's Next Album by The Who, AC/DC's Back in black and Aftermath by The Rolling Stones. Also, he said that his dad was over the moon when Grant played crocodile rock on the piano, his mum not so much, but it seemed like Grant and his dad had been bonding over music. Tim sent me a guitar pick and some chocolates.

The Malhooks got me a new jacket; I thanked them with a hug. The presents reminded me I was not alone and had made some good friends in the last few months.

The rest of Christmas was merry; the Malhooks bot enjoyed my gifts, matching robes and slippers. I also got Mr. Malhook a new pipe and Mrs. Malhook a new knitting needles and wool. Christmas dinner and movies on the television. I went to bed with a smile on my face. I couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts. However, I couldn't play music without magic, so I would have to wait a week.

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