But even though her round and soft breasts were in plain sight, I ignored her chest that was heaving up and down and bursting out of her half-opened blouse for now and gave the warm bra I had in my hand to Camila and said,
"Here...Now you don't have to worry that your daughter will roam around wearing such clothing ever again, and as a suggestion, the next time she buys clothes, you can also ask her for the receipt and pictures of what she bought to be safe."
"Huh? What am I going to do with such a dirty thing?" Camila poked the bra while wondering how anyone could wear such a revealing piece of cloth. "Just throw it in the trash or the compost pit outside, since I don't need such a shameful cloth in my house as it would only make my house filthy if it stayed here."
"No... think it's better if you keep it."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: