

Days passed and soon, the silly rumours about me magically died. For more than a week, I didn't Austin. Meanwhile, Anthony, my brother had all of us busy preparing for his wedding. Since I had not gotten the chance to experience one, it was quite an experience for me.

Though my mother didn't like Celine, it didn't stop her from getting involved in the wedding preparations. Everyday came with a different agenda that my mother brought up because of the wedding.

One day, we were supposed to go to a fashion house, to check our clothes for the wedding. From the moment, the rooster woke up and croaked, my mother woke up. That morning, I was still sleeping with my body tangled up with Rowan's when I heard a loud knock on the door.

"We really should stop waking up like this." Rowan groaned, half asleep. Out of habit, I buried my face in his chest as he wrapped his arms around me tight.

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