(Author note: When dialogue is encased with a [*], it means that the words spoken are not able to be understood by Sol. Most of the time, this will be due to a foreign language.)
The sun had officially escaped past the horizon. Chill winds began to flow past the trees, as life within Jetai slowly began to hide itself.
These cool winds brushed against the dark green skin of a small goblin that was walking under the thin canopy.
*This will last us about a week.* He said out from his small dry lips.
His head was long, just like his nose that protruded out from the center of his face.
His head was a bit too big for his small scranny body, which was only donned in a leaf skirt over its crotch.
*Yeah... when are more humans going to enter our cave for training? We could use their armor and weapons to barter with the lizardman tribe.*