
Is That Edible?

The trek took us about thirty minutes, thankfully with nothing attacking us. Neither of us talked, we just walked until we reached the rock formation. It was large and hollowed out in the middle, providing a natural barrier against the elements and any potential threats. There were signs that travelers or hunters had used this spot before, with remnants of old campfires and makeshift seating from boulders.

"We can set up here," I said, looking around for a good flat wall.

"I hope you brought stuff because this armor does have a lot of places to put things," Lilliana sighed with her visor still up.

"Even though I know you are tough and strong, I figured that we might use my workshop bedroom," I explained 

 with a grin as I found a good place on a rock, and pulled out 2 spheres that pulled apart. I stuck them on the rock in the shape of a door, and lines of power connected them, and a metal door appeared. 

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