

Jaspa was representing the entire community of Blacksmiths in the Sanction, or in other words, he was filling the important shoes of Broden Iron.

Finally, there came two more chariots. From one stepped out Uri Von Cillion and her two children.

With a smug but entitled face, she harumped and quickly walked over to a seat to the right with her chin in the air.

Her children stood beside her, seemingly growing more impatient by the second.

And from the last chariot came a nameless noble. What was he there for? Who knew? Probably something important.

But, did anyone care? Nah...

He sat beside Uri.

But then, a few more people stepped out of the chariot.

Nect, Heimdall, Lenox Jeve, and a few other knights from the young man's squadron.

They walked to the right side of the judge's throne.

Next, it was time for the opposing party to join.

Instead of Raith, Sol was led through the crowd by another knight this time.

Next chapter