
Make Me Bleed

"Why don't we start off with you first kissing my buds, Kafka?" 

Nina said as she held up her heavy breasts on her own and pushed them next to Kafka's face, like she was daring him to take a bite of her forbidden fruits. She then teased Kafka by caressing his lips with her own nipples in a way she was painting on his lips with her nips and continued saying, with a provocative look in her gleaming green eyes,

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?...You'd just love to give your wife's naughty little nipples a kiss, wouldn't you, Kafka, my dear husband?"

"It would be the greatest pleasure in life to give your nipples a kiss, Nina."

Kafka bowed his head to Nina's request in a respectable manner, like he was a knight about to carry out his lady's order.

This little bow made Nina's nipples that were rubbing against Kafka's lips move upwards and poke his nose instead, which almost made Kafka sneeze with how ticklish it felt. 


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