
What Did You See?

"You know, I saw something really interesting on the bus a few days back when I went over to the town next door." I cleared my throat, feigning casual curiosity and starting my act.

"Oh? What was it?" 

Her head perked up, eyes instantly sharp, as just like the neighbourhood aunties, Nina really liked gossip and wasn't willing to miss any piece of information floating around.

But of course I couldn't pull my rod so quickly and needed to wait until she's more invested, so I glanced away, as if reconsidering, and said, "Hmm, actually…Maybe I shouldn't say. It's not exactly a topic I can talk about openly." I hesitated, letting the suspense build. "It's kind of an 'adult' topic that I don't think you can handle."

"What do you mean by adult? Why are you hesitating when I'm actually the adult in the picture while you're still in school?" She narrowed her eyes, her brow furrowing. 


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