
Missed Opportunity

"Did you really have to go that far just to provoke me, Kafka, and make me act out in a certain way you wanted?" Bella asked in spite but didn't dare look at me too harshly since she was still afraid of me. "Especially when my mother still has a potentially venomous spider on her chest?"

Camila jerked up when she was reminded of her precarious situation and looked at me with pitiful eyes to help her out instead of playing around. But I ignored her for a second and first said to Bella,

"Is there anything that's really considered going too far if the end result means that a caring mother can now finally talk to her daughter as to why she's been behaving in such a disrespectful manner to her, her whole life, after finding out that the daughter actually does actually care for her mother and has hidden it for whatever reason, which you two can discuss later after I leave, since I don't want to be involved in soppy family drama?" 


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