
Nina Valeria

"Ahh, help me out, bro!~ Call the police or something before that crazy woman comes back!" One of the guys on the floor reached out to me and cried out to help them out, thinking that I would take their side just because I was a man as well who would understand their situation. "I swear to God that gorilla will break our bones if she comes back, so quickly help a brother out and take me to the car outside...I'll even pay you if I have to if you can bring me out of this wretched place!"

The man slowly got up while clutching his stomach, which looked like it was severely bruised and looked like he was asking me to support him outside. 

I wanted nothing to do with the man, and I was about to kick him right back so that they could get the judgement they deserved. But before I could do anything, I heard a majestic shout from a lady who sounded like a proud lioness from the side. 

"Just who are you calling a gorilla, you thieving bastard!?"


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