[Request Completed: You have earned the God of Radiance Wisteria's appreciation and satisfaction]
[The God of Storms Synthia appreciates how you didn't take the easy way out by choosing Nina's waist ornament for the colour yellow]
[An anus that was both blue and violet, a vagina that had a purple outline, verdant eyes and skin that was green all over, ears that turned orange when shown in the sunlight, red blood linings that could be seen on the walls of her vagina, and finally a yellow tint of her urine...The God of Stars Noella is surprised by the number of variations of colours you found on Nina's body, especially the different shades of indigo and purple you found near her rear]
[The God of Harvest Ivanova thinks that the second heart you have created on Nina's body is quite beautiful and invites you to make one on her as well, when you reach the Heavens]
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: