

It had taken three full days for Aurelia to recover and seven for the Arcana they had expended to be replenished. It was longer than any of them had expected, but there wasn't much they could do with how thin the Acana was within the Isle of Vatar compared to Trinity. 

Presently, Zariel was sifting through the messages held by his Iris. Despite the seven days that had passed, none of the members of the Order had managed to retrieve the Atrium. Despite their speed, mining required Precision. One spark from an Atrium Deposit with enough force could implode the island, if not the planet.

Reluctantly, he stood to his feet, stretched, and turned to Aurelia. "Let's head back to the ship." 

"Must I?" Aurelia said. Despite all that happened, she wanted to continue, if not for herself, then for Kura, who was either dead or alive. 

"Unfortunately… with your current reserve, you'll have no issues recovering lost time. But you'll need another bracelet." 

Next chapter